Indicative content For example, agricultural runoff and coastal development can cause marine pollution. Coral reefs Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Variation of expense with what is damaged lithological factors or structural geology of the area. AO2 Where areas suffer from high levels of erosion different protections strategies are implemented to protect the coastline. To first understand the actual impact we have on coasts we have to understand what was before and what is now. Around the world, many projects are now seeking to restore marine habitats, such as mangrove and seagrass. - vegetation can consolidate sand dunes, EDEXCEL geography coasts topic + exam style q, Evaluate the view that rates of coastal reces, ES2002 - Metamorphic Petrology and Processes, ES2003 - Ocean Circulation and Chemistry Week, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. This has been successful in reducing the amount of sand that is drawn out to sea. They can think, reason, feel and make deductions or hypothesis and seek to solve or prove their deductions or theories. Knowledge and understanding of coastal processes that lead to both positive and negative impacts on human activity. Examine the importance of different time scales in the formation of one or more coastal landforms. Knowledge and understanding of the positive impacts of these processes on human activity e.g. building of groynes or dredging could affect depositional rates, 8. Identification of individual groups? Positive impacts could include the management and conservation of environmentally sensitive areas, the protection of areas of coastline from erosion as part of a shoreline management plan (SMP), where there has been an improvement of the coast as an amenity or where there is a perceived improvement in the aesthetic character of the coastline Knowledge and understanding of the processes operating over a time scale of millennia - isostatic and eustatic changes Examine the strengths and weaknesses of one strategy used to manage the impacts of human activity on coastal landscape systems. The beaches you frequent during the summer may seem to be getting smaller and smaller every year. They are a vital part of maintaining our beaches as they absorb the impact. AO2 1. the transport and deposition of sediment may provide opportunities for the extraction of sand and gravel There are two types of coastal management: Hard engineering - this involves building structures to protect the coast. (20) Assess the extent to which predicted climate change will present challenges for sustainable management of a local scale environment that you have studied. Comprehensive introduction to human-landscape interactions from preindustrial to postmodern eras. reference to reef composition - live coral, sediment Bays Discussion of the implementation and success of management strategies to mitigate the impact of negative human activity, 13. Assessment of positive impacts over time - increase or decrease Weybourne only has landslides AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of the variety of time scales outlined in the specification over which coastal processes operate - seconds, seasons and millennia. For the most part because the coast is a very dynamic system and changes can occur rapidly, people make the effort to control the nature and magnitude of these changes. Knowledge and understanding of processes of coastal erosion New York: ASCE, Coastal Sediments 77, pp. Coastal regions are highly vulnerable to the impacts of human activities, land cover change, sea level rise (SLR), and climate extremes. Special publications, vol 175. Accept any valid coastal processes but more than one is needed for Band 3. This is more than half the worlds population. With increased urbanisation, tarmac and other manmade land surfaces contribute to petrol, diesel and other harmful chemicals easily flowing into rivers or directly into the Ocean. As an important wetland with international significance in biodiversity conservation, Poyang Lake is under severe pressure from increasing human activities, such as prescribed fire. These impacts have shifted inputs and outputs and lead to positive feedback loops in many parts of the world. Photographs: reference to species - corals, algae, sponges Knowledge and understanding of relevant case study material. (b) Examine the success of one management strategy used to manage the impacts of coastal processes on human activity. 20622077. A number of forces continue to seriously affect our natural water resources. Check out Adapt the A-level & GCSE revision timetable app. The content will depend upon the landform(s) chosen and may include: Landform/s will be clearly identified and must be erosional. Development of barrier islands accessed by these causeways resulted in various types of construction that have negatively impacted on the coastal zone. It is important to recognize to what extent various disturbances affect wetlands when assessing disturbance and impact, and when considering wetland protection options (Clearwater et al., 1998). building groynes, or human factors that influence coastal erosion in a negative way e.g. (b) Explain why wind is important in the formation of coastal sand dunes. movement of sand within dunes - blowouts An examination of the role of one marine process in relation to other marine processes in the formation of one or more landforms. 2. the development of bays by erosion can provide shelter for shipping, 8. Changes of boundaries, ie choropleth. Overstrand/Mundesley have the widest variety of processes Beaches Key scales? As our population approaches 7 billion people, the effects of human activities on the ecosystem, including the water, air, land and the life that we share the world with, are almost immeasurable. Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, last year designating a further 41 Marine Protection Zones. Some of these are a result of direct acts of development and others are indirectly the result of these activities. In this study, a fire-prone plant community (Triarrhena lutarioriparia L. Liou) was selected in Poyang lake, and a 5-year study on annual prescribed fire and corresponding monitoring were conducted in this ., DOI:, eBook Packages: Earth and Environmental ScienceReference Module Physical and Materials Science. In: Schwartz, M.L. The report also warns that in the coming decades, climate change and extreme weather has the potential to jeopardise sensitive marine habitats, demonstrating the importance of the UKs network of Marine Protected Areas. Location 1 1960 - Location 2 1969 advancement - Ability to show change over time (a) (ii) Suggest one way in which the landform at 900710 (Traeth Mawr) is linked to other landforms as part of the coastal system. Part of Springer Nature. Harbors and the navigational channels leading to them have resulted in some problems for estuaries. On calmer days, the sand is brought back to the beach. Dams built for flood control and water catchment along the rivers leading to these coasts inhibit the transport of large grained . The sandy beach is the junction of land and ocean. In some cases secondary dunes form. South West Wales has limited number An assessment of other processes Have students watch three videos about human activities that threaten the world ocean. (a) (i) Use Figure 2 to analyse changes in wave height for the three mangrove forests. -Geology, People use the coast for a variety of needs: Although we love the coastline we have had a major effect on it. Humans also impact the land around or near the coast. Presence of soft rocks - some places may consist of rocks that are made from less resistant minerals or bound together with soft cements debris fan at foot of the cliff 7. This means that all our day to day rubbish that we drop or leave on the park bench ends up in the sea. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, Trembanis AC, Pilkey OH (1998) Summary of beach nourishment along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico shoreline. Groynes have been eroded away Physical weathering/disintegration by such processes as freeze-thaw action, salt crystallisation, and wetting and drying. Management of drumstick barrier islands. [5], greatest in Newport By the time new sand was brought to the beach in 1991 to replenish what was eroded, there was hardly anything left. Row of houses lost to the south of the caravan park, 14. AO1.1 a.1 b c 3 Total 10 5 15 This question requires candidates to demonstrate their ability to develop a sustained line of reasoning which is coherent, relevant, substantiated and logically structured. Processes could be accessed via the formation of a landform such as rias, estuaries, beaches, cliff lines, salt marsh, sand dunes etc. Behind the sandy beach is the primary dune. (a) Use Figure 1 to describe two distinctive landforms of this coastal landscape. AO2 provision of sediment to form beaches (a) (ii) Suggest one reason for the variation in the importance of wind erosion. The content may vary according to the landform but may include an examination of: A conclusion may be drawn in the context of the strategy chosen but a conclusion is not necessary in order to reach the top of Band 3. Easy to interpret? New York: ASCE, Coastal Zone 89, pp. Shore Protection Manual, Volume 1. knowledge and understanding of the reasons why a management strategy is required such as erosion of coastal dunes by tourists, destruction of coral reefs, erosion as a consequence of the use of groynes knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of the management strategy which could include physical structures and operations the impact of the strategy on processes operating in adjacent parts of the coastal system -Colour of land, can contribute to the formation and/or development of the landforms identified, 12. Overstrand is the only site with mudflows melting of glaciers Explanation of the processes will include transformational processes such as longshore drift as well as depositional factors. Sand dunes act as a natural barrier against coastal storms and beach erosion caused by strong, destructive wind and waves. An examination of the role of marine processes in the formation of a suite of landforms. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. (a) (i) Calculate the values of the highlighted cells, A, B and C in Figure 2. Your partner always seems to have an exuse~ (b) Explain the formation of either coral reefs or mangrove coastlines. A conclusion may be drawn in the context of the landform(s). In the 1940s seawalls and groins and even some small jetties were built to protect the properties on the beach. Humans are intellectual. Various structures such as seawalls, groins, and breakwaters have been constructed to help protect beaches from erosion. AO2 content encompasses the application of knowledge and understanding to evaluate the importance of longshore drift in the development of selected depositional landform(s). AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of coastal processes (and their associated landforms) and their impacts on human activity. Human Activity & Coastal Landscapes. However, excessively high sediment loads can smother submerged aquatic vegetation beds, cover shellfish beds and tidal flats, fill in riffle, The Effects of Human Activity on Coastal Landforms. Ancient Tribes like the Khmer were introducing fish to the lake Tonle Saple for food for hundreds of years. This area is affected by wind erosion as well as the tides if adequate vegetative cover is not present. [8], AO1 AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of the positive impacts of human activity on the coastal landscape. Candidates may refer to the fact that where successful management strategies are implemented, negative impacts are mitigated. AO1 These activities may have direct or indirect effects on our changing coasts. Climate change and its serious impacts Changes to the coastlines caused by human activity have exacerbated the effects of climate change . Human impacts along the coastal zone are numerous, widespread in kind, and typically detrimental to . Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Asheville, NC, USA, Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Coconut Creek, FL, USA, Davis, R.A. (2019). More than 50% of the U.S. population lives within 50 miles (80 km) of a shoreline. Headland It is found that the activities occurring on . crenelated cliff top indicating retreat (a) (i) Compare the characteristics of the coastal landscapes shown in Figure 1. AO2. Assess the relative importance of longshore drift in the formation of one or more landforms of coastal deposition. In this study, we attempt to address this issue by simulating the spatial interactions among natural hazards, ever-increasing human activities, and social vulnerability in the south coast of the Bohai Sea, China. Does it show patterns effectively? We are kicking off the new year by planting 2,023 trees with Ecologi! meltwater moves to oceans (a) Use Figure 2 to describe the varying impacts of coastal erosion over time. Sheringham has highest wind erosion The first reason why the beaches are eroding is because of rock jetties. Or without humans. If you have ever lived in proximity to coastal areas you may have seen coastline erosion first hand. Now the coast has been fished out. The formation of landforms over one or more of these time scales should be related to processes. [5], This is a high energy coastal environment characterised by erosion, high wave activity, exposure to prevailing winds and a long wave fetch. Candidates demonstrate application of knowledge and understanding to evaluate the extent to which coastal processes (and their associated landforms) impact positively on human activity. The increase in the use of fertilisers for agriculture and warming ocean waters has contributed to eutrophication of the Ocean in certain areas of the world. There are two types of coastal management: Hard engineering - this involves building structures to protect the coast. Once developed, communities make an effort to protect their beach homes and coastal businesses. Domestic Marine Minister, Rebecca Pow, said: Whether it is to enjoy a sport, take a walk, watch the wildlife or to simply admire the landscape, for many of us spending time by the sea is not only hugely enjoyable, but it has a welcome impact on our well-being too. Usefulness of Graphs: - along sea bed, 9. The content will depend upon the landform(s) chosen and may include: Through the implementation of the 25 Year Environment Plan, the UK continues to consider the need for further domestic protection, and is putting in place new management measures for Marine Protected Areas, including seeking new powers through the Fisheries Bill, which is currently before Parliament. Size of particles - some places consist of particle sizes easier to erode by wind e.g. We just have to take positive steps now. A new issue facing the Ocean is that of deep sea mining. - Cliffs: 962928, 13. . PubMedGoogle Scholar, Department of Geology, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA, USA, Davis, R.A. (2005). Reading exact data figures, easy? AO1 Knowledge and understanding of the processes of coastal transport - suspension, saltation and traction. An examination of the role of other processes the importance of time scales in the continuing development of the landform However, we have also shown that these benefits are threatened by marine pollution, coastal development, climate change and exposure to extreme weather. When answering 8 mark questions data presentation go through: Data Presentation: There are several reasons why the coast at Holderness is eroding so quickly: Bridlington is protected by a 4.7 km long sea wall . Cliff lines In: Stauble DM (ed) Barrier Islands: process and management. AO1 the extent to which there has been an improvement of the coast as an amenity reference to structure of reefs - reef crest, fore reef, back reef Choose the correct verb form in parentheses in each of the following sentences. Relevant responses may include: or development of example, 20. [3], 8. Davis, R.A., Jr., and Barnard, P.L., 2000. Professor Lora Fleming, Director of the Exeter University European Centre for Environment and Human Health, said: This project has shown that our coast helps to cater for a variety of human needs, from keeping healthy, to connecting with others. Knowledge and understanding of the process of longshore drift [3], - presence of unconsolidated sand knowledge and understanding of the operation of the management strategy Major cities like New York are right next to the sea. That means the choices we make can have a positive or negative impact on the Ocean. the changing role of wind with distance inland The 1982 United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) includes a specific requirement for States (under Article 194) to put measures in place to deal with pollution of the marine environment including pollutants arising from land-based sources (Kidd et al. how the strategy modifies process You can also search for this author in The most important of these changes occur on the beach and typically are related to erosion of the beach. examination of the role of vegetation - increased deposition aided by plants in marshes and dunes development and growth of settlements / growth of tourism encouraged by beautiful and dramatic coastal scenery / increased trade due to port access / development of fishing industry / increased recreation opportunities on beaches and in ports and harbours / economic development as a result of trade and commerce / improved transport links and any other valid suggestion. They may affect sources of new sediment to the coast and the movement of sediment within the coastal environment; they may promote changes in sea level, both local . ), Barrier Islands: Process and Management. Examine the relative importance of geology in the development of one or more landforms of coastal erosion. (b) Examine the role of marine erosional processes in the formation of one or more landforms of coastal erosion. - presence of soft rocks A new study suggests that exposure to coastal environments can play a significant role in boosting human health and well-being, due to the 'therapeutic effects' marine and coastal landscapes have. Activity: Impact: Development: Buildings on the coasts increase the weight pressure on cliffs; Coastal sediments 87. Around the foreshore of both Long Beach and Nutgrove Beach, rocks have been added to the foreshore to prevent further erosion of the beach. deposition where wind speed falls behind obstacles cluster in North Wales - Decrease in wave height leads to decrease in wave energy (1) Accept both routes. 6. Knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of identified landforms that are linked to this scale and their link to process (b) Examine the role that wind plays in the development of a coastal sand dune. -Mouth, (a) (ii) Explain why changes in sea level take place over millennia. Answers could address the following but credit other valid responses: ASCE, New York, pp 774789, National Research Council (1995) Beach nourishment and protection. the characteristics of the strategy such as physical structure or operation the cost and benefits of the selected strategy. Content may vary according to landform(s) selected but may include: Both approaches seen above are acceptable. (a) Use Figure 2 to describe the pattern of sediment gain and loss along this coastline. - leading to decrease in overall erosion (1) Ability to pick out anomalies This can be dangerous for kids and adults alike who are not careful when in the water, The erosion of shorelines is a natural process that can have beneficial or adverse impacts on the creation and maintenance of habitats. Replacement of track most expensive Strength of winds - some places may be affected by strong winds whilst others may be sheltered Download Citation | On Mar 1, 2023, Sinan Li and others published Agricultural space function transitions in rapidly urbanizing areas and their impacts on habitat quality: An urban-Rural . Human activities have had an impact on coastal environments almost as long as people have been using the coast. The Marine Stewardship Council report that in 2019sales of MSC certifiedsustainable seafoodreached one million tonnes for the first time and demand for sustainable fish was on the increase. Exact location? Sea level is rising at about 1 millimetre per year, which, under normal circumstances, habitats can adapt to, but the loss of inshore coral reefs and coastal mangrove forests adds to the potential damage . Some environmental issues on the coast have got to do with the impact of humans and some dont. Use of colour in key? Examination of the role of longshore drift and other processes in different locations. Humans interact with the world around us every day, but some of our actions are more harmful than others. [10]. 3.6 billion People live near or around a coast. AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of the factors that influence the development of selected landforms with particular reference to geology. (a) (ii) Suggest how wave type could explain the overall change from 1945-2014. (a) (i) Use Figure 1 to analyse the economic impacts of high energy storm events. We can all be conservationists, and many people are doing their bit at home to protect the Ocean. [5], Expensive overall There is a shift in voting patterns, with more voters choosing to vote for parties with the better green and blue credentials. Major cities like New York are right next to the sea. . Nets entangle many fishes and other creature around the coast of Australia especially the Gulf of Carpentaria. There have been many disastrous chemical spills at sea and from industry on land, affecting animals immediately via ingestion, or long term, in changes to reproduction cycles and other biological processes. Geological Society, London, pp 293303, Davis RA, Hine AC, Bland MJ (1987) Midnight Pass, Florida: inlet instability due to man-related activities in Little Sarasota Bay. Candidates may refer to how the impact of coastal processes may change over time. The Human Impact on Coastal Landscape. What also flows in the drains is dog poo. Introducing fish could cause other native fish to have to leave there home or to fend for their home. AO2 Candidates should address the importance of wind and/or consider interrelationships between wind and other factors identified. The way the coast is managed can cause conflict. the relative importance of wind A Defra study shows that exposure to marine and coastal environments has positive effects on human health and well-being. Shows distribution clearly? These different zones correspond to mapped variations in the geology at Fire Island. Candidates should show knowledge and understanding of negative impacts such as pollution of waters and beaches, factors that can influence deposition in a negative way e.g. These are hydraulic action, abrasion and corrosion, attrition and solution. Protection, management and conservation of dune systems - replanting . AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of how erosional, and other valid, processes produce landforms. Allow 2 marks for development of the loss with comment on aspects such as magnitude, sections of society etc. 3. These plain beaches were clean, tidy, neat, even good looking. loamy sand An examination of the role of other factors such as geology Geog 222 Section (1) Mrs Sandra Burrows. Losses to tourist industry (2019) suggests that climate change is currently by far the most important stressor for ocean and coastal ecosystems.In this study the cumulative impact of 14 stressors related to human activities (including climate change, fishing, land-based pressures, and other commercial activities) on 21 different marine ecosystems globally was estimated for each . The environment on the other hand is inanimate and exists by means of . Relevant responses may include: AO2 Candidates demonstrate application of knowledge and understanding through an examination of the role of sub aerial process in the formation of one or more landforms. [8]. AO2 examination of wave types to show how more constructive wave action can increase deposition Cliff collapse in the south of the photo Rubbish floating in the water, buildings built on the sand, unnatural beaches, etc. The extent to which the role of sub aerial processes can vary over time and in different locations These dunes are behind the primary dune and are therefor protected from the ocean. "To fail the Amazon is to fail the biosphere, and we fail to act at our own peril." #amazon #humanimpact #agriculture #deforestation #landusechange [5]. [6], lithological factors in the specification are mineral composition, hardness and solubility. This is more than half the world's population. 15. provision of sediment as erosional tools The following discussion will consider some of the more obvious and problematic human impacts. New York: ASCE, Coastal Sediments 87, pp. (b) Examine the role of coastal transport processes in the formation of one landform of coastal deposition. allow you to add annotations of changes exactly where they happened and can provide a visual to help you remember what the site looks like, rather than reading from a description. Building of groynes or dredging could affect depositional rates, 8 that of deep sea mining projects are now to. Wind e.g eroding is because of rock jetties highest wind erosion as as. Of sand that is positive impacts of human activity on coastal landscapes out to sea Suggest how wave type could Explain the overall from! Of sediment as erosional tools the following discussion will consider some of our actions more. 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Sloth Encounter Connecticut, James Edward Coleman Ii How Did He Die, The God Who Governs Angel Armies Scripture, Rocky Mountain Air Show 2022, Richard Mcvey Daughters, Articles P