(IWI), of Lynn, MA (Updated 24 Feb 2020)Dowty [Doughty],Thomas. It is reckoned that transported convicts made up a quarter of the British immigrants to colonial America in the 18th century. John Clark was taught the trade of blacksmith by Samuel Hart. A sawmill owner in Exeter, N.H., named Nicholas Lissen bought him and six other Scottish POWs. (IWI), of Lynn, MAWarren, James. in the wrong box in the British Archives. Applications are known as petitions, and may have been made by friends, relatives or other associates on behalf of the convict. It is a profound and self-serving insult to the enslaved Native Americans and Africans who, along with their children and family members, were truly slaves and disposable property for generation. They were captured by the English, taken from their homeland, and sent to Massachusetts Bay Colony to work as indentured servants for seven years. This is very, very hard to establish in genealogical research, as the surnames of women are often lost when marriages before civil registration can be incompletely recorded. (CD), of Upper Kittery, ME;yDNA Study (updates in progress 24 Feb 20)Gregory, John. Gen. Soc of Boston. But the Y chromosome is very powerful for earlier ancestry because it changes very little as it is passed from father to son. requires you to be logged in through either a Disqus account (LLNV), of Braintree, MA and Block Island, RIHamilton,John. (CD)Purdie, John. Even if you think you share some DNA with someone else who is also descended from a SPOW, the segments will be extremely small, and cannot be used to make a definitive case. Virginia, Bermuda, Barbados are encouraged to contact the administrators. (CD), of Oyster River, NH; Salem and Malden, MA: Kittery and Saco, MEDunbar,Robert. were the Grant brothers, Peter and James. Auburn Cemetery. ], they lived in Oyster River. This information will help us make improvements to the website. s.src = 'https://escotland.disqus.com/embed.js'; It is hoped that DNA can also help to identify relatives of the transported men who still live in Scotland today, to help answer the questions Where in Scotland had these men been taken from? 1 August 2007. In 1667 a seat was assigned for him at the Amsbury Church. Maxwell received 30 lashes on his bare skin "for exobitant and abusive carage toward the master and his wife." One solution: deport them to New England, Virginia and Barbados. (CD)Moore, Mathew. In London, the English confined them outdoors on artillery fields. He landed in Ipswich ,Mass, where he was an indentured servent . Every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy; please independently verify all data. (CD), Woburn, MABruce, James. Bryson, who was formerly called Adam Graham, was initially assigned to Cornton Vale, the one women-only prison in Scotland, after a trial at the High Court in Glasgow. (IWI), 1653: Lynn, MACleghorn,James. })(); /** Scottish Emigration to Ireland [edit | edit source] Australia . You can find the entire family history of Duncan Stewart in Sprague Journal Maine History. political prisoners were also often deported. The Iron Works at that time covered over 600 acres, from what is now Saugus Center to Walnut street up towards what is now North Saugus, almost out to where Route one is now and over as far as Lynn Commons. (CD), of Boston, MAWilliamson, Duncan. Zechariah Symmes, one of Charlestowns most prominent citizens. Valentine Hill also bought some of the Scottish POWs from the Battle of Dunbar, and worked them in his sawmills at Durham Falls and the Lamprey River in New Hampshire. [] sold (there is no other word for it) in New England, where a Puritan minister commented, The Scots, whom God delivered into [Cromwells] hands at Dunbarre, and whereof sundry were sen [], [] in Bangor, Maine, on September 2, 1888. (IWI), of Lynn and Braintree, MA; yDNA StudyMcCallum, John. His ancestor, Alexander Gordon,arrived in the colonies in 1652 as a political prisoner. Many small segments are ancient segments of DNA that become common in a community. The . Other records that we hold may help you find this information: consult our guides to criminals and convicts. (IWI), Braintree MA, Block Island RITower, Thomas. var disqus_config = function () { (CD)Parsons/Palson, Thomas. Dr. Andrew Millards list in,Lost Live, New Voices. (CD) 1654: Exeter, NH, see John Beme on the John & Sara listBennett,John. List of rebel prisoners: with their rank and the number of witnesses against them, July 17 1746 (SP 54/32/41C). var scpt = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; Alexander Gordon died in Exeter in 1697, and his children had many descendants. (IWI)Thompson, James. Many of those deported were later pardoned on the condition that . The usual period of transportation was 14 years for convicts receiving conditional pardons from death sentences or seven years for lesser offences. var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-249123-12"); Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned. These men were captured at the battle of Worcester. try { The English had them buried in mass graves, only recently discovered. Check your matches regularly. To use mtDNA you would be looking at descent from one of the SPOW's daughters, who would have his wife's DNA. Board of Trade and Secretaries of State: America and West Indies, Original Correspondence CO 5/190 p 361. . The British were noted for transported prisoners out of England to be made to work at their numerous colonies. SC 373 Ballintine Wm. You can often find: HO 10 contains material about convicts pardons and tickets of leave from New South Wales and Tasmania, 1834-59. var _qevents = _qevents || []; Across the sea, Oliver Cromwells new government had the costly and vexing task of managing thousands of Scottish POWs. In America today there are many who believe themselves descendants of these men, and DNA will be used to explore family links between them. Few records of these individuals survive, though legal records from this period may contain useful information. (CD), of Charleston, MA (Updated 22 Feb 2020), Original List of Dunbar Prisoners Profiles, yDNA Study (updates in progress 24 Feb 20), Durham University Scottish Soldiers Project, 35 Scots at Lynn 1653, Iron Works Inventory, Bravender/Braband/Brebner/Brabiner, Alexander, Forbes/Furbush/Farbish/Furbish/Farsbush/Farbuish, John (2), Forbes/Furbish/Furbush/Forbush/Ferbush,William, Livingstone/Levingstone/Lewiston/Levestoon, Daniel. Ship Wakefield 21 April 1716 Briggantine Two Brothers 26 April 1716 Ship Susannah 26 April 1716 Friendship of Belfast 24 May 1716 Ship Hockenhill 25 June 1716 Ship Elizabeth and Anne 29 June 1716 Ship Good Speed 14 July 1716 Ship Africa Gally 15 July 1716 Ship Ann 31 July 1716 Also listed as Jacobite ships on this website are: (CD)McPherson, Angus. About 50 went to the Saugus Iron Works,the first successful iron works in the colonies. (LLNV), of Lynn, MAElder/Elyer,Daniel. Lessons Learned Review of Transgender Individual. About 275 Scottish POWs were sent to Boston about the John and Sara, where Thomas Kemble, a Charlestown merchant, took them on consignment. Doesnt matter how we try to dress this up, it was definitely slavery. The term of service for all of them was seven years. The Scots Did have a bad time;however the Irish had a much Worse time. They were still there in 1659. Slavery involves ownership of the entire person (often not considered as such) as property. In all, 639 of the those 1,301 were transported here. (CD), of South Berwick and Upper Eliot, MEFerguson/Fargison, John. David Hume, who came over on the John and Sara, settled in Dedham, Mass., where his name morphed into Holmes. Not many people know that between 1718 and 1775 over 52,000 convicts were transported from the British Isles to America, mainly to Maryland and Virginia, to be sold as slaves to the highest bidder. (IWI), of Lynn and Taunton, MA; Block Island, RIIrwin/Erwin/Dulen, Edward. var elem = document.createElement('script'); Firstly, this era is generally something between 8 to 13 generations back in time for today's family history researchers. If you are a female researcher of a SPOW history, look for male relatives of yours who have the surname of interest, or a proven male line descent, and test their Y DNA. John Curmuckhell, also called Carnicle, came on the John and Sara. Many of those captured Scots were sent to the American colonies. (CD), of Dedham, MA, yDNA StudyMcShane, John. Three thousand men died in battle, and 10,000 taken prisoner. 272 of them survived to reach Charlestown, where they underwent the same fate of the Unity prisoners a year earlier. Havith Roxburgh 031 c WF 582 Barry Wm. They were given very little to eat. Note: Alexander Gorthing was purchased by Samuel Stratton of Waterown. 62 went to John Giffard, the agent for the Undertakers of The Iron Works of Lynn (Saugus). Charles Bateson, The Convict Ships 1787-1868 (1983), Alan Brooke, and David Brandon, Bound for Botany Bay: British convict voyages to Australia (2005), P G Fidlon and R J Ryan (eds), The first fleeters: a comprehensive listing of convicts, marines, seamen, officers, wives, children and ships (1981), Michael Flynn, The second fleet: Britains grim convict armada of 1790 (2001), Mollie Gillen, The founders of Australia: a biographical dictionary of the first fleet (1989), David T Hawkings, Bound for Australia (2012), David T Hawkings, Criminal ancestors: a guide to historical criminal records in England and Wales (2009), Robert Hughes, The fatal shore: a history of transportation of convicts to Australia, 1787-1868 (1987), L L Robson, The convict settlers of Australia (1981), R J Ryan (ed), The second fleet convicts: a comprehensive listing of convicts who sailed in HMS Guardian, Lady Juliana, Neptune, Scarborough and Surprise (1982), For quick pointersTuesday to Saturday They planned to sell each man for between 20 and 30 pounds, which would have made them a considerable profit, since they only paid five pounds for each man. * LEARN WHY DEFINING THESE VARIABLES IS IMPORTANT: In many cases convicts appealed to be pardoned or to have their sentences reduced, while transportation itself was often used as a reduced sentence for a convict who might otherwise have been executed. (CD)McNair, Alexander. He and his wife Rebecca often refused to attend church on the Sabbath. elem.async = true; Berry Tho. (IWI)Makiah, Daniel. So many ended up in York, Maine, that for years the town had the nickname Scotland.. Henry Brown and James Orr,Oar,Ore lived together their entire lives. Those who believe they may be descended from Scottish Civil War prisoners sent to other colonies e.g. After landing in Charlestown, New England, the ones who survived the voyage were indentured for 20-30 each as farm or industrial servants, up to 60 of them to the Saugus Ironworks in Massachusetts. I know it looks funny but as we all know that's how they wrote things back then, "London This 11th of November , 1651; Captain Jojn Greene; "Wee whose names are under written frighters of your shipe the Joh and Sara doe order yow forthwith as winde & weather shall permitt to sett sajle for Boston in New England $ there deliver our Orders and Servants to Tho kemble of charles Towne to be disposed of by him according to orders wee have sent him in the behalfe & wee desire yow to Advise with the said Kemble about all that may be concerne that whole Intended bojage using you Jndeavo's with the said Kemble for the speediest lading your shipp from New Eng, to the barbadoes with porvisions $ such other things as are in N.E. this.page.url = PAGE_URL; 5-6. and in Drake's work on the Founders of New England. (CD), (J&S), of Lynn, MA.Taylor, James. When he died he devided his property between Peter Grant and John Taylor. In mid-August 1766, Tayloe advertised in the Virginia Gazette for the return of one of his convict laborers, Arundell (Arundale) Carnes, aged about seventeen. George S. Stewart's list, 35 Scots at Lynn 1653, Iron Works Inventory. (function() { Now autosomal DNA (like the Family Finder test, or popular tests from other companies) is the most common type of DNA test and many people ask to join the Project using autosomal tests. During its 80-year history 158,702 convicts arrived in Australia from England and Ireland, as well as 1,321 from other parts of the Empire. [] Just came through on my FB feed thought it might be of interest: How Scottish POWS Were Sold as Slave Labor in New England New England Historical Society []. (CD), of Taunton, MA, and Block Island, RI;yDNA StudyCanade/Kennedy. Puritan minister John Cotton wrote in his letter to Oliver Cromwell, "The Scots, whom God delivered into your hands at Dunbarre, and whereof sundry were sent hither, we have been desirous (as we could) John Paul (abt. (CD), of South Berwick and York, ME; yDNA StudyMerrow, Henry. A List of Forty Seven Rebel Prisoners sent on board the Two Brothers in order for Transportation. You may read a transcription of this warrant and view scans of It gives orders for the transportation of Jacobite prisoners in Liverpool Castle to plantations in America and provides instructions for the care of sick prisoners, 29 February 1716 (SP 35/5/13). (IWI), 1653: Lynn, MABurgess, Robert. The Scottish Parliament, in response, conscripted thousands of young Scottish men between the ages of 19 and 25, though some were as young as 12. It also outlines which details can be useful when starting your research, and contains background information on the history of criminal transportation. In our view, indenture was a euphemism used by John Cotton and others to disguise the cruel fact that the Scots were (a) sold and (b) had no freedom under their masters and had to do everything they were told. Under his contract, he could never leave his masters premises without his permission and he couldnt marry. (CD), of Ipswich, Massachusetts.Ross, John. He wrote, , Augustine Walker, paid five pounds for each man and sold them for 20 to 30 pounds, first successful iron works in the colonies, Maine white pine trees, needed for the British Navy, Nicholas Lissen bought him and six other Scottish POWs, Recommended Scholars and litterature on medieval slavery in Europe. Transportation of prisoners. 1. He then moved to York, Maine, to an area where other Scots had settled. A year to the day from Dunbar, the Royalist army under Charles II went down to its final defeat at Worcester, and again several thousand Scottish soldiers supporting Charles found themselves prisoners of war in England. The History of The Town of Durham New Hampshire, Source Historical and genealogical Reg, N.E.H.G. var d = document, s = d.createElement('script'); The microfiche index to the New South Wales convict indents and ships, compiled by the Genealogical Society of Victoria, can be consulted in our reading rooms. Some men were shot because they either could not or would not march. After the Battle of Worcester, the prisoners were marched to London and confined there for a few months on the artillery grounds at Tuthill fields, which were about a half mile from Westminster Palace. (CD), (J&S), Probably the John BOYE on the John and Sara ListRunciman Andrew. They have not been sold for slaves to perpetual servitude, but for 6 or 7 or 8 yeares, as we do our owne [indentured servants] , As one historian noted drily, Cottons sanction deadened the New England conscience.. Although the transportation of prisoners was a catastrophe for them at . Also listed as Jacobite ships on this website are: I caught my first glimpse of ships a few years ago among the Maryland land records when I discovered that my wife's direct ancestor, William McPherson, arrived in Maryland in 1716 aboard the Goodspeed. George Grey and wife Sarah Cooper had five children. (CD)McDonald, Daniel. Kemble found a ready market among planters and mill owners for the human cargo, as the news spread about the first shipment of Scottish POWs. v3.0, except where otherwise stated, Assorted records of criminals, convicts and prisoners, The Complete Book of Emigrants in Bondage 1614-1775, Friends of The National (LLNV), of Oyster River, NHDanielson [Daniels], James. (IWI)Thompson, William. When the constable arrived, his wife Rebecca struck the constable and he, Furbush, "tooke up a dreadful weapon and sayd that he would dy before his goods should be carried away." We place some essential cookies on your device to make this website work. Around 1715 during events associated with the Jacobite uprising at Preston, five years before the birth of the well known Jacobite Bonnie Prince Charlie whose image we have, we see recorded the individual names of many common people; in prison costing the authorities two pence per diem to feed; on ships costing two pounds per person to transport into exile; and in land records, people recorded as real property and sold for cash. (CD), of Charlestown and Concord, MA;yDNA StudyHay, James. Disease was rampant. Leader put the Scottish laborers to work sawing Maine white pine trees, needed for the British Navy. (Steve is a fellow member of the Saugus Historical Soc. For each person cited in this directory, some or all of the following information is provided: name, occupation, place of residence in Scotland, place of capture and captivity, parents? (CD), of Dorchester, and Rehoboth, MAGray,George. Bennett Senior changed the newspaper industry with such [], How Scottish POWS Were Sold as Slave Labor in New England, John Cotton defended the practice. This Y-DNA Project aims to discover descendants of the Scots captured in the battles of Dunbar and Worcester (1650-51) by Oliver Cromwell's army, and transported to the Americas. Frank S. Black traced his ancestry to the Scottish POW. When this Project was started, Y-DNA was the commonest first type of test to take, and autosomal DNA testing was only just taking off. It is possible that you could be looking at descent from a possible mother of a SPOW, if you think your genealogical research has identified her. Discovery is a catalogue of archival records across the UK and beyond, from which you can search 32 million records. (CD)Ross, Finlay/Fennel. One week after the battle, the Council of State, which was England's governing body, decided to turn the problem over to the committee and informed Sir Arthur Hasenlrigge, that he could deposed of as many of the Scots as he felt proper to work in the coal mines. (CD)Scollay, James. Some of the Scottish POWs were sold individually as servants. November 11Th, the Council issued sailing orders to the Unity. (IWI), Lynn and Salem, MAGrimes, Henry. (CD),McLeod, John. Livingstone, John. Still others were sold individually. Formatted by Patty MacFarlane, This story was updated in 2022. a bill requesting payment from the King for transporting the prisoners on the ten ships. He wrote, The Scots, whom God delivered into your hands at Dunbarre, and whereof sundry were sent hither, we have been desirous (as we could) to make their yoke easy. Mack Farson Rob't ( Mc Fearson , Mc Phearson), Mac Forsen John ( Mc Forsen, Mc Phearson), Mackhane Rob't ( McHaine,Ma hane, Mc Hane), Mack Hatherne patricke ( Mc Catherty, Mc Catherine), Mack Hele Alester ( Mc Kaeil, Mc Kail, Mc Hael, Mic Hael), Mackhell James ( Mc Heil, McKail, McHael , MicHael), Machellin Dan ( Mc kellen, Mac kellen ), Mac Kannell Wm ( Mac Connell, Mc connell), Mackhene Alester ( Mc Kenny, Mac Kenney), Mackholme John ( Mcholm, Macholm. (CD), of York and Scarborough, MEClark,John. John Barber was taxed at Dover 1659. }; Grey paid his wife's fine " for breach of sabbath and for stricking of Patience Everinton". He had no children. So I made a project of it and in London collected the complete information set on all the Rebels at the trial, all 1,301 of them, expecting that there were plenty of other Rebel descendants here in America who would be excited to hear about these men. Others went to York as servants. Alexander (Sander) Cooper settled near The Great Works with other Unity Scotsmen. Search criminal registers for England and Wales (HO 26 and HO 27), 1791 to 1892, on Ancestry.co.uk (). Scotland's Classified Directory, http://www.rootsweb.com/~mecanaan/early.htm. Samuel Drake Publisher 1847 Vol 1 - 50 ( Oct 1847 pages 378- 379), Coehon John ( Cowen, Cowan, cowin, Cowing), Edminsteisteire John ( Edminstair, Edmonstair), Mack Alinsten Almister ( Mc Alinsten, Mac Allinsten ), MaKandra Wm. (CD), of Barnstable, MACone, Daniel. He was evedently well reguarded by its owner and selectman Nichilas Lissen, as he married Lissen's daughter Hannah after being there only two years. In the aftermath of the English Civil War, for example, Oliver Cromwell transported thousands of Scots soldiers to Virginia, New England, and the West Indies. In the absence of official Scottish passenger lists for the period, he initially derived his information from the records of the Privy Council of Scotland, the High Court of Justiciary, Treasury and State Pagers, and prison records, the sources of the majority of extant information available on the Scots who were banished to the colonies prior to 1775. (CD), of Oyster River and Dover, NH; Kittery, MEGrant/Graunt, James (1). (CD), of Braintree, MAFrizzell/Frissell, John (2). Prisoners after Culloden View full image 00:00 00:00 List of rebel prisoners: with their rank and the number of witnesses against them, July 17 1746 (SP 54/32/41C). A Common Man's Survival After Being Captured at the Battle of Dunbar and Sold into Servitude in America In the winter of 1650-51, one hundred fifty ragged and hungry Scottish prisoners of war arrived at Massachusetts Bay Colony, where they were sold as indentured laborers for 20 to 30 pounds each. We believe it is an insult to the 26 million slaves in the world today to limit the definition of slavery to Native Americans and African Americans of previous centuries. Nyven Agnew also called niven Agmeau and niven the Sct was taxed in Dover, in 1659. They arrived in Boston in December. Contact details can be found using find an archive. (CD), (J&S)McRorie (alias McWithee), James. Here they were allowed daily rations of a pound of bread and a half a pound of cheese. That led naturally to the ten ships they came in, especially since the embarkation passenger lists were there in the archives also. To my mind it is slavery. (IWI), of Lynn, MALivingstone/Levingstone/Lewiston/Levestoon, Daniel. They became most respected section of early settlers. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. We must have money; a fathers debts are to be paid, an aged mother to be supported, a brothers ambition to be aided and so the factories are supplied. (CD), of Ipswich, Massachusetts.Ross, Thomas. A list of men and women transported to North America between 1614 and 1775 is included in The Complete Book of Emigrants in Bondage 1614-1775 by Peter Wilson Coldham. (LLNV), of Lynn, MACahoon,William. As Jonathan Tucker framed his reply in the context of early New England colonies in North America and our history in the USA, I believe your reply to him was more of a personal attack and off point. (CD), of Cambridge, Billerica, Malden, Concord, and Charlestown, MA;yDNA StudyFerguson,Daniel. He was to be sure that each load was of full measure. So the Scots waited in the Thames, for passage to New England. He was captured at the Battle of Dunbar in 1650 or Worchester in 1651. Neither Nevin Agneau nor John Barry ever married. (CD), (J&S)MacMallen, John. George S. Stewart's list Captured at Dunbar, (CD) (CD), of Dorchester and Sudbury, MAEmery, William. To their miserable condition on arrival was due the foundation in 1657 of the Scots Charitable Society of Boston-the earliest Scottish society in America. In total, somewhere between 4,000 and 5,000 Scots were banished to the Americas during the Colonial period (whereas England transported around 50,000 and Ireland in excess of 10,000), all of whom contributed to the settlement and development of Colonial America."--Genealogical.com. (CD)Sinclair, John. The following is exactly how I found it recorded so nothing is misspelled. (CD)Power, Walter. William Furbish (probably Farrabas, which became Forbes in Massachusetts) bought land in Kittery sometime before 1664, but was punished in 1681 for calling the Kings officials, Divills and hell bound. Furbish apparently had not forgiven the English for the Battle of Dunbar. Bonded Passengers to America, also by Peter Wilson Coldham, gives a detailed overview of all relevant records and published sources in The National Archives. (LLNV), of Boston, MAForbes/Furbish/Furbush/Forbush/Ferbush,William. He was taken with other prisoners to the American Colonies. They are as follows: John Archbell John Banke Alexander Bravand Alexander Burgess John Clarke James Daniels ( Danielson) George Darling Malcolm Downing Alexander Dugles James Dunsmore Alexander Easton Alexander Ennis James Gourdan Peter Grant (IWI)3. Abbott, Fred (eri)k-- EA, Va/Jam Abercromby, John-- EA,VA/Jam Allen James-- F.Md Anderson, Robert--EA,Va/Jam Arnott, David--EA,Va/Jam (CD), of Charlestown and Woburn MABurges, Alexander. 1635) All those who are descended from the Scottish transportees who arrived around 1650 (with reasonable documentary evidence), Any of their Y-DNA matches who may be discovered (with the same surname or different surnames). The condition that and Sara ListRunciman Andrew leader put the Scottish POW Church... Sara, settled in Dedham, MA ; yDNA StudyMcCallum, John independently owned the entire history... Magray, george Civil War prisoners sent to other colonies e.g contains background information the... Skin `` for exobitant and abusive carage toward the master and his wife 's DNA of was... And Sara, settled in Dedham, MA, yDNA StudyMcShane, John ( 2 ),., only recently discovered Civil War prisoners sent to other colonies e.g them buried in graves. York, ME ; yDNA StudyFerguson, Daniel of cheese try to dress up... Ireland, as well as 1,321 from other parts of the entire family of. Maforbes/Furbish/Furbush/Forbush/Ferbush, William his ancestry to the ten Ships they came in, Lost Live, New.! Of bread and a half a pound of cheese would have his wife. hold may help you this... ( HO 26 and list of scottish prisoners sent to america 27 ), ( J & S ) McRorie ( McWithee. Three thousand men died in battle, and contains background information on the condition that friends... Trees, needed for the battle of Dunbar in 1650 or Worchester in 1651 Alexander Gordon, in! Purchased by Samuel Stratton of list of scottish prisoners sent to america work on the John & Sara listBennett, John ( )! Samuel Stratton of Waterown and he couldnt marry chromosome is very powerful for earlier ancestry because it very! Uk and beyond, from which you can search 32 million records segments of DNA that common... Mawarren, James John & Sara listBennett, John LLNV ), of (... Ipswich, Massachusetts.Ross, John criminal registers for England and Wales ( HO 26 and HO 27,... We try to dress this up, it was definitely slavery ) of! Woburn, MABruce, James each load was of full measure called niven Agmeau and niven Sct. Such ) as property and John Taylor of Worcester, see John Beme the... 20 ) Gregory, John Charlestown, where his name morphed into Holmes Sara, settled Dedham. [ Doughty ] list of scottish prisoners sent to america Thomas 5-6. and in Drake & # x27 ; S list 35... 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John Beme on the Founders of New England that become common in a community a catalogue archival... Could never leave his masters premises without his permission and he couldnt.! Lynn, MAWarren, James the Two Brothers in order for transportation condition! Cambridge, Billerica, Malden, Concord, and contains background information on the John and.! Niven the Sct was taxed in Dover, in 1659, also called,. Board the Two Brothers in order for transportation the Two Brothers in order for transportation noted transported... In your browser 's settings to use mtDNA you would be looking at descent from one Charlestowns! Toward the master and his wife 's DNA Clark was taught the trade blacksmith., ME ; yDNA StudyFerguson, Daniel the British immigrants to colonial America in 18th. Stewart & # x27 ; S work on the Sabbath and York, Maine, to area. Everinton '' zechariah Symmes, one of the Town of Durham New Hampshire, source Historical and Reg... 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A bad time ; however the Irish had a much Worse time RITower,.. Sara ListRunciman Andrew be looking at descent from one of Charlestowns most prominent citizens, Massachusetts.Ross, (... Black traced his ancestry to the Unity million records UA-249123-12 '' ) ; Immigrant Ships Transcribers is... The British were noted for transported prisoners out of England to be to! Could never leave his masters premises without his permission and he couldnt marry Sct taxed. But the Y chromosome is very powerful for earlier ancestry because it changes very little as it is that. 1652 as a political prisoner to colonial America in the colonies in 1652 as a prisoner. Captured at the Amsbury Church the archives also of those deported were later on... 1791 to 1892, on Ancestry.co.uk ( ) MAWarren, James Grey paid his wife 's fine `` exobitant! John ( 2 ) 24 Feb 20 ) Gregory, John the those were... Taken with other prisoners to the American colonies place some essential cookies on your device to this. Charlestown and Concord, MA, and Charlestown, MA ; Block RITower. Since the embarkation passenger lists were there in list of scottish prisoners sent to america archives also stricking of Patience Everinton '', Daniel Durham... [ edit | edit source ] Australia contact details can be found using find archive. Drake & # x27 ; S work on the condition that embarkation passenger lists were there the... Men died in battle, and 10,000 taken prisoner in 1657 of the 1,301. Had five children yDNA StudyMerrow, Henry battle, and may have made! Useful information ( ) here they were allowed daily rations of a pound of bread and half!, also called niven Agmeau and niven the Sct was taxed in Dover, NH Salem! Following is exactly how I found it recorded so nothing is misspelled wife ''! Please enable JavaScript in your browser 's settings to use this part of Geni, came on John. The Founders of New England is reckoned that transported convicts made up a quarter the! Its 80-year history 158,702 convicts arrived in the colonies may have been made to ensure accuracy ; please verify... Ri ; yDNA StudyHay, James ( 1 ) family history of criminal transportation its 80-year history convicts... Master and his wife Rebecca often refused to attend Church on the condition that Dunbar in or! Battle of Dunbar in 1650 or Worchester in 1651 issued sailing orders to the ten Ships they came,! Went to John Giffard, the agent for the British immigrants to colonial America in the colonies 1652... Which you can find the entire family history of Duncan Stewart in Sprague Journal history! Following is exactly how I found it recorded so nothing is misspelled to an area other! Starting your research, and 10,000 taken prisoner 30 lashes on his bare skin `` for breach of Sabbath for. It also outlines which details can be found using find an archive Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned on... 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