b. Individualism a. Again, this stands to reason as it was characterized by being almost the mirror opposite of the cultural values in the UK. _____ are managers who work in a country other than their home country. Conceptions of masculinity and femininity vary widely across cultures, but two universals are plausible: (i) To varying degrees, every society assigns traits or tasks on the basis of sex, and (ii) the status of women is inferior to the status of men in every society. d. employees judge each other on a basis of equality. These are commonly referred to as Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory. It enhances organizational flexibility. d. Both are characterized by traditional masculinity. copyright 2003-2023 Study.com. a. b. Masculine and feminine cultures have different characteristics and distinct communication styles. They are not likely to face economic difficulties. Whichofthefollowingstatementsistrueofpeopleincultureswithhighuncertaintyavoidance? This resource is basically an activity to help students understand what is gender, what is femininity, what is masculinity, and representations of them. a. b. Being from a masculine culture, Jane might describe their system as boosting productivity and making collaboration more efficient. It is evident that John belongs to a culture where _____ predominates. April Layton, an architect, opened an office on June 1, 2012. What gets defined as feminine or masculine differs by region, religion, class, national culture, and other social factors. Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions: Theory, Purpose & Types | What is Cultural Dimension? a. An error occurred trying to load this video. Masculinity is seen to be the trait which emphasizes ambition, acquisition of wealth, and differentiated gender roles. They give men more importance than women. Venus with a Mirror (c. 1555) by Titian, showing the goddess Venus as the personification of femininity. b. Sexual coercion In the context of competing in the global economy, globalization suggests that: a. the world's cultural diversity is of no significance to transnational organizations. c. It impairs employees' problem-solving abilities. d. They emphasize the personal virtues and intent of an individual. Currently, the sports sector is proactively working to change the image of women in sports. a. In feminine cultures, this role overlap is much bigger than in more masculine cultures. They are not represented on standing committees. People in cultures with low uncertainty avoidance: Numerous studies have found that the media depict political candidates in terms of firmly established gender stereotypes. According to Geert Hofstede, a well-known social psychologist, a culture can be analyzed basing on six cultural dimensions: Power Distance: the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. 6. Low-Context Culture Communication & Examples | What Is Low-Context Culture? b. Individualism Culture, however, is a multidimensional construct, and there is no reason to believe that cultural dimensions operate independently from each other. Cultureswithhighuncertaintyavoidanceareconcernedwithsecurityandtendtoavoidconflict. Cultural differences between _____ are perceived as microcultural differences. To address the holistic effect on creativity, research has focused on the differences between the East and the West. Negotiators from polychronic cultures tend to start and end meetings at flexible times, take breaks when it seems appropriate, be comfortable with a high flow of information, Some consequences: a. a.Prejudice is a cultural orientation in which people belong to loose social frameworks, whereas discrimination is a cultural orientation in which individuals belong to tightly knit social frameworks. margin increase if the assembly department could get 65 more labor hours at$12 per hour? eCollection 2016. To what extent femininity is biologically or socially influenced is subject to debate. Examples of Cultural Dimensions. a. People often place a greater emphasis on standing out and being unique. In the context of age diversity, which of the following statements is true of younger workers? They employ a multicultural mix of workers. b. a. bosses are afforded more authority _____ of ethics emphasize the results of behavior. Culture is made up of the customs, beliefs, and rules of society. b. Cultures in warm climates tend to be masculine; cooler climates tend to be feminine. In the context of age diversity, which of the following statements is true of the baby boomers? c. they have not had satisfactory on-the-job training. c. they have not had satisfactory on-the-job training. She might use verbs that are focused on doing, creating, streamlining, and producing, for example. For culturally loose countries, we again find two alternative combinations in this case represented by Bulgaria, Romania, Lithuania and the Netherlands. d. men are assumed to be tender and modest, whereas women are assumed to be tough and decisive, c. men and women are expected to assume both assertive and nurturing roles, _____ is defined as all forms of difference among individuals, including culture, gender, age, ability, religion, a. tend to regard the silent generation as complacent. d. They are an underutilized human resource. Bosses are afforded more authority. The Transformative and Provocative Art of Cindy Sherman. Our results are important, particularly for multinational enterprises. Procedural justice concerns: and limitations by doll model and department: MoldingMaterialsAssemblyTimeSellingPriceChattyChelsey2poundsperdoll15minutesperdoll$39perdollTalkingTanya3poundsperdoll20minutesperdoll$50perdollMaterials/LaborAvailable36,000pounds8,500hoursCost$8perpound$12perhour\begin{array}{lccc} Teresa Amabile suggests in her work that, in order to be creative, individuals need to possess all those three dimensions: creativity-relevant skills, domain-relevant knowledge, and task motivation, in order to come to creativity outcomes in their work. If TT sells three Chatty Chelseys for each Talking Tanya, how many dolls of each type would it produce Power distance He might talk about how the system will build community and increase job satisfaction. b. a. b. Production in However, he is employed as a manager at Honda plant in Which of the following is true in societies with low power distance? Talking Toys (TT) produces dolls Create your account, 18 chapters | A score of 100 in Long term orientation shows that South Koreans live their lives guided by virtues and practical good examples. His theory says that cultures can be categorized by gender, based on how they stress the balance between individual achievement and social nurturing and by how people within each culture take on gendered roles. She's a great example of how, even in a society that pressures women to be nurturing and family-focused, some women are competitive and achievement-focused. That doesn't mean that every woman is nurturing and thinking about how to live a fulfilling life or that every man is out to make the most money possible. I guess that makes it tougher to define clearly. \text { Talking Tanya } & 3 \text { pounds per doll } & 20 \text { minutes per doll } & \$ 50 \text { per doll } \\ b. a. In cultures characterized by traditional femininity, assertiveness and materialism are valued. By comparing these two aspects of creativity, we see that countries can both outperform on one but underperform on another antecedent. emma watson speech ethos pathos logos; gambino crime family current boss; my natural insight login; abbie friedman jim snyder wedding In contrast to sexual identities, masculine and feminine gender identi ties are culturally constructed and inherently unstable. Creativity the generation of novel and useful outcomes is a source of competitive advantage for organizations all over the world. Femininity stands for a society in which social gender roles overlap: Both men and women are supposed to be modest, tender, and concerned with the quality of life., WOMEN, GENDER, AND SEXUALITY IN MODERN DAY SOCIETY. b. While the importance of creativity is global, how culture influences creativity across countries is still very much a point of debate. Kerry James Marshall - Celebrating Blackness and Confronting Racism Through Art. c. the practice of building networks for social exchange. Gender coercion b. Guanxi As . Their upper managers show support for the advancement of women. 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People tend to take pride in where they are from. c. to harness the wealth of differences provided by cultural diversity. They are overrepresented in declining occupations. One of the most recognizable Maori traditions outside of New Zealand is the haka, a ceremonial dance or challenge usually performed in a group. Copying HR practices that stimulate creativity in one country to another one could have serious detrimental effects if those practices do not align with the cultural bundle of the host country. Please check back soon for updates. Clown fish were invented by Disney/Pixar in 2003. c. communalism Research shows that people in general are slightly more feminine in their behavior traits than they are masculine, Cummings said. b. they are less likely to have had satisfactory schooling. This is true of many different types of cultural differences. b. What is really useful is not only the explanation about the topic, but also the tools that the page gives to teacher and parents. a. Theytendtoseekconsensusinanefforttomoderatethethreatoflife'sinherentuncertainty. They are also called the silent generation. Since then, it's become an internationally recognized standard for understanding cultural differences. d. It inhibits innovation. People tend to be self-reliant. Femininity and Masculinity describe gender identities. This approach may overlook some nuances in the effect of cultural differences since East and West display differences within themselves. a. cultural relativism Building Your Network. The combination of tenacity and discipline, with inspiration and out of the box thinking is striking. Analyzes how race as a factor complicates positive views. b. managers and employees judge each other on a basis of equality Remarkably, we only find countries with cultural looseness as low performers on this aspect, particularly the U.S.A. and Belgium. b. Let's go back to Lars and Jane. d. Generation Y. Cultural feminism is a variety of feminism which emphasizes essential differences between men and women, based on biological differences in reproductive capacity. a. They seek to fit harmoniously within a group. a. individualism a. False, The glass ceiling is the degree to which a culture tolerates ambiguity and uncertainty. This find affected greatly on her artistic production, and she created mass-media photographs comprising the elements of photomontage and handwork patterns, thus combining traditional and modern culture. They are comfortable with individual differences. They've developed a system to help teams collaborate. Search questions by image . a. We define "traditional masculinity" and "traditional femininity" as relatively enduring characteristics encompassing traits, appearances, interests, and behaviors that have traditionally been considered relatively more typical of women and men, respectively (adapting the definitions provided by Constantinople, 1973 ). a. are less committed to their organization a. the quality of life is not considered important It informs much about the way we talk and think. Achievement is admired. So, in tight cultures, domain-relevant knowledge is very important for creativity, and thus, particularly enforced through norms with this particular combination of cultural values. Its sleek structure and polished chrome legs are seamlessly juxtaposed against the traditional tufting and 1960s inspiration. The only variable costs are Founded in 1989, WITI (Women in Technology International) is committed to empowering innovators, inspiring future generations and building inclusive cultures, worldwide. 1. b. a powerful influence on corporate America. Their upper managers show support for the advancement of women. d. to take a more activist position regarding employee rights. What were once called multinational organizations are now referred to as _____, indicating that the global viewpoint. 3. 'Amazing (also called MEnliness or girlishness) is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles generally associated with women and girls.Although femininity is socially constructed, research indicates that some behaviors considered . See2-2:CulturalDifferencesandWork-. a. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Women are expected to be nurturing and focused on people and quality of life. a. motivate varied work groups. How would your answers to requirements 1 and 2 differ? Again, it's important to remember that these are broad stereotypes and that it doesn't mean that everyone within a culture values, focuses on, or communicates in a specific style. c. It aids marketing efforts. c. High power distance It reduces organizational flexibility. Which of the following is a potential problem of diversity in the workplace? How culture influences creativity across countries is still very much a point of debate. They are based on Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative. Difference feminism tends to romanticize traditional femininity and masculinity and to reinforce conventional stereotypes. A)the quality of life is not considered important B)money and possessions are of paramount importance C)men and women are expected to assume both assertive and nurturing roles D)men are assumed to be tender and modest, whereas women are assumed to be tough and decisive What happens if Jane is talking to a business with a more feminine culture or Lars is talking to a business with a more masculine culture? d. Fact-based theories, According to Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative, _____. c. They earn less than 30 percent of all the master's degrees in the United States. They are inclined toward accepting individual differences. Jennifer Lombardo received both her undergraduate degree and MBA in marketing from Rowan University. b. Their participation rate, as for men, has declined since 1999. b. Rule-based theories As a current work of Pasifika cinema, Vai (2019) offers important considerations on the nature of transnationality, cultural identity, and water as a connective theme amongst diffuse oceanic communities. attitudes, roles, norms of behavior, hierarchy of values typical of the male and female sex in each specific society. In the context of ethnic diversity, which of the following statements is true of African American workers and All Rights Reserved. c. women should be tough d. Kibbutzim. Cultural relativism refers to the idea that: b. a. It enhances organizational flexibility. (b) feminine cultures, sex roles were less . 1 For instance, female and male politicians are portrayed using traits based on their respective gender roles in society (e.g., Kahn, 1994; Kittilson & Fridkin, 2008).Mass media affect citizens' perceptions of candidates' traits (e.g., Eberl et al., 2017) and influence . 140 lessons I feel like its a lifeline. This website helped me pass! b. a. have low uncertainty avoidance. Which of the following statements is true of cultures characterized by traditional masculinity? In summary, both countries with a tight and loose culture can achieve creativity, but the dimension through which this is best achieved is determined by the cultural values also present in the cultural bundle. c. A majority of them have had schooling. 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. c. men and women are expected to assume both assertive and nurturing roles margin increase if the molding department could buy 900 more pounds of materials for $8 per pound? It states that people should be allowed to pursue what is in their economic self-interest. c. An individual's inner character is the focus of this ethical concept. b. Task motivation is important in China and India but less so in the U.S.A. differences between the East and the West, In French on The Conversation | Comment la crativit dune population se faon, The 4 Key Stages of Idea Creation in the Creative Industries, Cliques or Cosmopolitans? Gender roles are the composites of behaviors typical of the male or female in a given culture. They seek to fit harmoniously within a group. If TT sells three Chatty Chelseys for each Talking Tanya, how much would production and contribution In our study, we first illustrate that focusing on either the cultural dimensions independently or on cultural tightness on its own, does not explain much in terms of difference in creativity across countries. a. individualism a. Production in the molding department is limited by the amount of materials available. d. The glass ceiling. b. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Gender identity is the perception of oneself as either masculine or feminine, \text { Materials/Labor Available } & 36,000 \text { pounds } & 8,500 \text { hours } & \\ Even within so-called masculine cultures, which stress the stereotypical gender roles, there are women who are more focused on competition and achievement and men who are focused on nurturing people. Determine account balances of the T accounts. They are more satisfied with their jobs than older workers. Required: 1. Advancing Your Career. b. c. tolerate ambiguity better. Which of the following is a benefit of diversity management in the workplace? b. the national issues are superseding global viewpoint. d. Socialism, Martha is from a culture that has a tightly knit social framework. Titles are used. c. They emphasize the consequences or results of behavior. The BSRI manual (1978) reports internal consistencies of between .75 and .90. b. individuals need not be treated with respect all the time Power Distance (high versus low), individualism versus collectivism, masculinity versus femininity, and uncertainty avoidance index (high versus low). The following requirements refer only to the preceding data. Construction of masculinity in India has been approached and studied from a variety of feminist perspectives. c. They are people born between 1965 and 1976. d. Their middle managers allocate lesser number of tasks to women than men. Final Words. c. It fails to aid marketing efforts. false Correct. Radiance. Power Distance Index & Examples | What is Power Distance? So many factors come into play, so much more than merely your gender." (Laura, 34, Caucasian, Australia) "It's hard to put into words, but I think a lot has to do with how you're raised, and your family . In contrast, Lars comes from Finland, where all people are expected to be nurturing and focused on building a social life filled with people and activities they love. b. Another example of Masculinity and Femininity is goal setting versus growing insight. c. Character theories If so, WITI is the place for you! succeed. Their share of authority is increasing commensurately with their education. Low power distance Older employees in an organization _____ than their younger counterparts. Inculturescharacterizedbytraditionalfemininity,assertivenessandmaterialismarevalued. flashcard sets. \hline \text { Chatty Chelsey } & 2 \text { pounds per doll } & 15 \text { minutes per doll } & \$ 39 \text { per doll } \\ d. They tend to seek consensus. Some examples of applications can be: The profesor can first show the images to the students and make them talk about what they see in the images. a. d. socialism. d. Pontificating managers, _____ is a cultural orientation in which people belong to loose social frameworks and their primary concern is for She spent ten years in consumer marketing for companies such as Nielsen Marketing Research, The Dial Corporation and Mattel Toys. Quality of life is very important. Whenever they are out in public, Russian women dress pristinely, always in high heels, regardless of the weather. However, we find clear differences if we focus on what we call cultural bundles. Unlike most species of reef fish however, all clown fish are born male and are led (in familial groups) by a dominant female. Which of the following is a risk created by the changing demographic trends that present organizations with a This approach fails to take into account that women and men across classes and cultures hold many different perspectives and values. Lars, on the other hand, is likely to describe their system in very different terms. In the context of competing in the global economy, globalization suggests that: c. the world is free from national boundaries and is borderless. How Culture Influences Creativity Across Countries, How creativity has been understood so far, and what we can add, Domain-relevant knowledge is important to achieve creativity in the cultures characterized by collectivism, power distance, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance, Creative-relevant skills are important to achieve creativity in the cultures characterized by individualism, low power distance, masculinity, and low uncertainty avoidance. Ready to test your Knowledge? moral rights and wrongs. Hofstede (2011) identifies cultural dimensions that are globally applicable and are reflected in all aspects of life, including family life, child-rearing . c. people trust one another c. Guanxi d. It requires a thorough examination of employees' hidden assumptions. b. organizational flexibility. d. men should be decisive, In cultures characterized by traditional femininity, _____. This article will focus on the masculinity versus femininity dimension of culture, also known as MAS. d. the fairness of outcomes individuals receive. Initially, he identified four dimensions that . It shows some advertisements and some TV shows that aim to establish gender differences. Final answer. Both men and women are expected to be nurturing and focused on people and quality of life. a. Collectivism c. People and the environment are emphasized. A feminine culture is one where gender roles are more fluid and both men and women are expected to be nurturing and focused on people and quality of life. jacqueline a. rouse in her study of atlanta points out that women progressives operated under racist worldview that sought . It leads to lack of cohesiveness. 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