I don't know if that's part of the difficulties people need to experience in order to become more like their father in heaven, but just this idea that we are not worthy, we need to lose that idea. Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints A family smiles for a portrait in Ghana. But if it's something that's weak, you can't. I mean, you can't just shut it off. It is required a resilience we have never needed before. Another 10 languages will be added in March. If you've had, you know, a vaccination, you know, that there's, sometimes there's some adverse reaction to it as your body's trying to deal with it. And so when we get into situations where we experience failure, and we don't persist, then we don't gain the benefit from that. I'm exactly the same as I was five minutes ago. And I think that's what you described. And that's what you tried to get every single day, was "How do I get this?" So they're very, very frightening experiences. And I've had that experience on occasion. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/media/video/2020-12-0010-christs-atoning-love-heals-grieving-hearts?lang=eng And then we have stress about being stressed. . Style Guide Note:When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. Subscribe for free and get daily or weekly updates straight to your inbox, The three things you need to know everyday, Highlights from the last week to keep you informed. Thanks to Derek Campbell for his help with this episode. The emotional resilience materials are currently available in English and many additional languages, including Spanish, Portuguese, French and Russian. It's not a backstop, in case we sin, he says, "You're going to sin. I mean I guess you'd go back to last pandemic, you know, the Spanish flu, but that's been 100 years ago. If you would like to stay on the page you are viewing please click Cancel. 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. The emotional resilience manuals and videos may be downloaded from the Churchs website or viewed on the Gospel Library mobile phone app under Life Help. ", Another thing that you talk about David is embracing change. It is very important to remember that some trials persist despite our best efforts. Style Guide Note:When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. Other self-improvement manuals offered by the Church are titled Personal Finances, Starting and Growing My Business and Find a Better Job.. Individuals attending have found answers to their prayers and were strengthened when they kept the weekly commitments, said Lori Harding, a local welfare and self-reliance specialist in South Jordan, Utah. The manuals and videos are available as follows: Emotional Resilience is a 10-week course taught by Latter-day Saint volunteers. And so we have all of this extra stress on top of that, which doesn't do us any favors, and then we're worried about that, "Oh, no, now I have too much stress, I'm stressed about that." The central part of all of this is the Savior and turning to our Savior throughout the whole course, Hagey said. Overall, the course is fantastic, and we all see how this can be leveraged to bless many lives, said Kelly Scotts of Geneva, Switzerland, who participated in a pilot session. And not only is it inevitable, it's good for us. And so I think that's why we keep coming back to that. What I Know Now: Parents And I think it's part of our Heavenly Father's intention for us, especially in 2022, because we have fewer other challenges than our ancestors did. The emotional resilience manuals and videos may be downloaded from the Churchs, Other self-reliance programs offered by the Church include , Emotional Resilience Training Offered by Church, Liahona: Blessed by the Emotional Resilience Course, Liahona: Ministering with Mental Health in Mind, Liahona: Developing Emotional Resilience throughout the Race of Life, The Church Historians Press Releases Landmark Volume on the Original Book of Mormon Manuscript, Food Donations for Local Charities Received by Missouri Governor, When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. The group has developed a unique bond and closeness because of what we have shared and learned. Now it's managing anxiety or it's dealing with the loss of a job or something like that. And say, "You know what, He still feels that way about me so I can get up off the dirt and do something about it.". Am I Good Enough? Who, after 9000 experiments, somebody was like, "Oh, isn't it a shame that with the tremendous amount of work you've done, you haven't been able to get any results." Participants are encouraged to reach out to their local Church leaders to find out when groups are meeting in their areas. Learn more at ChurchofJesusChrist.org/self-reliance/manuals-and-videos. Harding, who is also a regional welfare and self-reliance manager for the Church, said that there was great interest in the program when it rolled out in Utah at the end of 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Meeting virtually presents special challenges to maintaining full engagement, connection, and belonging. And she would say, "Well, what if it doesn't?" As a reminder of what she learned, she still has a picture on her computer screen of the Savior talking to a woman at the well (John 4). If you think that I just can't do this, there's no way that I can persist in this trial, then it doesn't matter how much strength you have in you, it doesn't matter how much you're actually capable of, if you don't believe you can do it, then you're done from the beginning, because you won't-you simply won't try. The linked site has its own terms of use, privacy policies, and security practices that differ from those on our website. And I think if we can view those things as building blocks towards, you know, a healthier self, then they don't become something that we just try to avoid altogether. And we're entering year three, almost of a global pandemic that most of us in the beginning thought was going to last two weeks. The topics learned in a group format, lovingly facilitated and openly discussed in a safe environment, has strengthened older youth, Relief Society sisters and mixed groups, said Harding. So I think our society has just changed to the point where Heavenly Father, in order to continue to bless us with challenges has had to shift those challenges anymore. Great first name, by the way. In fact, it was causing her not to feel anything. Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Those interested in the training are encouraged to reach out to their local Church leaders to learn when groups meet in their areas. And so you have to identify those things. I know, several 1000 things that won't work.". Because if we haven't learned yet, we're probably not going to learn.". One of the things I tell people about stress and anxiety is that we just need to recognize that it's going to be part of our experience. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. Just because I realized it's okay to go through this.". And so like if I'm trying to lose weight, and my doctor suggests diet and exercise, I say "Fantastic." Scriptures: Triple Combination, D&C/PGP Translations, Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience, Blessed by the Emotional Resilience Course, Emotional Resilience Training Offered by Church, Church Releases New Emotional Resilience Manual | Meridian Magazine, Advertise with LDS365 / Affiliate Program. Of Regrets and Resolutions (My Foundation) If, however, you are a mere mortal, this weeks episode is here to save the day. Anyone who's had a panic attack knows that it's a terrible, it's a terribly frightening experience. Emotional Resilience. You talk in the book about several ways that people get in their own way of personal competence. We get these periods of stress and these periods of anxiety, which is basically, you know, cranking up our body to 7000 rpms, and that's great if you're escaping from a bear or a mountain lion or something like that, you need to get out of there. Ways for Children and Teens to Cope, Food, Food, Everywhere: Managing the Constant Urge to Eat, Self-Medicating With Alcohol: How to Limit Harm and Stay Healthy, Ways to Stay Socially Connected to Stay Well, Defeat the Virus, Not Each Other: Using Language to Reduce Discrimination, Resilience and Emotional Well-Being Video Series, Serie de Videos sobre Resiliencia y Bienestar Emocional, Supporting Your Employees During Hard Times: A Manager's Guide, Seeking Help: Resources for Clinical Anxiety, Mental Health Issues, and Addiction, Emotional Well-Being and Coping During Crises, Coping With Wildfires and Climate Change Crises, Resources for Families with Mental Health Challenges, Maintaining Wellness for Older Adults and Caregivers, Practical Resources for Low-Income and Other Groups, UCSF Employee Coping and Resiliency Program, Resources for Parents and Caregivers at UCSF, Four early career researchers named 2023 Grand Rounds Trainee Research Award honorees, UCSF once again among top 10 nationally in NIH research funding in psychiatry, Podcast series about women leading in substance use prevention field features UCSF's Tolou-Shams. . That's a beautiful answer. How canbecause she said she realized that that wasn't causing her to feel better. It teaches the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ to help people strengthen themselves spiritually. And then that was a great moment, but that wasn't the important moment, the important moment was the 10 years prior to that, that I spent learning and studying, and gaining knowledge that would prepare me for my career. To help you navigate the unique mental health andwellness challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, the UCSF Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences has put together a collection of short videos focused on ways we can protect and enhance our ownemotional well-being. And I had been there for a few weeks and I was talking to my dad on the phone, and I just was like, "I don't fit in here. I was like, "No, what are you talking about, we're gonna be done with this by May, we're gonna done this by June." And then you sayI love that they are acknowledging that and I know that in a scientific space, sometimes spiritual factors are not taken totally into account. But what if the blessing was having significant health challenges that were chronic and that ultimately led you to be more humble and patient. The Church recently launched a new self-reliance manual titled Emotional Resilience. Doctrine and Covenants 6:36. And so, so even good things, effective things done for not enough time, can lead us to think, "Oh, that doesn't work." He was not a very strong swimmer. I really appreciate that. We need to have a burden. So if we can learn to kind of almost embrace failure, like Thomas Edison did, he says "I haven't failed 9000 times, I just learned 9000 times how not to make a light bulb." But one of the very first things that I thought was fascinating, is you talk about attacks on our identity. If you are interested in contributing a video to our library, please contact us at [emailprotected]. That's the beauty of the Savior's Atonement, just start where you are, turn around, face the tree of life, and start heading in that direction.". But I wonderedwhat is it, David, that keeps us from embracing change? Procrastination, that's a killer. It's going to get right back to normal. We provide the link to this third party's website solely as a convenience to you. Daniel 10:12,19. It just takes time to get through this stuff. So how do wehow do we better respond to that kind of thing? Lets develop that mindset of hope.. And my wife who really should be the psychologist, she's a genius, and she goes up there and she talked to him and she said, "Look, I don't care if you write it down, I don't care if you just get up there, say your name, and walk down," she says, "But you're gonna go, you're gonna do it, I want you to do this. A family smiles for a portrait in Ghana. All rights reserved. It frees up emotional capital that we can use then to deal with our problems. With Him, theres always hope.. 2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. . And when we're on the path, we're on the covenant path and doing the best we can and striving our best, when we still experienced the significant issues, I think we can confidently say that this is part of Heavenly Father's plan to help us become more like Him. And it's one of thethere are, in the book, I talk about seven kind of pillars or tenets of emotional resilience, that as we increase our ability in each of these areas that we're going to increase our emotional resilience. that's the difference, isit's not so much about the end, it's about the journey. . And sometimes you're going to fail in a colossal fashion, and that's okay. And like you said, once we have a really good idea of who we are, I think it just opens up opportunities for us to be more focused in our lives, and be more confident moving forward. We are desperate to find him some help. And I was soI was always like, "Okay, well, this will probably be over in two weeks." This workbook can help you learn and put into practice principles of faith, education, hard work, and trust in the Lord. You know, in your redline, you're getting up to 7000 RPMs, as you're going past someone. And once the truck had another 1000 pounds in it he was able to pull out, he was able to have traction. And we're just having a hard time describing it.". It's going to make you stronger, and it's going to make you more like me in the long run.". I want to become the best I can be. But man, we've got to start thinking differently because just like you've experienced, and just as I've experienced, change is inevitable. Is there an online group, English speaking, that he could join? It's going to involve some work on your part, and some effort and you're gonna have to learn a different batting stance and your arm might hurt as you learn how to, you know, do these different swings, but I will teach you how to hit curveballs.". And we need to remember, this is a, like an ultra marathon that we're running here. Courses are offered in person at Church meetinghouses or online in some areas of the world because of COVID-19 restrictions. The first one, when you misunderstand your purpose, if you don't know what you're supposed to do, or what you should do, or what you even want to do, then why would you move forward anyway? You are now leaving a website maintained by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And Heavenly Father's giving us tools to deal with this. And so where are the stressors coming from? Thanks for having me. Elder and Sister Gong will be attending the brand-new event which will be full of motivation, entertainment, live music, food, and more. 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. But I wondered, what difference would you say spirituality can make in somebody's emotional resilience? I think it's Heavenly Father is trying to teach us how to, you know, deal with stressors. The new content, "Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience," is part of Church's Self-Reliance Services training materials for Latter-day Saints and friends of the faith.Ten chapters cover topics such as building emotional resilience, developing . The manual and its companion course aim to help participants build spiritual and practical skills to help them better care for their body, mind, emotions, and relationships. Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Cover of the manual Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience., Credit: Screenshot from ChurchofJesusChrist.org. It's where we're destined to go again. And regardless of how you feel about masks or vaccines, it's impossible to deny the impact this virus has had on our worldhow much impact it's had on us as individuals. . These skills, coupled with the gospel of Jesus Christ, really can help us achieve a spiritual, emotional and physical balance in our lives.. Two Rooms Refurbished at Beehive House in Salt Lake City, When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. I mean, that's that goes back to Jesus Christ and the Sermon on the Mount, right, and talking about the wise man building his house on a rock or building his house on the sand. Reach Up to Him in Faith I have been significantly impacted for the better from this course and have been able to apply many of these principles in various circumstances in my life., The program taught me so much about myself, how to process my emotions in healthy ways, and how to create intentional habits that lead to better wellness, said Alyssa Free, a young adult from Holladay, Utah. You are now leaving a website maintained by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. What researchers have found is that the more that we're able to tolerate those things, the stronger we'll become. The manuals and videos are available as follows: Read or download online at ChurchofJesusChrist.org. So I remember at the beginning of COVID, and when everything was shut down and, and I was outI went on a lot of walks with Kristen, my wife, and then we just talked about things. Well, and stress is in just like most things, when it becomes extreme, then it does become damaging to us. And I know that they have like, wonderful hearts, but it's like they feel like, for whatever reason thatand I think part of it is that, you know, they say that when people are dealing with depression, it's hard for them to feel the Spirit, and so then they feel like they're, you know, not capable of feeling God's love. Serve. We like things that are predictable, that we can deal with. He says, "I am garbage." By referring or linking you to this website, we do not endorse or guarantee this content, products, or services offered. Theres no shortage of emotional trials or struggles that were going to have, said Derek Hagey, Family Services program manager who helped develop the Emotional Resilience manual. So tenacity is importanttenacity, which is this idea of just keep going, when it gets difficult, you keep going. Well, and Iyou're absolutely right, Morgan, I think this is something that's probably touched all of us at one point. And sobut he learned, he got swim lessons. If we intentionally do things that we shouldn't, and we've commit sin, and in those cases we can repent, but a lot of times, like you talked about, people with feelings of depression, oftentimes they describe a difficulty being able to feel the Spirit. But he could never say he was wrong. I love that you have all these things. You know, and the same thing with mental health. He has a bachelor's degree in psychology, a master's in counseling and guidance and a PhD in counseling psychology, all from Brigham Young University. We have another son, not the one who was scared of drowning, this one was scared of public speaking. And here we are still curving. And how have you seen that in those that you've worked with? . Perhaps you feel you have been deceived by those in the great and spacious building, and are inching your way toward that edifice? One of the things sometimes I'll beI don't if "Criticized" is the right word, but when people will say, when I talk about mental health and the gospel, they'll say, "Well, don't just tell me to pray harder, and to read my scriptures more, because that's not a solution that doesn't, you know, that doesn't fix mental health, you need medication, you need therapy, and stuff like that.". And usually, it's because I'm afraid of doing something, I think, "Well, I can't do it." So it's not a question of . And then when you try that, and that doesn't work out, then you're stuck. Try a Survival TIPP, Reduce Depression by Doing Things You Love, Managing Health Anxiety in Times of Stress, Deep Breathing: A Fundamental Part of Stress Reduction, Be Your Own Best Friend: Self-Compassion for Stress Reduction, Health Care Workers: How to Prioritize Your Own Well-Being, "My Patients Are All Stressed! Five different members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles made visits to members of the Church around the world and shared inspiring and hopeful messages. Newsroom of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light, What Shall a Man Give in Exchange for His Soul? And then Heavenly Father will say, "Okay, you bet. In Section 121 in the Doctrine and Covenants it talks about our confidence waxing strong in the presence of God. The Church has released a new manual, Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience. You are a child of Heavenly Father, which automatically infers potential and potential assistance and all those sorts of things. And then the next step is just to do something. And I think that's a very helpful approach. But I am so excited, I have to tell you, David, that even after having read your stuff for years, I was so, so impressed by this book that you've written. Usually, such feelings of helplessness come from repeated attempts to change while experiencing only limited progress. And my dad said to me, "Morgan, I don't know if you've noticed, but change is hard for you." But we like consistency, as human beings. And he was so right, like after those first few weeks, things got better. Just crushing it. I have a relative who moved to Germany where they are still in Covid lockdown. If you would like to stay on the page you are viewing please click Cancel. It's something I've been become very skilled at over the years. I'll show you how to do that. To download all photos or videos related to this article, select the links at the bottom of each section. I don't know, you know, howI'm sure that the spirit is powerful enough to break through those things. To download media files, please first review and agree to the Terms of Use. Press the gear symbol and a small menu box will appear. I reflect back on my education and my education at BYU culminated in 1999, with me walking across the stage of the Marriott center to get my degree. Ten more languages have been added to the newest self-reliance course offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And then number two, if we just avoid the things that terrify us, then we arethen we're not going to get stronger as a result of them. I've done what I needed to do. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide. And so if we spend, if we have stress, which maybe occupies 20% of our emotional energy, and then we spend another 70% of our energy stressing about that stress, then that leaves very little for us to actually, you know, do something. And I'm sure while being still appropriately humble, we say, "I belong here," you know, "This place is for me. 2022 LDS Living A Division of Deseret Book Company. Sure. Sometimes I think we have this idea that"If I can't fix it all, then why fix any of it." And so it makes perfect sense that someone would say, "Okay, I'm gonna do everything I can to not have that experience again." If you take away that foundation, the whole thing crumbles to the ground, spectacularly. We feel like Alma the younger when he was in his three days of darkness, he said he wanted to be extinct, both soul and body, so that he didn't have to face God. So it's really kind of a magical moment that we're sharing here. So we have to believe that we can do something about our situation. I'm convinced that when we get to visit with our Heavenly Father, when all this is done, He's going to show us all the difficulties that we hadI picture on this, like this big whiteboard, and on the left hand side are all the challenges that we faced. We have sent you a confirmationemail. Your car can do that for about, you know, 30 seconds to a minute at a time, if you run that engine at 8000 RPM all day long, that engine is not going to last very long, because it's not designed to run that way. Were so grateful that an Apostle would address [mental and emotional health], and the fact that the Church has continued to see that as a need and come out with a course like this to help address those needs I think it just makes a great point that the Lord is mindful of us and that Hes putting forth the resources to bless His people, President Valencia said. But I wonderedto start us off, why would you say emotional resilience is so important for people in 2022? And so I remember going there to the swim test for him. My own journey has varied between these two extremes. And if Satan can get us to not believe that, it's really just kind ofhacks away at the foundation of your house. I put [Doctrine and Covenants 6:36] there because one of the things youre talking about is recognizing inaccurate thinking patterns and to try and look to the Savior in every thought., During the weekly meetings, Valencia said, you talk about dealing with life and how to find strength through the teachings of Jesus Christ and support from other people., You dont have to share if you dont want to, she added, but you learn a lot about a lot of things from depression to exercise to taking care of your body to communication with other people. The Emotional Resilience Video Toolbox is a place where we will store short videos that teach skills and present concepts designed to help you increase your resilience, psychological flexibility, and capacity for problem solving. "We are imperfect beings each trying our best." I don't need to be worried about the fact that I'm stressed about something.". And we just have to reconceptualize what that blessing is. Yeah, and I don't think you're alone in your experience Morgan. Designed for anyone and everyone, the manual and course are not meant to be a replacement for therapy, he emphasized, but rather an introductory resource for developing skills, building hope and experiencing healthy relationships. Emotional Resilience. And I think that we don't like to think that we're wrong, either. So what can I give you and still let you have the rest of that stuff?" And so doubting in myself leads me to not want to do that. But David Morgan is a big believer that the gospel has given us the tools to help us not only survive, but thrive, as we seek to cultivate emotional resilience. I know the Lord knew we needed the blessings found in the self-reliance groups at such a time as this., A prepared and thoughtful facilitator and fully engaged participants can create an environment where group members feel valued and cared for and where the Spirit can be present, states the manual. I love that question. A new manual and videos are available for a course in emotional resilienceoffered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And that's okay to have that stress. Manuals, videos and training may be downloaded from the Churchs website or viewed on the Gospel Library mobile app under Life Help. And that's where you start. Oftentimes we just think of blessings as very good, very immediate good things. It's not going to cure your depression, but it's going to move you in a positive direction. These skills, coupled with the gospel of Jesus Christ, really can help us achieve a spiritual, emotional and physical balance in our lives.. I could be on the Olympic procrastination team. So once we know what our purpose is, then we canthat can help us get moving forward. You're going to fail. A new manual and videos are available for a course in emotional resilience offered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But then he ended up cutting wood, which is what he went up there for in the first place, and he loads his truck with wood. The manual defines emotional resilienceas: The course was rolled out for testing programs at the end of 2020 at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and received tremendous feedback and interest. But he said, you know, if you broke your arm, you would ask for a priesthood blessing, and you'd also go to a doctor. Oh, great last name, I really appreciate yours. I love that. Whether you are currently feeling overwhelmed or not, these are great skills to have in your arsenal. You are about to access Constant Contacts (http://visitor.constantcontact.com). David, toward the end of the book, you talk about something that I thought was fascinating. Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles recently sat down with . I hope that was, I hope that is great." Heavenly Father has given us those tools to help us improve." The manuals will also be distributed in 10 other languages in the next several months. We need to do like Elder Bednar counsels and says, "Teach me how to hit curveballs." And I say, "Absolutely. And you can say, "Hey, what if we developed waterproof costumes? And I'll stand next to you the whole time, I'll hold your hand, whatever you want to do. You just have to kind of keep looking. He was terrified the whole time. Because really, up until maybe the last 75 years, your main concerns were food and shelter. It's okay to be wrong. I bet we could do that." A group of single adults walk together. Well it's just like you said, COVID-19 has kind of cast a spotlight on how we deal with stressors. And thenand when we lack confidence in ourselves, of course that's a killer from the beginning. You are about to access Constant Contacts (http://visitor.constantcontact.com). 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