If we put the two concepts together we get holding space. Saturn in Pisces will dig deeper into this, but Saturn in Aquarius has opened up the discussion about equality and fairness in our society (and the world). A Saturn return in Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn emphasizes stepping out of your comfort zone and taking risks. See additional information. Saturn Return in Aquarius. On March 7th, 2023, Saturn will change signs and enter the sign of Pisces, where it will remain there for the next 2.5 years. Are you and your love interest meant to be? Find a balance between your emotions and logic. The Saturn Return is an astrological occurrence that usually occurs twice in a natural life span. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. With the imprint of your birth chart, it will see how far you got into your true soul path and if you learned your lessons. So your first Saturn Return tells you not to live in the fantasy of changing the world. When we were born, Saturn occupied its place in our birth chart. A more realistic take on Saturn in Aquarius in the twelfth house could involve acknowledging that you can find your people without necessarily making a public splash about it. Through the power of social media, we may have transformed relationships with others and how we show up for them. While Saturn returns also have the tendency to feel somewhat isolating, its a period of deep introspectionand once you come out on the other side, youll experience plenty of newfound clarity. The highest manifestation of Saturn in Aquarius is the sum of the sustained actions of each individual to make the world a better place. Do not be afraid beautiful souls, everything happens for a reason and the right path has been given to you by Saturn return, with force or no force. Saturn Return In Aquarius: Dates & Karmic Lessons, Photo: nasyar, Max Reyes, and Julia Dreams via Canva, 5 Signs You're Experiencing Your First Saturn Return, The Best And Worst Years Of Your Life, According To Astrology, Accurate Love Horoscopes For Thursday, March 2, 2023, 4 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships Starting March 2023, 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Thursday, March 2, 2023, How Being Born During Saturn Retrograde Affects You, The Zodiac Sign You'll Have The Best S*x With, Zodiac Signs That Can't Stop Cheating, Ranked From Most To Least Likely, Love Might Be Calling Your Name! For example, if Saturn is currently in Aquarius but your Saturn is in Pisces, your Saturn return wont begin until Saturn shifts into Pisces on March 8, 2023. Gun features a tapered round high polish blued barrel with a muzzle brake marked "Saturn" and "270 . Saturn Return Calculator Returns on the same birth positionAstrology Online Calculator. When we get through this, we emerge stronger, more mature in our dealings in life, and most of all, we know ourselves better than when we were younger. This time, when Saturn returns to the same place in the Zodiac where it was when you are born, brings the major structures of your life up for review. However, you might have a disciplined attitude toward whatever money you do have. The sign and house Saturn is placed in can describe where each person may notice these themes arise, especially during the return of Saturn in their birth chart. Try looking up your astrological chart below to see the house where Saturn is located. In other parts of the world, people chose not to vote. Spot on is all I can say! Every 28 to 30 years, Saturn returns to its position in your natal chart, beginning your Saturn Return, an epic two-and-a-half-year transit that redefines your ideology and shakes your foundation. While your first Saturn return may have had you establishing yourself in your career, your second Saturn return could have you thinking seriously about retirement. When Saturn comes back, it is the time for choices and life-altering decisions. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. What does this mean for me? Such a breakup may be good for you, even if it is painful in the moment. You might feel like you have to become a parent in order to be a proper adult. It is not easy at first, but we begin to find the tools and build our plans in a way that helps us maintain our balance. Instead of delegating the power and responsibility to states and corporations, Saturn in Aquarius will pass the responsibility back to us how can we, as individuals, contribute to society and make the world a better place? It will also be about bearing the torch, channeling, finding your mission in life, being different or "odd", friendships, networking, politics, music, astrology, and strongly held opinions about change. Having Saturn in the tenth house natally could suggest that your public role in the world is a source of concern for you. Keep your routines in check Saturn in the sixth house. Saturn in Aquarius will bring us a different type of order. Meditate in peace, but make sure you do not isolate yourself from the rest of the world. The significance of Saturn Return in our birth chart involves adult obligations and responsibilities, marriage and commitments, and long-term careers. Saturn in Aquariusforcesus to reflect on the people we love and how to stay connected. We use cookies to provide you with a great experience and to help our website run effectively. There is a reason why Aquarius follows Capricorn. How can you overcome these limitations to make an impact on society? In our late 20s, he tells us to grow up, that we are not getting younger anymore, and it is high time to decide which path we must follow for ourselves. Either way, it impacted us and allowed us to maintain our connection with friends and family. Saturn Return In Aquarius. Saturn enters Aquarius on December 17, 2020 and will stay in Aquarius until March 2023. Navigating your Saturn Return If you happen to be turning 29, 58, or 87 at any point during March 2020 to March 2023, you are likely to be having your Saturn Return while Saturn is moving through Aquarius. I think Saturns ingress to Aquarius means adopting a responsible stance in regards to universal matters. Feeling threatened by their desire for independence could be a signal that you need to discover your own. It will return three times if you're very lucky. Humanity as a whole has taken too much freedom and too little self-responsibility. The eighth house is linked with intense experiences like death and sexual intimacy. I always look forward to your posts! It's from an essay she wrote explaining why she decided to leave her adopted city of New York at the age of 29. After 5 months of Saturn Return (Saturn retrogrades as well), I quit my job and I started my own SEO and Content Agency plus my astrology readings. (After Breakup, No Contact), Do Aquarius Women Come Back? Dont be afraid to be vulnerable. I look forward to this shift, growing pains, shredded skin and all! Saturn Return in Aquarius brings you difficulties to make you stronger and more mature as you venture towards adulthood. Especially the part about intellectual snobbery. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Throughout this retrograde, Saturn will be positioned under one of the signs it naturally rules, Aquarius. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. While Saturn is in Aquarius, it will be pretty difficult to blame the government/establishment (Capricorn) for what goes wrong. Its less about whats tangible, its less about resources. If you are under the Aquarius sign, your Saturn Return is associated with your dreams to make the world better. You rather have a small group of friends for life, instead of making lots of new friends. Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. Join. You are challenged to step out from your comfort zone, interact with people, and practice tolerance for those who have differing opinions. This reading will be your guiding light, an astrological blueprint to get you on your true path towards a life of happiness, love and abundance. Saturn Return In Aquarius. Youth seems like a faraway place. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. Step by step, cell by cell, human by human, together, we will change the world. What makes you stand out and what do you have similar to other people. We the people will no longer take directives on our heath and families from faceless nameless government officials technocrats or bureaucrats. This is the last house in astrology which all has to do with solitude, higher purpose and serving on a larger scale. Most importantly, Saturn in Aquarius is about acknowledging the value of humanity. Get An Accurate Prediction Today, The Best (And Worst) Zodiac Compatibility For Each Sign. Saturn first shifted into Aquarius on December 18, 2020, and will remain in this sign until March 8, 2023. Aquarius compatibility with each zodiac sign. What year will Saturn be in Aquarius? As you may already know, Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions are very cyclical and belong to 200-year elemental cycles. All of these things will play a major role in how you experience the next 30 years, so be sure to pay close attention to what starts (or ends) in your life now. It cant be halted. Aquarius is also a fixed sign, so it has an immovable quality. With Aquarius in your twelfth house, you may try to conceal from others how quirky you are. Because you belong to the sign of Aquarius, you are committed to effecting societal change. The fifth house is associated with children and creativity. In either case, you might become aware of the nurturing that you lacked when you were growing up at your fourth house Saturn return in Aquarius. To get through your Saturn Return in the social aspects of your life, you first need to develop good listening skills. If you have fallen in with a bad crowd that discourages you from expressing your individuality, you might fall out with them at this time. But with Saturns departure from Capricorn, there is nothing left to learn about top-down rules and structures. With Aquarius in your fourth house, you may come from a quirky and independent family. Saturn return is another name for the Saturn conjunct Saturn transit. Historians concur . Many people born within a couple of years of you will have Saturn in the same sign that you do, as Saturn stays in each sign for about two and a half years during its 29.4-year cycle. If you were born within any of those time bands, you will be having a Saturn Return within the next couple . There can be a lot of pressure in the young adult years to meet certain milestones like getting married or settling down in a stable job. Being in that space that Aquarius holds pretty much sounds like the definition of freedom. It continues to influence us as we move into adulthood. Generally, it "returns" for approximately 2.5 to 3 years. A paradigm shift is a fundamental change in approach or our underlying assumptions whatever these assumptions may be. The 12th house in astrology is truly a mystery. You could even become a parent. This house all has to do with your friends and how you present yourself in groups. This would render a lot of outer technology obsolete. You can check out your own chart and see where Saturn is placed in your chart and read one of the descriptions above. However, dogmatically insisting that others must do things your way has the potential to backfire at your sixth house Saturn return in Aquarius. Saturn, was the previous ruler of Aquarius, sometimes still considered the co-ruler. In your earlier life, group involvements and social engagements are your most significant challenges. by helping ourselves, our fellow humans and other living beings. ), Saturn Return in Aquarius, Eleventh House. As long as we take responsibility for our lives, as long as our choices come from a place of true self-autonomy we will probably do the right thing for ourselves, and for society as a whole. Saturn return is the moment, when transiting Saturn returns on the same birth position . Your perseverance and effort will pay off in the end. Is your life going through a lot of rebirths? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The planet Saturn rules over time, wisdom, and boundaries, prompting many of these themes to become significant upon the return of Saturn to its natal position in your birth chart. Lets do a short recap on what Saturn means through the houses and what you can do about it, so you can focus on those goals. To characterize these individuals as a part of the 99%, who are hoping for an ethical and sustainable future, would be folly. Are you willing to take risks and face more challenging situations in your journey to realizing your dreams? The way we treat each other is what will be focused on in this time. One thing for sure. The seventh house is associated with significant one-on-one relationships including but not limited to marriage, and having Saturn here natally can suggest that you take such relationships very seriously. Your intellect might be off track and you feel that you are not accepted in groups, as Aquarius is connected to the 11th house, with Uranus as its ruler. Each of us as individuals must step up to the plate to create a better world filled with love, community and the belief that if we all pull together towards that common goal it will happen! Copyright @ All rights reserved to Love for AstrologyTheme BlogBell by. 3. When Saturn Returns in Aquarius Sign Many Astrologers agree that the first return of Saturn is the most challenging one. Two Wander x Elysium Rituals GET YOUR ZODIAC YEAR AHEAD FORECAST FOR 2023! By using this website, you agree to our use of cookies. The moment Saturn moves into the zodiac sign your natal Saturn is placed in marks the beginning of your Saturn return, and once Saturn leaves the sign, your Saturn return has officially ended. Being reserved in a social setting serves as a barrier to reaching your highest potential as an Aquarian native. Structure-in-society will be as important with Saturn in Aquarius as with any other sign. This is not just a Saturn-Jupiter conjunction this is the first conjunction in an Aquarius since the early 15th century and the cherry on top is that it occurs exactly at 0 Aquarius. Aquarius is also a fixed sign, so it has an immovable quality. This Saturn Return may be a little more potent in that there's a real possibility of creating something new with long lasting benefits. Did I already say wow?!! You can solve societal problems and succeed in your humanitarian goals if you have a systematic and methodological approach. If you have a Saturn Return in Aquarius placement in your birth chart, this article may give you insights on how to deal with your first Saturn when it returns and strikes you in your late twenties. Freedom cannot exist without self-responsibility. With Saturn in your eight house, think twice about joint finances, get everything right on paper before entering some sort of joint venture (any partnership). This is an exceptionally good post to read. With Aquarius in your sixth house, you may have a clear idea of how things like your routine and your diet should function. I was working in a full-time job that I did not completely like, I did not get along with all my colleagues and disappointments started following me. Chiron in astrology through the houses - Love for Astrology. If youre someone with Saturn in Aquarius, youre meant to challenge tradition. From December 2020 until March 2023, Saturn in Aquarius will create new structures that will revolutionize our society. You can be more creative by being flexible. These readings update in real-time, so it's worth . However, if you are in a career that is more resistant to change, you may find yourself continually butting heads against authority. RELATED:The Best And Worst Years Of Your Life, According To Astrology. Saturn was in Aquarius early this year when the lockdown measures were implemented. Your challenge at your seventh house Saturn return in Aquarius could be to make sure that your partner, whether romantic or professional, is on the same page with how you understand your relationship to them. If you want to contribute to society by making it better, then open your mind, have a broader perspective. Saturn return in Pisces is almost upon us and this time it's those born in the mid-90s who are being called forward for the infamous transition. Beginning December 17th, 2020, Saturn ingressed once again in Aquarius. Before we move forward, I highly recommend getting this FREE personalized Video Moon Reading. As an Aquarian native, you are a bit. Remote schooling and work have also transformed into hybrid positions. This will come to an end one way or the other. As an Aquarian native, are you dedicated and committed enough to turn your vision into reality? It will be a struggle, to wrestle control from the powers that be We will all stop supporting big corporations. I very much like this article and the comments. It will reveal what is truly possible in your life, your natural talents and abilities, and exactly what you need to do to increase your energy, take action, and conquer your day, week, month - even year! Thankyou so much for sharing your profound wisdom and intelligence. With Aquarius in your ninth house, you might have a gift for tracing the ills of society to flaws in its philosophical underpinnings. You are maybe aloof and detached in your earlier life, now is your time to embrace your emotions and be warm. The change we need is going to be done through groups, not by the individual. It can even take in paranormal experiences where the basic structures of the physical world do not perform as expected. Lessons Saturn in Aquarius is all about teaching us how to modify outdated systems, while still maintaining some form of boundary or structure. Saturn in Aquarius will help us create frameworks where we can hold space for others and allow them to express themselves without judgment. When empowered, the human mind can achieve incredible things. 2nd Saturn Return in Aquarius at 5 degrees. As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my. An invisible burden is tied to your back and shoulders, as if you feel limited and carry the world with you. Your first Saturn Return encourages you to connect to the collective. So when Saturn returns in the Aquarius sign, it is the period when Aquarian natives should make choices and decisions in their life that resonate with their humanitarian nature. On March 7th, 2023, Saturn will change signs and enter the sign of Pisces, where it will remain there for the next 2.5. So informative and understandable. Alternately, if you were the openly weird one in your family, and your parents tried to make you conform, your fourth house Saturn return in Aquarius might focus on learning to give yourself the validation your parents failed to give you. However, not all Saturn returns in Aquarius are identical. Saturn Return in Aquarius by House Many people born within a couple of years of you will have Saturn in the same sign that you do, as Saturn stays in each sign for about two and a half years during its 29.4-year cycle. They, in turn, could open your mind to new perspectives and give you hope that the world will continue to grow in interesting ways after you are gone. Saturn Return In Capricorn And Aquarius, What Does It Mean? Thanks for the well-written post & insightful comments!! Now that you are older, you are asked to be more mature by learning to listen to others opinions and ideas. To obtain this and other important information about Amana Mutual Funds, Saturna Sustainable Funds, Sextant Mutual Funds, or Idaho Tax-Exempt Fund in a current prospectus or summary prospectus, please visit Forms & Literature or call toll-free 1-800-728-8762. Are you brought up in the restriction of strict religion? When Saturn transits impactpersonal planets, we are pushed to mature whether we want to or not. Saturn can destroy and build a new foundation. With Saturn in my second house in Capricorn, it was time to put value to my qualities and my Uranus wanted me to find more progressive and original ways to make money. Through openness and impartiality, you can make a lasting impact on the world. Dear Reader, March will be a major turning point of the year for three major planets will change signs. You therefore have a Saturn sign that is not necessarily the same as your Sun sign. As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my free video Moon Reading was and I know you will feel the same. Have you been working in a job, or did you try to avoid routines?Now is the time to keep your motion in check and since this is the house of pets, maybe get yourself something furry and fluffy. Saturn in Aquarius will force you to break some chains, make things uncomfortable as you dive deeper in your mind to seek answers. Is the spotlight making you shy? Please consult your doctor before taking any action. I really appreciate your gift to translate such a complex concepts so cleanly and clearly. The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups. They unplugged from the system and just walked away. Beginning December 17th, 2020, Saturn ingressed once again in Aquarius. We have to stop supporting the governments of the world. It will reveal what is truly possible in your life, your natural talents and abilities, and exactly what you need to do to increase your energy, take action, and conquer your day, week, month - even year! A life without surprises is not bringing you a lot. I assume we look to the house it occurs in for each of us but having trouble understanding how much impact it will have (in my 6th). Romances or marriages that are established during this time are some of the most powerful and activated unions of all. Making friends is difficult for you? In the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, you really want to pay attention to Saturns transit in Aquarius (Pluto will also enter Aquarius in 2024). Saturn in your second house all has to do with your money and how much you think you are worth. A Saturn Return occurs when Saturn returns to the exact same place it was at the time of your birth, which takes place every 29 or so years. In order to track your Saturn return, its important to know the zodiac sign Saturn is in in your birth chart. The celebs finishing their Saturn return in Aquarius As the planetary drill sergeant heads into Pisces until February 13, 2026, it will serve a new set of lessons ( you can read about the Saturn in Pisces transit in our article here ). By the time you reach your second Saturn return in Aquarius, some of the obligations that seemed pressing earlier in your life, like committing to a career or raising children, may be in a more settled place. Now its Aquarius turn to get scrutinized by the Great Teacher. Aquarius is that freedom we can only find when we take responsibility for our lives and become fully autonomous. Holding space means putting your focus on someone, while being judgment-free and allowing the other to just be. One thing for sure. There has to be a radical shift from this paradigm. This is BIG. Are you the one that thinks it takes mountains to be seen? The rebellious spirit of Aquarius was witnessed with this transit. This can signal an important period for the planet involved. You will be surprised, how many people want to listen to your wise words. It is a radical period for you, but you will learn to navigate through it. It is also linked to higher education. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. No need to look for it on the outside. Before we move forward, I highly recommend getting this. As always, there are a great many people who are warping and twisting these energies to their own selfish whims. Once you've found the sign and house where Saturn falls in your natal chart, here's a brief overview of what you can expect during your Saturn Return: Saturn in Aquarius / 11th house You're here to master : Working with, or on behalf of, groups and communities, especially related to humanitarian or social justice causes If Saturn in Capricorn is concerned with the material world, Saturn in Aquarius is concerned with the spiritual, abstract world. Saturn in Aquarius promise of freedom may not sound very attractive, but that may be because we might not even know what it means to be free. Saturn takes about. I find it very interesting that The Great Conjunction is referred to as the Star of Bethlehem and takes place on the 21th of December 2020. A Saturn return occurs when Saturn completes its trip through the zodiac, returning to the zodiac sign that it was in when you were born. This house all has to do with religion, spirituality, philosophy, far away travels and different cultures. I know everyone thinks Virgo is the "neat-freaks" of the zodiac. Working in collectives, consensus, as opposed to majority, new ways of decision making, humanity standing up for itself. . Are you living the life you choose or the life that your family chooses for you? It takes 27 to 29 years for Saturn to return. My North node is 0 Aquarius. Our job in the last 2.5 was to master Capricorn, i.e. Early on, you may feel shut out of social connections, like they do not come easily to you. Saturn in Aquarius could be likened to thinking in circles rather than hierarchy. Saturn has spent 2.5 years in Capricorn. Your first Saturn return at age 29.5 is a coming of maturity but sometimes felt like a mid-life crisis. This path you want to take is not easy. 150. 8. Now is the time for you to strive harder and persevere. Because Saturn takes about two years to move through each sign, Saturn returns for every individual only occur once every 30 years or so. You are maybe aloof and detached in your earlier life, now is your time to embrace your emotions and be warm. Time for some honest talk so both parties understand what they want out of life. Every time he comes back, he makes sure that we feel it. However, it will only stay in Aquarius until the 1rst of July 2020 and will return to Aquarius on the 17th of December 2020, after which it will stay there until 7th of March 2023. This was a very good and informative post. Saturn = structure, discipline and order. Not because they felt defeated, but because they no longer felt represented by those in power. Beginning March 21st, 2020, Saturn ingressed in the sign of Aquarius and then went retrograde in Capricorn. Allow them to express themselves without judgment and see where Saturn is in in your sixth house, might. In Aquarius, to wrestle control from the powers that be we will all stop supporting the governments of sustained... 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