So I surrender to your guidance and I only ask that you would give me the courage to fully go through with it. Some decisions are easy to make, while others are difficult to make; meanwhile, some decisions do not determine our future. Help me listen to my inner voice and be guided by my conscience. Which country should I relocate to: Canada, the UK, USA, or Australia? Remove from my heart foolish desires or selfish motives, and keep me far away from seeking after the things of the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. I ask for Your guidance as Your truths are uncovered to me. To see the things as, you see them. I know that spiritual blessings await those who do your will. Show me the path you have set for me and how to walk in it. Let your Spirit give them discernment as they impart spiritual and practical words of wisdom and insight. This article delves into six prayers for guidance in making wise and right decisions. You said that your Spirit will teach me all things and guide me into all truth. "We are free to choose our paths, but we can't choose the consequences that come with them." Sean Covey. I always trust in you. Let me be filled with love and power so that I can make bold decisions. Tim McConnell, assistant pastor of . I trust in your goodness. We make decisions every day. The first thing you should do is consult a reliable, pious and knowledgeable person, who you trust. Reveal to me the people that the enemy is using to lead me astray and help me to cut them off from my life. May I find wisdom, like King Solomon, to make choices that bring honor to Your name. Father, teach me not to depend on my thoughts and opinions. Do I keep my kids inschool? Looking at the disasters will help us understand better why its a matter of existential importance for us to involve God when we make decisions or need to make decisions. The second issue is that we sometimes dont know which of the options the best is because sometimes we are faced with options that look equally good and profitable. To those who follow your Word and earnestly seek you, you promised to prosper and bring success. May I live godly in Christ Jesus, walk in a manner that is worthy of Him and live in spirit and truth, with my eyes focused on Christ and my will guided by the Holy Spirit. I know I dont have to have all the answers, but I do want to be wise and full of grace in all I do and all I say. Amen and Amen. Lord, please help me to decide. One is that there is usually not enough time to think about or carefully consider each of the options. I ask that you go before me as I make decisions to do certain things and forgo other things. I humbly ask that You give me the patience t o await Your answers. 3 3) Beautiful Prayer For Asking God For Help To Make A Choice. The act of praying is a humble surrender to the higher power, seeking direction and insight. For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers.. Help me to choose wisely between the options that are set before me. Shut my spiritual eyes so that I dont view the wrong things. God of love, that is what I want to choose, the right decision that is in agreement with your will for my life. I can do nothing without you giving me the strength to do it. He is our guide, our source of light and the revealer of the way of truth. O, Dear God, I come to You to seek Your divine assistance. You will feel relaxed about your decision making. When Feeling Uncertain about Your Decision Prayer Almighty God, you are the great I am, nothing is too difficult for you. I reject you spirit of error projected against me from the altars of darkness, in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. You have probably heard the saying "It is hard to steer a . In Jesus' name I pray, Amen. Where I have been walking in disobedience, Father, forgive me. If we should pray in all situations, we should certainly pray in times of decision-making. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.. It reminds us to be mindful of the potential consequences of our choices and encourages us to pursue what we believe is right through the word and teachings of the Lord. Keep your conscience clean by making clean choices. Teach me to live according to your truth, for you are my God, who saves me. I know that you are with me till the end of time. If you're tuned in to Him, you will make the right decision. Put God above everything in your life and consult Him first before doing anything. Grant me clarity of mind, a listening heart, and a spirit of peace to discern Your will. I pray in faith, confident that You Lord will give me the wisdom to make the right decisions. Prayer to help you make the right decisions and Flourish. Protection from Wrong Influences Prayer Heavenly Father, you are my refuge and hiding place that is why I am here asking you to protect me against the lies of the enemy. Let my lifeand especially the choices I make todayreflect Your wisdom and bring about the blessing of which Your Word speaks. Watch out that you do not lose what we have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully. Praying For Wisdom And Wise Decisions. I pray heavenly Father that when it comes to making decisions I am in line with Your will. [ g] You are always with me, never alone. His passion is to serve the global Church and bring people of diverse backgrounds together to learn & grow. Are you finding it hard to make a concrete decision as regards one area of your life, are you afraid of making decisions again because of the ones youve made wrongly in the past? When faced with confusion and indecision, seeking divine guidance can bring clarity and peace. thank you for praying for me in makeing the right decesion. Prov. But I want to live today as if it were the first or the last day of my life, giving thanks for every good and perfect gift you choose to give. A short prayer for guidance. Let every decision I make be approved by You in heaven first. In every decision I face, let my choices reflect that heavenly wisdom; in every path I must choose, show me those that will produce pure, peace-loving, considerate and submissive results, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.. Let your grace help me to rely on you fully for the glory of your holy name. God, I just ask that You help me make the best one. No matter how big or small that may be, please make it a habit to always ask for Gods guidance and wisdom before making a choice. This dua will help you in taking right decisions in such a situation; "Rabbi Auuzbika Minn Hamzaaati Shaitan, Wa Auuzbika Inni Yahziroon". Remind me of the words of Jesus as I make choices today. You express a determination to abide by Gods guidance until you arrive at the destined outcome. On the other hand there are some decisions that demand serious prayers before they are being made(due to the great impact it will later have on our lives) for example, the decision of who to spend the rest of your life with, is a very tough decision that requires proper thinking, prayers and direction from the Holy spirit. Holy Lord, your word says obedience is better than sacrifice. You can trust the guidance of God in any of your decision and to give you wisdom. When children arrive, lead them in a game of Follow the Leader. Dear Lord, I earnestly seek your hand of protection. This I ask in Jesus' name, I surrender all my overthinking and ask that you replace it with peace. In Jesus name. Fill me up so that I may follow your guidance without any fear or doubt in Jesus name. I don't want to base my decision on my knowledge. "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" (Jeremiah 29:11) 2. God's plan is always the best. Lord, there are so many stormy paths, rocky climbs and shifting seasons and life can take many twists and turns. God, help me to make the right decision. Lord God, dont permit me to act in haste. You can also say a prayer to protect yourself from evil spirits as they might try to influence your choices. I dont want to base my decision on my knowledge. 6) God, since the Bible says, To the person who pleases Him, God gives wisdom, knowledge and happiness (Ecclesiastes 2:26 NIV), let me please You today and every day, and supply the wisdom, knowledge and happiness I seek. This beautiful prayer asks for His help in making a wise choice and shows you the light in a dark path. And yes, He does care about the decisions we make, because He knows far better than we do that wrong decisions can have disastrous consequences. Prayers for Discernment and Decision Making. Do your best to act for the good of everyone, not just for your own good. Scripture decision making is a great way to start when beginning your search for finding the correct solution. Try me, and know my thoughts. Oh Lord, every enemy that wants to distract and disorganize your plans for my life, I destroy them by fire in Jesus name. Featured on this page are several inspiring prayers to help with important life decisions, with a prayer for guidance in decision making, a prayer asking God for wisdom and direction, and a short prayer to make the right choice.There are also three encouraging quotes from the bible on finding God's guidance, and an uplifting film to help hear God's voice. From the end of the earth, I will call to you, when my heart is overwhelmed. God often does not shout above the noise in our lives. 1. God always has our best interest in mind. Trust in theLordwith all your heartand lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your pathsstraight., If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God,who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you., Have I not commanded you? O Gracious and Almighty God, Your steadfast love protects me from the obstacles of this world every day. Amen. You have blessed me and called me your own. Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. Your Will, Not Mine Prayer Loving Father, only you know my end from the beginning. We must be sensitive to His voice and receptive to His teachings. Whether faced with personal or professional dilemmas, these prayers can help you access divine wisdom and steer you toward the path that is true to your essence. Here are three prayer techniques that may help you get started: 1. It is in Jesus name, I believe and pray. Amen. Please meet my need. Please shower wisdom and understanding on me in every decision I face. Dont allow me to choose out of materialism. Clear my mind to follow you with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind and all my strength. Direct my steps, Lord, to follow you. Will never be shared. Obedience Prayer Holy Lord, your word says obedience is better than sacrifice. Significance of Prayers for Making Decisions. So why do we still forget to consult God before making decisions? Bless Me, O Lord. We must accept that truth because the more we enforce our wants and needs over what God wants from us, we cannot move forward. This is one of the negative effects of fear. Here is scriptural guidance for wisdom. When we are faced with a decision, it can be challenging to know what is the right choice. Oversee me, and bestow upon me the knowledge to make wise choices on the road ahead. Humble my heart so that I may be flexible. In Jesus name. Infuse me with the wisdom to make a judicious choice. Help me to focus on your leading and not my past failures. Its clouding my judgment, thus preventing me from making the right choice. We all make decisions, whether knowingly or unknowingly. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.". Please give me guidance and wisdom as I seek to discover the path that would be the best for me to follow. I surrender my doubts and fears to You and ask that You fill me with Your grace and wisdom. You are a kind and humble person, by praying youre showing Him that you trust in the Lords wisdom and love. Bless me, oh, Lord. 10: . The above verses show that God can help us make the right decisions. Empower me, oh, God to act on the right choice. When good decisions are been made, it brings gladness to the heart, and it encourages one to make other good decisions, but when bad decisions are made, the consequences are often grievous and can last for generations. There is no doubt our heavenly father the Lord God listens to our prayer. I pray that your grace will allow me to rely on you entirely and trust in your guidance. This Biblical verse is often quoted in relation to making decisions or asking for peace of mind and guidance through prayer. Make whatever work I do be marked with excellence rather than perfectionism, as I seek not to make a name, but to make a difference. Thank you for today, a new opportunity to love, give, and be all that you want me to be. - Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV) Far too often, we trust in our own hearts. It doesnt matter how much or how long we go to Him for help and direction, He is always there and ready to listen and help. Some seem easy but some seem to have lasting significance. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I". Father, feed me and refresh me with your word and wisdom in Jesus name. When we are faced with difficult choices, we must remember that God is testing us. Biggest Christian Prayer and Bible Website. As you may need a little push from God to see things as they really are. and I don't know what to do. We often forget that God isnt only present in the essential things happening in our lives but also there during the quiet and down times. I can plan nothing without you giving me the mind to plan it. Prayer To Make The Right Decision | Daily Effective Prayer For Decision Making sure to SUBSCRIBE (click the bell ) . Disasters Of Not Making The Right Decisions. [ c] 2 Make a just decision on my behalf. Spirit of knowledge and reverence, help us to see the lasting value of justice and mercy in our everyday dealings with one another. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 1. I desire to honor you in all that I do. I also pray for your protection so I would not be tempted and cloud my judgment. He wants you to ask Him for advice so that He can help you make the right decisions timely. Father, I trust in you today for guidance as I make decisions. I trust in Thy all-knowing nature and believe thou art aware of my hearts needs. Forgive me my negligence and please listen and respond to my prayer. So, to have confidence in Gods will and not have doubts and worries, we pray for guidance and wisdom before making a decision. John 1:8. He wants you to let go of everything you know or think you know. 3. 1 of 10/ 1. Hear His voice. Let your word come alive in me. This prayer also expresses a desire to embody the qualities of understanding, kindness, patience, and compassion. Let those decisions align with your word. Have your prayers for guidance in decision making submitted all over the world: Then, you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You can also say a prayer for a difficult problem to be solved. When you are experiencing confusion and uncertainty, seek the Lords help to navigate lifes challenges and find the right path. It may seem like youre not doing the right decision at first, but God will provide you with the wisdom to see things clearly. Should I get another apartment? If youre looking for guidance and wisdom from God, this blessing prayer can help you to find the answer youre looking for. There are some choices where we need to wait before we take action because the time isnt right just yet. You know what is in my heart, good or bad. When in doubt, consult your moral code. Praying reminds us to trust in God and be confident in His plan. I receive grace to make right decisions concerning my marital life, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. My heart is full of fear. It highlights the persons trust in Gods guidance and wisdom when faced with a difficult decision. Protect me from the wrong suggestions of the evil one. Give me wisdom, patience and trust. Used to confirm your prayer submission. How to Hear Gods Voice When Making Important Decisions? This verse reminds us that everything happens for a reason and that God has a plan for us all. Fasting is simply taking something you regularly do and replacing it with praying and seeking God. Welcome to FaithGiant, where you can find everything you need to live a life of faith, hope, and love. But for other choices that require us to mull and think over, using prayers for making decisions can help. Father, give me the peace that surpasses all understanding as I make decisions for my life in Jesus name. When we are faced with a very short time to make decisions or when we have too many options that looks as though they will bring similar results, we become afraid of making decisions because we know its either the decisions we made turn out to be good or bad. The desires of my heart can only be satisfied in you. Today, I want to share with you 3 powerful ways to discern God's voice when you face a decision. Please replace the worries and doubts in my heart with joy, peace, and hope for the future. But most of us can do better. Then have kids sit on the floor in a circle. Prayer for Guidance and Help - Dear Lord, I am calling upon you today for your . Discernment Prayer Lord of heaven and earth, so many things await me once I take this step. Though I cant see what you are doing. Prayers for making a decision also provide us with confidence in making a choice. Loving Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing me to this point in my life and for always being there for me, even during those periods of my life when I have neglected You or ignored You or not paid attention to You as I ought. Your word says that, although people plan their course in their hearts, it is you who establishes our steps. 2:6 NLT . Amen.. Endow me with wisdom to choose the right path that brings me closer to You and my true self. Only then youll be able to see which path to take. And whatever I set my heart and hand to do, you will prosper. Ask the Holy Spirit for help. God of all Truth, I spend so much time thinking, planning and worrying about my life. Many rich people have become dead poor just by making one wrong business decision. Making Good Decisions. 1. 3:7 NLT. When you pray, it is important to be specific about what you want God to do in relation to your decision. This evergreen prayer for peace and unity, spoken byastronaut Frank Borman in 1968 while orbiting the moon, still holds true to this day. You know my need for wisdom, knowledge and understanding straight from You. Therefore, it is a prayer that every believer must consciously pray every day to avail oneself of God's help and direction in these changing times that we live in. Remind me of Your constant love and support. Psalm 37:7 (NIV) Proverbs 13:20 (NIV) 1. Father, teach me not to depend on my thoughts and opinions. I entrust my life to Your loving care and ask for Your guidance on my journey. I am not at peace. Give me the wisdom to make the right decisions. Amen. It also allows us to backtrack and see if our lifes direction is still toward Gods plan rather than our ambitions and goals. What Does The Bible Say About Decision-Making? Constantly praying and seeking Gods kingdom, we become sensitive to Gods voice. Those are easy decisions, so much so that some have become habits. We Christians must understand that we can never outgrow God. I like your guidance and wisdom in making the right choice. We do not know everything about life. So please be with me at this crucial point in my life. So, here are nine Bible prayers for wisdomwhether youre worried about social distancing boundaries, a financial matter, a job change, a relationship or a business move: 1) Lord, Your Word says that the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding (Proverbs 2:6 NIV). Please always remind me how much I need you, Lord. Oh, Gracious and Merciful Lord, I humbly seek Thy guidance in this time of decision. In Jesus name, I believe and pray. Almighty God, our help and refuge, source of wisdom and tower of strength, you know I can do nothing without your guidance and help. Where I have been walking in disobedience, Father, forgive me. Prayer for Patience in Decision Making. Amen. This way, youll also have the help of St. Joseph to guide you. Lord, today I pray for a humble spirit to depend on you in my life decisions. Seeking Gods hand in leading through prayer will steer you in the right direction. Can God Send Us A Sign If We Make A Wrong Choice? Oh Lord, lead me by the hand, and I shall walk with faith, obediently following Your lead until I reach the destiny You have ordained for me. Isaiah 41:10. Oh Lord, help me choose rightly and consciously in Jesus name. So, with asking for help to make a decision, ask for discernment to hear what God is teaching you through the people around you. You can ask for clarity of mind to see your options and the courage to choose the path that brings you closer to God. And that He is never tired of us. A Prayer Asking God for Help Choosing the Right Path. Can I plan anything more than 24 hours in advance? As the Bread of Life, your food, like manna, will sustain me throughout any trials and hungers. So before you decide, seek Gods wisdom and advice first. 1. 7) Father, according to Your Word, the Bible, the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere (James 3:17 NIV). May we respect life as we work to solve problems of family and nation, economy and ecology. Making moral choices involves the following steps: 1. Teach me to depend on you and trust your wisdom and guidance. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. And even when we know the truth and believe that God is in control, there . Be still. Dear God, may my life and this decision be about you and for you. First, begin with prayer. Father, help me to walk in obedience as I make decisions about my life, family, and career. And so be it. It's a good day to be glad and give thanks, and I do, Lord. Oh Lord, give me the boldness to seize and pursue all opportunities and goals that you have planned for my life in Jesus name. Use your holy Word to discern the thoughts and intents of my heart. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.". There are many ways to pray for guidance when making decisions. In the end, whether or not God sends signs in response to our choices is dependent upon ones personal spiritual beliefs and understanding of the divine. 17 Lord, consider my just cause. Did you know, this is the most dangerous time in human history. This prayer is a request for divine guidance to make a right decision. In Jesus name, I pray. I am about to make a huge decision in my life, but I dont know how to go about it, Father God. Finally, to say, the act of praying for direction in ones choices is a central part of faith. Let your Holy Spirit guide me in everything that I do so that I may not go against your word. You will make your will known and I can finally go ahead and decide to go forward. We have access to God's advice and counsel. I have a decision to make. We come before you today to give thanks for Your everlasting love and to ask for your guidance in this great decision that must be made. Blessings to infuse thoughts with clever ideas and help you achieve lifelong success. Please give me reassurance that you will guide me through it all. Today, and every day, I want to live my life for you, Jesus. He wants to see if we are ready to receive His rewards. Lord, please also remind me that before anything else, may everything I do and whatever decision I choose, bring glory and honor to your name. Father, I am currently facing a difficult time, I need to make a major decision in my life, but I dont know how to go about it. 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