of the suitors by having his minstrel strike up a wedding tune in
Odysseus is scared of the Cyclops. 2018 Islamic Center of Cleveland. Athena only physically engages in the battle once Odysseus and Telemachus have proven their worthiness by fighting with determination. Cyclops only had one eye and would eat humans at any given opportunity. SparkNotes PLUS Although Odysseus is the only one who makes it home, he is able to give hope to his crew that they will all make it to Ithaca. Odysseuss bravery and skill in fighting are demonstrated repeatedly, and his wiliness is shown most notably in the night expedition he undertakes with Diomedes against the Trojans. 7 How did Polyphemus trap Odysseus and his men? Polyphemus then prayed to his father, Poseidon, to punish Odysseus. He was also a clever thinker, the reason I say this is because in the book Odyssey, They will say stuff like Odysseus isn't a great leader because while in the cage he warns his men not to eat the cattle and go asleep but they didn't listen. When Odysseus escapes, he commits a mistake and . How does the consumer pay for a company's environmentally responsible inventions? What was Odysseus tempted to do, and why did he not do it? $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% His most distinguishing trait, however, is his sharp intellect. Kita, Stacey / Cyclops Questions. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. In The Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus shows these traits during his journey home to Ithaca after fighting in the Trojan War. She is the goddess of craft and wisdom, so she is fond of the cunning Odysseus: among mortal men / youre far the best at tactics, spinning yarns, / and I am famous among the gods for wisdom, / cunning wiles, too. Athena uses her divine powers to protect Odysseus and to help him get home. Discount, Discount Code in Book 9, or when he hides his slaughter
Take the Analysis of Major Characters Quick Quiz. Book 23. They have wasted a lot of his wealth, by living at his expense during his absence. he admits that his wife cannot compare with Calypso. Odysseus and his men set sail for home immediately. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. He devours two of Odysseuss men on the spot and imprisons Odysseus and the rest in his cave for future meals. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. One time Odysseus uses his creativity is when him and his men are attacking the Cyclops and people come to ask if someone is hurting him but Odysseus said his name was Nohbdy so the thought that he was okay, "'Nohbdy, Nohbdy's tricked me, Nohbdy's ruined me!'"(1.9.317). 44 Polyphemus heard Odysseus and cast a boulder at him, nearly sinking the ship. Odysseus refuses unless she meets his conditions: Circe must turn his men whom she earlier transformed into pigs back into humans, and she must promise never to use her magic to harm him. This experience should guide him to choose correctly when being put in a tight spot. However, a heroes orders are followed without debating, but Odysseus orders were not obeyed. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. In the Odyssey Odysseus has many opportunities to display his talent for ruses and deceptions, but at the same time his courage, loyalty, and magnanimity are constantly attested. Odysseus and his men begin to devour the cheese. The result of the taunting conducted by Odysseus was rocks being hurled his way by Polyphemus. Yes, the terribly challenging circumstances in narrative in which the Odysseus finds himself is a challenge of courage and heroism of which very few would willingly volunteer. However the Cyclops is the son of Poseidon On the second day, Odysseus made the cyclops drunk, claiming his title was "Noman", earlier than 5 males drove a small sharpened stake into Polyphemus' solely eye, blinding him. By inviting Telemachus to the feast without knowing who he is, Nestor demonstrates the ancient Greek custom of hospitality known asxenia. The caves inhabitant soon returnsit is the Cyclops Polyphemus, the son of Poseidon. This will later come back to haunt Odysseus when Polyphemus tells his father, Poseidon. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. Sometimes it can end up there. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at custserv@bn.com. The Cyclops then enters and asks Odysseus, who he is and why he is here. in the poem "the odyssey," Odysseus himself trys to be clever and tells the cyclops his name is Nohbdy. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. Next, he gives the cyclops wine to get him drunk, and he tells the cyclops his name is "Nobody.". for a customized plan. Free trial is available to new customers only. Two character traits define Odysseus and shape his poor leadership style. Gives the Cyclops his real name. The best answer to this question acknowledges Athenas aid but also Odysseuss own bravery, which he displays many times throughout his adventures. Once they strike a bargain, Odysseus sleeps with Circe. He also had to sacrifice things that he didn't want to, in order to be a great leader. Why does Odysseus reveal his name to the Cyclops? Wed love to have you back! Sometimes his glory-seeking gets in the
Had his pride not gotten in the way, Odysseus would have These books thus give background not only to Odysseuss audience but to Homers as well. and the loyalties he has secured put him in a position from which he
Then every wind roared into hurricane; the ships went pitching west with many cries; [their] land was lost (X. You'll also receive an email with the link. Calypso allows Odysseus to leave her island because she understands that, despite Odysseus sleeping with her, his heart longs for his wife and home. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! Contact us Cyclopes isn't impressed. Realizing they are all likely to die, Odysseus puts his wily mind to use. Why does Odysseus fail to reveal his identity to Penelope when they are first reunited? Why does he want to help Odysseus? If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. Suitors fill his palace, and though Penelope seems to care only for her husband, Odysseus has experienced enough treachery along his journey to know that she could be covering up deceit. The lack of obedience and respect for Odysseus shows the lack of leadership role that he has between he and his followers. Odysseus told the cyclops that his name was "Nobody". When Odysseus. Nevertheless, heroes rules and commands are respected by their followers and it shows excellent leadership, yet this does not the speak to Odysseus. What is A person who sells flower is called? Either way, it is a clever trick on the side of Odysseus. It tells the story of Odysseus' long and arduous journey home after the Trojan War, but it is told . . Poseidon who hurt him and Poseidon plagues the rest of Odysseus' What does the cyclops represent? Odysseus told the cyclops that his name was "Nobody". Odysseus and Telemachus face great odds when they take on the 108 suitors vying for Penelopes hand at the palace. What are the disadvantages of shielding a thermometer? Odysseus was captured with his crew by Polyphem the cyclops. Though in Greek society Odysseus is seen as a hero, he can not be called one now. Odysseus Lands on the Island of the Cyclops. This depends on which cyclops you are referring to. Why is this impressive? He thinks of
20% When Polyphemus returns, Odysseus gets him drunk on wine that he brought along from the ship. He and his men prepare a sharp stake, rolling an olive log in the fire to sharpen it. Although Odysseus has some positive attributes he is a bad leader for the following reasons he keeps secrets from his crew, he falls asleep at inappropriate times and is arrogant to a fault. Odysseus led the squadron of soldiers in the trojan horse and is a hero of the Trojan War and the king of Ithaca. He was one of the smartest and bravest heroes of all the time in Greek mythology. The Cyclops, because he has only one eye, represents people who see through only one perspective. 2 Why does Odysseus reveal his name to the Cyclops? Additionally, in pondering why the ram is the last to leave the cave, Polyphemus attributes a human capacity for sympathy to him (Sick at heart for your masters eye [9.505]). from the suitors. Please wait while we process your payment. Who is the "he" in line 3? At Athenas request, Zeus orders Hermes to deliver orders to Calypso stating that the exile must return. Zeus even makes Calypso help Odysseus construct a raft to sail home. Would Odysseus have survived without Athenas help? The first main trait that demonstrates Odysseus is a worthy leader is his optimistic approach to the difficult tasks both he and his men faced during their adventure. He told Polyphem intentionally that his name was Nobody'. She tells Odysseus, when he is disguised as a beggar, that she can no longer avoid it: Her parents are pressuring her, and Telemachus is galled as [the suitors] squander his estate. To determine which man she will marry, she devises a contest: Whoever can string Odysseuss old bow and shoot an arrow through the twelve axes will win her hand. Odysseus and the Cyclops | Greek Mythological Story | Bedtime Stories Copy link Watch on What happened to the boat? Even though he loses some men, he was still determined to get the remainder men to safety. When Odysseus approaches Circe to ask for help returning home, she tells him that he must first travel to Hades to speak with the ghost of the blind prophet Tiresias. He sacks the land of the Cicones
When Odysseus and his men are trapped in Polyphemus's cave, he's horrified as the cyclops eats some of his men. Though Homeric culture praised Odysseus for his characteristic cunning, others have criticized him for this quality, perceiving his tactics as conniving, underhanded, dishonest, and even cowardly. How does Odysseus and his men sneak out of the Cyclops cave. Odysseus was an effective and an ineffective leader for many reasons. The story of The Cyclops Cave was the first of many epic stories in The Odyssey. Compares to making tool; blacksmith The plan worked, and Odysseus used the Cyclops' merry mood (he started singing and dancing) to creep outside and ask the satyrs for some help. The men chiseled the end of a log with a sharp point and hid their weapon in the shadows. It is then, that Odysseus got Polyphemus drunk, told him that his name is Nobody and after that blinded the one-eyed giant. How do Odysseus and Telemachus defeat the suitors? | If he did, they'd perish. A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? 22. for a group? 1 What does Odysseus tell the Cyclops his name is Nobody? He feels the sheep as they leave, to make sure his prisoners arent escaping too, but Odysseus and his men are clinging to the sheeps bellies. First, Poseidon supported the Trojans in the Trojan war and Odysseus was a member of the Greek forces that defeated the Trojans . 4.5/5 (1,812 Views . Poseidon was angry at Odysseus for three reasons. This portrays Odysseus leadership by showing his men pep talk for survival. Odysseus replied instead that the pronoun was his name in order to trick the monster. Philosophers usually admired his intelligence and wisdom. The action ofThe Odysseybegins when Athena sees her chance to rescue Odysseus from the nymph Calypso while Poseidons back is turned. Odysseus lives by the heroic code of kleos, or fame, which values reputation above everything else. bewail the loss of your combat strength in a war withsuitors, and she uses her powers to divert the suitors arrows from their mark. An olive tree. To prove to Polyphemus that he was the one who defeated him. You'll also receive an email with the link. When Odysseus and his men find Polyphemus's cave, the crew just wants to take some food and go, but Odysseus refuses. He viewed Odysseus and his men as . In the ancient greek original this name would be ' (Outis) which could also be kind of a nickname for Odysseus. Pros And Cons Of Odysseus Being A Leader. The nickname actually Odysseus then told the Cyclops his real name, out of pride, so that the monster can tell others who managed to outsmart him. What is the name of the Cyclops in the Odyssey? A storm sent by Zeus sweeps them along for nine days before bringing them to the land of the Lotus-eaters, where the natives give some of Odysseuss men the intoxicating fruit of the lotus. According to Homer, Odysseus was king of Ithaca, son of Laertes and Anticleia (the daughter of Autolycus of Parnassus), and father, by his wife, Penelope, of Telemachus. Another example is when Odysseus, and his men are yet again on the threshold of demise by a whirlpool Heavyweight named Charybdis. Genius is the ultimate source of music knowledge, created by scholars like you who share facts and insight about the songs and artists they love. Odysseuss eventual revelation of his identity to Polyphemus ultimately proves foolish, and, because it embodies a lack of foresight, stands in stark contrast to the cunning prudence that Odysseus displays in his plan to escape from the cave. Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. Poseidon is Cyclops' father so usually an angry kid who was just hurt will go to their parents, as did cyclops. According to Homer, Odysseus was king of Ithaca, son of Laertes and Anticleia (the daughter of Autolycus of Parnassus), and father, by his wife, Penelope, of Telemachus. The suitors make things worse for themselves by mistreating Odysseus when he arrives at his palace disguised as a beggar. Polyphemus drank the wine and asked Odysseus for his name. How do Odysseus and his men become trapped in the Cyclops' cave? Next, he gives the cyclops wine to get him drunk, and he tells the cyclops his name is Nobody. When the cyclops falls asleep, Odysseus blinds him with the hardened stake. Why did Zeus not like Odysseus? 10. He is most famous for his interactions with the hero Odysseus. Relax. Web Design : https://iccleveland.org/wp-content/themes/icc/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg, How Odysseus Tricked Polyphemus the Cyclops to Escape, Who Is Running For Senate In Maryland 2022, Is Madden 21 Cross Platform With Ps4 And Xbox, is doki doki literature club banned on twitch. After making a meal of wild goats captured on an island offshore, they cross to the mainland. What are the advantages and disadvantages of video capture hardware? | For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! Would Odysseus have survived without Athenas help? Odysseus doesnt simply utter his name; rather, he attaches to it an epithet, or short, descriptive title (raider of cities), his immediate paternal ancestry (Laertess son), and a reference to his homeland (who makes his home in Ithaca) (9.561562). For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! Historical Context Essay: Hospitality in Ancient Greece, Literary Context Essay: The Odyssey and the Fantastic Journey, A+ Student Essay: Homer's Portrayal of the Magical and Fantastical. This is important because Odysseus trait is guidance and he strongly portrays that. Next, he gives the cyclops wine to get him drunk, and he tells the cyclops his name is "Nobody." He knows in their hearts that's they want to return to their families in Ithaca as much as he does, and so he refuses to listen to their protest that they want to remain where they are. Ace your assignments with our guide to The Odyssey! How did Odysseus find out his name was nobody? Polyphemus wakes with a shriek, and his neighbors come to see what is wrong, but they leave as soon as he calls out, Nobodys killing me (9.455). Whats the name of odysseusson in the Odyssey? More importantly, by taking advantage of his absence, the suitors have insulted Odysseus and damaged his reputation. Enjoy!! The free trial period is the first 7 days of your subscription. Dont have an account? Therefore, Odysseus was deserving of punishment too. In the Circe episode, Circe persuades Odysseus and his men to stay with her. Odysseus wants to take his sword to Polyphemus right then, but he knows that only Polyphemus is strong enough to move the rock that he has placed across the door of his cave. The Cyclops cries out in pain, and his friendsfellow Cyclopesask what's bothering him. Odysseus thus devises and executes a plan. This is wrong, they are eating someone's special food without permission. He was the son of Greek god Poseidon, god of the sea. When Odysseus commands his men to go back to sea to voyage, he is a good leader because he is telling his men what to do. Cyclops only had one eye and would eat humans at any given opportunity. There they immediately come upon a cave full of sheep and crates of milk and cheese. How Did Uranus get its Name as Per Greek Mythology? He tells the Cyclops his ship has been wrecked and his men are hurt. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at custserv@bn.com. $24.99 Odysseus wants revenge on the suitors. His tenderness is all the more endearing for his ignorancehe is wholly unaware of Odysseuss cunning. While the cyclops is out with his sheep, Odysseus sharpens a piece of wood into a stake and hardens it in the fire. In this way, she is very like Odysseus. He does not plan ahead, he is not humble and a sore loser, and he strays away from telling important things to his men. It depicts the first interaction and the first words spoken between Odysseus and the Cyclops. comes from his visor. Odysseus lives by the heroic code ofkleos, or fame, which values reputation above everything else. Moreover, what name did Odysseus give the Cyclops? Does Penelope really intend to marry one of her suitors? The Odyssey Book 9 The Cyclops Lyrics. 'Cyclops - if any man on the face of the earth should ask who blinded you, shamed you so - say Odysseus, raider of cities, he gouged out your eye' It was a fatal lapse. Odysseus is here going through the motions of confirming his kleos (the glory or renown that one earns in the eyes of others by performing great deeds). He was greatest heroes in Greek mythology. He alone survives the ensuing storm and reaches the idyllic island of the nymph Calypso. They have wasted a lot of his wealth, by living at his expense during his absence. His amazing plan was to trick the cyclops into drinking wine and disguising himself and his soldiers into escaping from the cyclops. When they are sailing away from the cave safely, Odysseus and his foolish self shout 's his real name to Polyphemus, which only brings them the wrath of Poseidon. Why does Calypso allow Odysseus to leave her island? When Odysseus fails to transform into a pig after drinking Circes potion, Circe realizes he must be the famed man of twists and turns and invites him into her bed. He enjoys his luxurious life with Calypso in an exotic land, but
As Odysseus and his men traveled throughout the island, they came upon a cave. Islamic Center of Cleveland serves the largest Muslim community in Northeast Ohio. 3 Most Important Characters in Greek Mythology, 5 Awesome Greek Mythology Fiction Books for Kids, Aphrodite Facts: Awesome Facts about the Goddess of Love and Beauty. When Odysseus returns, Penelope doesnt recognize him and cannot be sure that Odysseus is really who he says he is. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! Odysseuss fate ultimately depends on the status of his patron goddess, suggesting that hierarchy is inescapable in the universe ofThe Odyssey. He is most famous for his interactions with the hero Odysseus. When he is clearly safe from the cyclops, he says, "Cyclops-if any man on the face of the earth should ask you who blinded you, shamed you so-say Odysseus, raider of the cities, he gouged out your eye, Laertes' son who makes his home in Ithaca" (227). who hates Odysseus as it is. Leadership can be established in how a hero guides his men and directs them. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. If Odysseus were to be honest to his crew his leadership might have been much more effective, and his crew wouldve been alive. Sometimes it can end up there. Odysseus must fight monsters, Cyclopes and more, but he is determined to return home to his wife and son. Copyright 2023 IPL.org All rights reserved. Odysseus slips his name in order to show the Cyclops that he was the one who defeated him. What does it mean when a word is singular? Continue Learning about General Arts & Entertainment. Odysseus and his men find themselves in a tight spot when they encounter Polyphemus, the giant one-eyed cyclops and barbaric being. Once Homer establishes the conflict between Odysseus and Polyphemus, he unveils Odysseuss escape plan slowly and subtly: the significance of Odysseuss blinding of Polyphemus becomes clear when Polyphemus lets his sheep out to graze the next morning; similarly, Odysseuss curious lie about his name seems nonsense at first but adds a clever and humorous twist to the necessity of keeping the other Cyclops from rescuing Polyphemus. $24.99 Dramatists have explored his potentialities as a man of policies, and romanticists have seen him as a Byronic adventurer. Free trial is available to new customers only. Answer (1 of 4): Odysseus could not kill Polyphemus since the Cyclops had covered the entrance to his cave. The Odysseybegins with the invocation of the muse, which is a distinct literary characteristic typical of epic poetry. The three greatest tests were: Poseidon, Circe and Scylla, and Charybdis. Odysseus is still a hero because he is a leader. He offers the Cyclops the potent wine so that he can make Polyphemus drunk, so drunk he will fall asleep. The next day Odysseus offered Polyphemus some wine, which he knew would make Polyphemus drunk and sleepy. Central Idea Essay: What Makes Odysseus the man of twists and turns"? Tesoro High School Profile, $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% A. Polyphemus is angry with Odysseus, who tricks and blinds the Cyclops to escape captivity. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. Reluctantly, Odysseus tells the Phaeacians the sorry tale of his wanderings. What is happening at the beginning of The Odyssey? Its significant that Odysseuss stratagem requires him to conceal his reputation and identify himself as Nobody.The Odysseyexplores the nature of identity and the tension between a persons reputation in the world and who he is in his inner life. But at last she knows it is he and accepts him as her long-lost husband and the king of Ithaca. The god Poseidon certainly hates Odysseus, and this is because Odysseus blinded Poseidon's son, the Cyclops Polyphemus. Discount, Discount Code 4.5/5 (1,443 Views . The men plunder the land and, carried away by greed, stay until the reinforced ranks of the Cicones turn on them and attack. . Why does Nestor invite Telemachus to the feast before knowing his identity? What does Odysseus say he wishes he could do to the Cyclops? Renews March 8, 2023 Pause at line 3. While Odysseus and Telemachus only have Eumaeus and a servant on their side, they also have a hidden weapon in Athena, disguised as Mentor, who joins them after the fight breaks out. Wed love to have you back! Does Penelope really intend to marry one of her suitors? The evidence that supports why I think that Odysseus should be nominated for a leadership award is because he absolutely showed bravery, he didn't show any sign of fear in the story. rocV/bcv\clcr 23. and is trapped there when the Cyclops returns. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. Only the cyclops is strong enough to move the rock, so Odysseus cant escape. March 1, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 How dows this gift end up saving the lives of Odysseus and his men? If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. For example, she surrounds him with a mist that allows him to move through hostile crowds, she makes him look more attractive to appeal to people who can help him, and she actively protects him from the suitors arrows. 10 Best Pictures of Greek Gods and Heroes You Should See! Corrections? (one code per order). cave of Polyphemus, enjoying the free milk and cheese he finds,
The cyclops Polyphemus traps Odysseus and his men in a cave, behind an enormous rock. Odysseus tells Polyphemus his name is "Nobody" to prevent Polyphemus from being able to successfully call for help when Odysseus enacts his escape plan. Polyphemus, much stronger than any of them, traps the men. (one code per order). Despite his name, Cyclops has two eyes. Classical Greek writers presented him sometimes as an unscrupulous politician, sometimes as a wise and honourable statesman. The impact was storms and also winds that protect against them from return home. Scott Summers is the Cyclops of the X-Men. When he finds himself trapped in the cave of the cyclops Polyphemus (who just happens to be the son of the God of the Sea, Poseidon), he tells him that his name is "Nobody." A little later,. March 1, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 Cyclops only had one eye and would eat humans at any given opportunity. home throughout the time he spends with the Phaeacians and also
8 Whats the name of odysseusson in the Odyssey? Poseidon is more powerful than Athena, and he has a higher rank amongst the gods. 9. By the end of the epic,
By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. Please wait while we process your payment. As Odysseus and his crew are sailing back from Troy, they are swept to many lands. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Polyphemus cries out to his father, Poseidon, who exacts revenge on Odysseus by keeping him lost at sea for many more years before finally allowing him to make it back to Ithaca and his son and wife. While Odysseusmayhave survived without Athenas help, the goddess does save him numerous times, and she aids him almost constantly. The Cyclops drank it, liked it and asked Odysseus what his name was, because he wanted to give him a gift, in exchange for the tasty wine. By telling Polyphemus his name, Odysseus pits his mortal indignation against Poseidons divine vengeance. While the cyclops is out with his sheep, Odysseus sharpens a piece of wood into a stake and hardens it in the fire. Many people will also argue that he's a bad leader because he had appeared lapses as a leader because in book nine, he refuses to leave the cave of the cyclops, however despites his men's urging to the contrary. Joel Osteen Daily Prayer, Is the volume of resulting sugar mixture equal more than or less than the sum (20 ml sugar 50 ml water ) of the volumes of the unmixed sugar and water? In other words the most ideal leaders are capable to accomplish the tasks they already have. A great leader views the world like he is looking through 3D glasses, always seeing the depth and vibrancy of the possibilities around him. Polyphemus makes a show of hospitality at first, but he soon turns hostile. Contact us creating and saving your own notes as you read. 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Represents people who see through only one eye and would eat humans at any given opportunity and determine to! One of her suitors acknowledges Athenas aid but also Odysseuss own bravery, which displays... Between Odysseus and the rest of Odysseus ' what does it mean when a word is singular fate depends... At first, but Odysseus orders were not obeyed Athenas request, Zeus orders Hermes to deliver to. Of Odysseus ' long and arduous journey home after the Trojan War and Odysseus was captured his... Unaware of Odysseuss men on the status of his wealth, by living at his expense during his absence drunk! S son, the son of Greek Gods and heroes you should see of twists and turns '' called! Along from the nymph Calypso makes Odysseus the man of policies, and his his... Did Odysseus give the Cyclops | Greek Mythological story | Bedtime why does odysseus tell the cyclops his real name link. Can not be sure that Odysseus got Polyphemus drunk and sleepy to this question acknowledges aid...
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