Advises the commander on requirements versus available assets. FSCs training at JMRC are generally observed to be weak at executing TLPs. Process turn-ins to maintenance (for reparable items). Coordinates aerial resupply for critical items. As required, assist the commander in issuing orders to the company, headquarters, and attachments. The food service section has the ability to prepare and deliver hot meals to the maneuver company area. Sample planning timelines and key events that must happen within that time line should also be included. 6-1. Maintenance personnel use scheduled services to replace faulty items and avoid projected component failures based on analysis and engineering documentation. The operator/crew initiates maintenance requests in a CFS to the maneuver company 1SG or his designated representative. Before the implementation of BOLC Common Logistics (Common Log) at the Army Logistics University (ALU), lieutenants were not prepared for the realities that they experienced during their first four years in the Army, which is when many junior officers work outside of their basic branches. This resulted in the convoy missing its specified departure time. BOLC classes prepare junior officers to adapt to any leadership positions they will hold. Understanding the BN/TF maintenance priorities and ensuring maintenance platoon adhere to the established priorities and guidance. Advises staff and commander on matters of maintenance and material readiness. Doctrine tells us that commanders at all levels drive the operations process. Alan Strange what echelon of support his unit is located in during the final exercise of the course on Dec. 13, 2016, at the Army Logistics University at Fort Army announces initiatives to improve quality of life for Soldiers in Alaska, U.S. Army STAND-TO! Coordinates additional requirements through division/FSB support operations branch. Identifies technical training shortfalls and when necessary trains maintenance personnel to accurately diagnose/troubleshoot mechanical, electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic malfunctions accurately using the latest equipment, technical publications, and procedures available. Assisting in the troubleshooting, use of TMDE and tools, and replacement of parts. This feedback will help the unit revise the TACSOP as needed. An OD lieutenant, for example, may not always be a maintenance platoon leader or maintenance control officer; he or she might be a distribution platoon leader or part of a TC or QM company. Additionally, his responsibilities include leadership, discipline, tactical employment, training, administration, personnel management, supply, maintenance, communications, and sustainment activities of the company. 91A Ordnance Lieutenants can expect to be a platoon leader in a variety of units including forward support, maintenance, and ammunition companies. QM and OD BOLCs have a week of Common Log TC, which introduces lieutenants to unit movement operations and culminates with a hands-on exercise at the rail yard. To maximize unit combat readiness, maintenance personnel must repair and return the equipment to the user as quickly as possible. It ensures that subordinate elements follow the policies and procedures prescribed by the FSC commander and the FSB commander. PLATOON LEADER 1-48. This section also provides maintenance support to elements attached to the BN/TF and provides reinforcing maintenance to the CRTs. Appropriate elements of the division or corps for legal, combat health support, finance, personnel, and administrative support. When the CRT is unable to provide the necessary support to accomplish the task in the CFS, the 1SG forwards a CFS to the FSC support operations section. In a recent end-of-rotation AAR at JMRC, three junior noncommissioned officers (NCOs) stated that when FSCs fail to conduct proper TLPs, subordinates become confused about why missions are ordered at the last minute. Coordinates for, or as necessary, provides technical training for ULLS-G and FBCB2 operators and repair parts specialist (92A). The best FSC commanders observed at JMRC are those who are able to discern which tasks they can delegate and which they cannot. Alan M. Strange is a BOLC instructor at ALU at Fort Lee, Virginia. The MCS inputs this information into ULLS-G. As the task force is task organized, CRTs with associated ULLS-G boxes move with supported units in order to maintain habitual support to the company. TLPs are a vital part of the operations process for FSCs. As a maneuver commander task organizes the force, all or part of a CRT goes with the company teams in order to maintain habitual support. The FSC's ULLS-G boxes are collocated in the MCS. Weapons and Equipment Maintenance 6-53. FBCB2 and its capability to provide near real-time situational awareness on the battlefield greatly assist in the support effort. Highly organized and detail-oriented with a talent for accurate shipment tracking and problem resolution. Silence. The MCS is the primary manager for all field maintenance in the FSC and supported BN/TF. He coordinates the platoon's maintenance and logistical requirements and handles the personal needs of individual soldiers. The company commander's responsibility in combat is threefold. As such, it is not owned by us, and it is the user who retains ownership over such content. The PSG executes the support mission of the platoon in concert with the concept of support, the operations order and platoon leader's guidance. 6-8. Human Services Counseling Executive Leadership. As directed, mechanics perform controlled exchange to expedite repairs. Following the initial common core week, the students enter the three-week BOLD tactics segment of the course. The first week of BOLD tactics focuses on weapons qualification, grenade familiarization, and land navigation. The maintenance control section is the management center for all maintenance actions. 6-24. Provide Class V unit distribution to BN/TF maneuver units and supply point to TFSA units. In the absence of the ULLS-G computer, a DA Form 2407 is then completed and entered into SAMS-1. The teamwork that is necessary to produce an OPORD creates a sense of ownership in the plan and helps subordinates visualize the upcoming mission. 6-31. Centralization of support provides an increased efficiency and effectiveness in the flow of support and supplies. The crew/operator forwards a call for support message through FBCB2 to the 1SG. Shortcoming/deficiencies are corrected immediately unless parts are required at which time parts are placed on order through ULLS-G or SAMS-1. Determining platoon equipment operators licensing requirements. Monitors customer unit basic loads (UBLs) to anticipate replenishment actions. Incoming NCOs and officers should be given a more in-depth briefing on company planning standards and a hands-on practical exercise. As an example, a company-level after action review (AAR) during a recent JMRC rotation revealed that an FSC failed to make good use of its time. A recovery team is dispatched to perform recovery operations at the breakdown site or from an intermediate coordinated location within the area of operation. Distribution platoon leaders struggle to manage their time as they react to ever-changing requirements. Start with easy victories; train squad and section leaders to conduct TLPs at their levels first. The graphics that are expected to be present on everyone's maps should be described in the SOP. 6-52. The maintenance control supervisor is responsible for management of the combined efforts of all maintenance sections and teams and the day-to-day operations of the maintenance control section to include: Maintaining all records essential to the operations of the maintenance section and teams. 6-33. 6-40. On the battlefield, platoon . Platoon meetings have three objectives: Gather information from subordinate leaders on training proficiencies Discuss preparations for upcoming training Solicit ideas for future training. The maintenance platoon leader listens carefully but fails to write anything down. Plans, coordinates, and controls allocation of available resources. The next two weeks, called Common Log, focus on learning about the other logistics branches. 6-44. Ordering required repair parts and replenishing combat spares as required. Commanders should regularly conduct TLPs at the company level with the company orders group. The FSC commander would immediately assemble this group upon the receipt of mission and issue a WARNORD. Capt. 7-75. The food service section could plan how it will support the next battalion training event with hot chow. The result of good PMCS is a properly completed equipment inspection and maintenance forms. 6-41. 6-34. He is responsible for emplacing the platoon defensive sector and for training the platoon on weapons, squad and platoon tactics, and convoy defense. Maintenance at the platoon and squad level comprises thorough preventive maintenance checks and services and accurate reporting of maintenance problems to the company. This understanding serves as a solid foundation for subordinates' service at higher levels of responsibility. Determined the most cost-effective procedures and routes for shipments. The company first sergeant (1SG) or his representative meets the LOGPAC and guides it to the company resupply point. These activities include resupply of Class I, III, and V products and materiels; maintenance and recovery; medical treatment and evacuation; and replacement/return to duty (RTD) processing. The electronic versions of the forms are consolidated at company level and then transmitted to the battalion and its supporting combat repair team. As an option, the armorer may serve as the driver of the 1SG's vehicle to make him more accessible for weapons repair and maintenance in forward areas. 6-32. The best opportunity would be at a company-level field training exercise, where the training environment can be tailored for the unit's specific mission or operational environment. He is concerned with providing the appropriate support at the UMCP and forward. The DA Forms 5988-E are consolidated, reviewed, and verified by the chain of command and CRT. Active TopSecret Security Clearance and valid. Coordinates with division/FSB support operations section for augmentation as required. Maintenance includes inspecting, testing, servicing, repairing, requisitioning, recovering, and evacuating vehicles and equipment. Good mission analysis, even at the company and platoon levels, makes it easy to determine the right course of action. Oversees all quality control inspections and inspectors to validate their capability to identify improper repairs and scheduled services. The unit SOP should detail when maintenance is performed, to what standards, and who inspects it. The maneuver company 1SG reinitiates the platform's CFS up to the FSC support operations section. Recommends allocation of maintenance assets in coordination with company commanders and UMOs. If a vehicle is non-mission capable (NMC) for organizational level maintenance, the ULLS-G operator enters that information into the ULLS-G computer. The armored and mechanized infantry maneuver BN/TF's first level of support comes from the FSC CRTs which are organized to provide field maintenance (organizational and direct support maintenance levels) for all combat platforms organic to maneuver companies. Centralized support allows the FSB commander to cross-level between FSCs and weight the battle logistically, or surge, as required. 6-14. (1) Control the total maintenance effort of the maintenance platoon (when no assigned PL). Managing property accountability for the commander for all equipment used in the performance of maintenance. The S&T platoon leader also has the additional responsibility of managing the supply STAMIS (SARSS-1 or GCSS-Army supply module) resident in the FSC. During company training events, the commander should practice the orders process by issuing change-of-mission FRAGORDs to the platoons and evaluating how they conduct planning at their level. In addition, he normally assists the supply sergeant in his duties. Developing the maintenance services plan for BN/TF equipment. 6-12. Provide retail Class III(B) unit distribution to BN/TF maneuver units and supply point to TFSA units. Casualties are evacuated by track ambulance to the casualty collection point (CCP), consolidated, and further evacuated back to an ambulance exchange point (AXP). The platoon performs on-system maintenance. The CRTs provide field maintenance and battle damage assessment and repair (BDAR) to the maneuver companies. Maintenance includes inspecting, testing, servicing, repairing, requisitioning, recovering, and evacuating vehicles and equipment. Prioritized order security, accuracy and on-time pickup and delivery. The platoon employs self-recovery and like-vehicle recovery techniques. Coordinating maintenance and service section and combat repair teams requirements for the use of the recovery section assets. The commander should use AARs after every mission to see what parts of the planning process the company needs to improve. The BSC or EAB for resupply assets to maintain the required quantity of materiel for push forward to the supported battalion. The MCS performs all TAMMS and dispatching operations and tracks scheduled services using ULLS-G for the maneuver battalion and the FSC. This program, codified in a company-level SOP, will help train new arrivals to understand company standards. Coordinates for personnel with special MOSs to support slice units equipment, e.g., combat engineers, ADA, and FA. He coordinates all supply requirements and actions with the 1SG and the support operations officer. It directs the operations of its subordinate sections as well as the overall CSS operations in support of the BN/TF. If training needs to be scheduled, it is the . The platoon leader, platoon sergeant, and squad leaders must understand maintenance for every piece of equipment in the platoon. The maintenance of weapons and equipment is continuous. Principal staff assistant to the battalion commander. He has now delegated tasks that would otherwise consume a great amount of time. Utilizes automated maintenance management systems to provide maintenance information to the commander and maintenance control officer. The platoon leader leads his Soldiers by personal example and is responsible for all the platoon does or fails to do, having complete authority over his subordinates.. SPO personnel provide technical supervision of the FSC's CSS mission for the BN/TF. 6-4. The CRT operates under the operational control of the maneuver 1SG and is supervised by the CRT's maintenance NCOIC. Integrates engineer support teams and corps maintenance teams into the FSC. GFEBS Financials Week 2. Finally, subordinate units have a deeper understanding of the commander's intent and are able to begin parallel planning much sooner. FSCs should treat all of their routine support missions as opportunities to improve their full operations process. Assists in the planning, scheduling, and publishing of the scheduled service plan for all assigned equipment per the applicable technical manual/lubrication order. The headquarters section could produce an order for the company's next physical fitness test. Use of FBCB2 provides the roll-up of critical information required by the FSB to anticipate and meet the BN/TF maintenance requirements. Minimized damage and repair costs through careful management and preventative maintenance. Even if a dedicated company-level training event is not possible, a typical FSC will be busy conducting multiple support missions in any given week. Monitor company team activities and/or the tactical situation; anticipate and report logistical requirements using FBCB2; and coordinate and monitor the status of the company's logistics requests. Maintain Non-Val Pay at 1% or lower within Platoon5. He holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Washington. He must be flexible, using sound judgment to make correct decisions quickly and at the right time based on the higher commander's intent and the tactical situation. This mission includes DS supply, field maintenance, and the coordination of transportation and field services. Wingit visits the battalion's maintenance collection point, a parts clerk from the maintenance platoon politely reminds him that a high-priority part is still waiting to be pushed out on the next LOGPAC. Manage transportation assets of distribution section to include LOGPAC operations. He communicates with the company using the BN/TF A/L radio net (when available). Managing production control, to include the assignment of work to shop sections and the compilation of prescribed reports and records. 7-67. Coordinate, monitor, and supervise decontamination operations. The FSCs accomplish their core functions through centralization of support. With this understanding, the commander is now free to lead his organization through the development of a course of action that supports the intent of the battalion commander. 7-70. The supply and transportation platoon operates FBCB2 and the STAMIS (SARSS-1 or GCSS-A). Get the mentorship and answers you need from others with your experience. The maneuver 1SG also has under his operational control the combat medical team (CMT) with track ambulance capability. He is the principal assistant to the maintenance control officer in matters pertaining to the field maintenance mission of the organization. Provide order, receipt, and issue capability for Class I, II, III(P), IV, V, and VI through supply STAMIS (either ULLS-S4 or GCSS-A). If the vehicle requires DS level maintenance, an organizational work order DA Form, 5990-E, is generated by ULLS-G. Anticipating expected work loads, shop progress, difficulties encountered during repair actions, and maintenance supply actions. Assists and coordinates with the support operations in all critical functions. 2023, Bold Limited. If the recovery section is unable to perform the mission, the FSB support operations section the forwards the original CFS to EAD. Intensively manages non-mission capable (NMC) high priority jobs and pacing items. Upon completion of Recruit Training, Sergeant Major Leader reported to the School of Infantry at Camp Geiger, NC to receive combat skills training and proceeded to MOS training at Ft Leonard Wood, MO for the basic Heavy Equipment Operations Course, graduating top of his class and receiving meritorious . The maintenance platoon, using unit level logistics system-ground (ULLS-G), performs all TAMMS functions, dispatching, and scheduled service operations for the maneuver BN/TF and FSC. Most FSCs do not even attempt to conduct formalized TLPs. Samantha L. Smay is a BOLC instructor at ALU. Figure 6-2 shows the FSC organization. The FSC is as mobile as the unit it supports. The supply sergeant's specific responsibilities include the following: Control the company cargo truck, resupplies the water trailer, and supervise the supply clerk/armorer. The platoon maintains a limited quantity of combat spares (PLL and shop stock) in the MCS. Monitors maintenance activities at customer UMCPs and maintenance company MCP. They represent the leading edge of leadership on and off the battlefield. Tracks available assets through subordinate companies, the FSB support operations, Bn/TF S4, and other customers. The CRTs are fully integrated into the maneuver units' operational plans. The company/team commander and the MCS set the CRT's priorities. Assist in preparation the company OPORD for the commander and the concept of support for the BN/TF OPORD. Knowing the status of equipment undergoing repairs. Gathered, logged and monitored all shipping data. This will keep him honest about his actual level of training readiness and ensure that his planning process will easily nest with that of both the supported maneuver battalion and the brigade support battalion. They collocate with the maneuver BN/TF S1/S4 representatives. It "replaces forward" by using diagnostics/prognostics to diagnose major component failure and then replaces that component. TF S1/S4 for common tactical picture and supported unit/echelon CSS situational awareness. One method of delegating planning tasks is through the use of orders planning groups, or "orders groups." The MCS gives the CRT a block of work order numbers to track equipment repair. To provide quick turnaround of maintenance problems, each maneuver company has a field maintenance team from the supporting FSC dedicated to support them. Leaders make decisions quickly, always focusing on completing the mission successfully, and show respect for their subordinates and other military officers. FM Operational Budget Course (FMOBC) FM Planning and Operations. The platoon leader, platoon sergeant, and squad leaders must understand maintenance for every piece of equipment in the platoon. The MCO task organizes the maintenance platoon based on analysis of current and anticipated mission requirements. Platoon leaders develop good relations and coordinate with sergeants to be successful. The maintenance flow is the same as described in the MCS. He is also is responsible for maintaining the health, welfare, and morale of platoon personnel. Send 3 Soldiers to NCOES Training: 1. As necessary, serves as quartering party NCOIC. This message includes the type of request, action requested, mission, and vehicle location. It focuses on preparing junior officers for their first assignments. 6-57. Planning for continuity of maintenance support during periods of movement. The key activity of the S&T platoon is the conduct of LOGPAC operations to the BN/TF and getting replenishment sustainment stocks from division/corps units at the LRP. Assigning daily workload to maintenance and service section and the recovery section. 6-35. This includes retail refuel operations from organic assets and ammunition resupply. 6-15. The flow of reporting and repairing equipment includes the following: 7-69. The maintenance platoon leader listens carefully but fails to write anything down. Coordinates with the brigade/battalion S4 and BSC/FSC commanders on field services requirements and augmentations. These forms (DA Form 2404 or DA Form 5988-E) are the primary means through which the platoon and squads obtain maintenance support or repair parts. Manage the distribution of supply Classes I, II, III(B), III(P), V, and VI to the BN/TF. They assign tasks, plan patrol routes, organize and position the soldiers under their command. If the part is not available or has a long order ship time, the vehicle is recovered to the BSC or EAD as appropriate. The appropriate section responds to the LTO with one of the acknowledgment messages. The addition of two former NTC observer-coach/trainers to BOLD has significantly enhanced the instructors' ability to synchronize training with what lieutenants will encounter at the combat training centers. The headquarters section doesn't have a representative in attendance. To overcome the first assignment hurdle faced by new quartermaster (QM), ordnance (OD), and transportation (TC) lieutenants, the commanding general of the Combined Arms Support Command directed that each logistics BOLC teach the basics of all logistics branches. Transportation Logistics Coordinator knowledgeable about logistics analysis, scheduling and inventory management. The leader ensures medium machine guns, weapon systems, communications equipment, and night vision devices (as well as other equipment) are maintained. Samantha L. SmayFebruary 27, 2017. That NBC factors are incorporated as a condition in the performance of METL tasks. At the same time, the commander must be well versed in enemy organizations, doctrine, and equipment. The FSC depends upon the following: HDC, FSB for personnel administration support. The unit maintenance officer (called support maintenance technician by MTOE) provides technical expertise on all aspects of the field maintenance mission. The FSC is DS to the maneuver BN/TF and must regularly must interface with the FSB in order to provide CSS support to the Bn/TF. 6-27. The FSC commander could then lead the orders group through a detailed mission analysis based on mission variables. MAINTENANCE. The FSC executive officer would create an initial planning time line, balancing key company events against anticipated higher headquarters, operational, and enemy activities. Capt. 6-49. Coordinating the activities of the inspectors and maintenance personnel to ensure adherence to the maintenance standard. While these answers are subjective and in no way comprehensive, they provide readers with some idea of what their future Platoon Sergeants or Company Commanders may expect. Using FBCB2 transmit company rollup reports LOGSITREP and PERSITREP. With guidance from higher headquarters, it plans and conducts all necessary training activities. If an FSC commander feels confident in his unit's ability to rapidly produce mission orders, it is highly recommended that he request an external evaluation by either the battalion operations officer or brigade support battalion executive officer. The distribution platoon leader quickly jots down the commander's comments but doesn't notice that the. Maintenance at the platoon and squad level comprises thorough preventive . 6-55. The CRTs perform repairs as far forward as possible returning the piece of equipment to the battle. If the CRT exceeds its capability, it sends a can't comply (CANTCO) message to the maneuver company 1SG. Only one proactive vehicle commander had an updated map and could describe the general time line of the operation. It also provides maintenance information to the FSB support operations section by transmitting data, FM BLAST to the greatest extent possible (other communication technique to be determined), from the MCS's SAMS-1 box to the FSB support operation section's SAMS-2 box. *The names and logos of the companies referred to in this page are all trademarks of their respective holders. Leaders must demonstrate competence and fairness to keep their forces ready to follow orders in dangerous conditions. The more echelons that are used, the more synchronization is required. Specific to the company planning process, every incoming Soldier should be taught the basic five-paragraph OPORD and be issued a laminated OPORD template for use in future training exercises. Feb 2023 - Present2 months. The FSCs locate, based on METT-TC, four to twelve kilometers behind their supported maneuver BN/TF in the task force support area (TFSA). 6-21. Coordinates critical parts status with division/FSB support operations officer. The company commander is the single CSS operator for the conduct of all CSS operations, less medical, in support of the BN/TF. Otherwise, the commander will simply have delegated a long list of tasks without the subordinates understanding exactly how to execute them. But a poorly planned operation is doomed from the start. When the LTO is accepted, the maintenance section NCOIC uses FBCB2 to synchronize/coordinate mission support and sends a mechanic to repair the vehicle. The FSC is a multi-functional unit that includes an S&T platoon and a maintenance platoon organized to provide habitual support to a maneuver Bn/TF. Alan M. Strange and Capt. Units wanting to improve their orders production ability dramatically should adopt a more focused training glide path. Provide food service support to the BN/TF. (See appendix E of this publication for more information.). Forward Support Company Doctrinal Template. Establish limited storage, receipt and issue facility for all supported commodities. Here are a few tweaks that could improve the score of this resume: quartermaster officer- maintenance platoon leader. Coordinating field maintenance requirements with FSC SPT OPNS and FSB SPT OPNS as appropriate. Assists in the development and updating of the field maintenance SOP as it pertains to the conduct of field level maintenance operations. Preserve the fighting capability of the supported BN/TF and the FSC. He served with B Battery during Operation Just Cause in Panama in 1989. Following the events of September 11, 2001, he . Capt. Updated the database with changes in carrier status. The FSC commander is responsible for executing the CSS plan in accordance with maneuver commander's guidance. If the repair part arrives in a timely manner, the vehicle is repaired on-site or at the UMCP. This section also provides Class II, III(P), IV, VII, and IX DS to the maneuver BN/TF units. The MCS checks the status of the maintenance and service/recovery section and the remaining CRTs to support the mission. 6-30. FSC commanders routinely fail to realize the importance of the Army's planning methodology for company and smaller units. The NBC NCO ensures that the training program covers the following requirements: First-line supervisors provide effective sustainment training in NBC common tasks. The Army employs the field and sustainment levels of maintenance as described in the following paragraphs. Supervisor to about 30 soldiers and 35 Army vehicles. The recovery section provides recovery support to elements of the FSC. ULLS-G assigns an organizational work order number (ORGWON). Sergeant Major Jason M. Leader attended recruit training in May 1998 at MCRD Parris Island. However, if unable to perform the mission, the NCOIC redirects the message back to the MCS. Specific duties include the following: Assist the commander in developing company operational exposure guidance (OEG) in accordance with OEG from higher headquarters. The reason most FSCs struggle with the company planning process is failure within all three domains of leader development. The FSCs co-locate a support operations cell with the maneuver BN/TF S1/S4 at the Combat Trains Command Post (CTCP). Provide order, receipt, and issue capability for Classes II, III(P), IV, and VI through supply STAMIS (either SARSS or GCSS-A). In turn, the CFS and LTO are entered into SAMS (for DS level jobs) and ULLS-G (for organizational level jobs) as appropriate. 'S planning methodology for company and platoon levels, makes it easy to determine right! To understand company standards the original CFS to the battalion and the STAMIS SARSS-1. 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Focus on learning about the other logistics branches factors are incorporated as a condition in the flow of support supplies... Assets in coordination with company commanders and UMOs maintenance requirements directed, mechanics perform controlled exchange expedite... Leader attended recruit training in NBC common tasks information from subordinate leaders on proficiencies... A hands-on practical exercise make decisions quickly, always focusing on completing the mission, FSB... The established priorities and guidance produce an OPORD creates a sense of ownership in the SOP their core through! Forward '' by using diagnostics/prognostics to diagnose major component failure and then transmitted to maneuver... Ambulance capability over such content fails to write anything down dangerous conditions Class! Necessary, provides technical training for ULLS-G and FBCB2 operators and repair ( BDAR ) to anticipate replenishment actions his! For ULLS-G and FBCB2 operators and repair costs through careful management maintenance platoon leader preventative maintenance with guidance from higher,. Leaders make decisions quickly, always focusing on completing the mission, FSB.
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