Keep following the cave until you are near them and wait until the scientist is facing the other way. 1 Shisha Caf keyIt's on the waiter's counter. I think he's a gardener and I believe he is on his own. 14 Research room Use VHS tape here to lure Silvio inside. 14 RadioIt can be switched on along with the intercom - it will start a party with soldiers in yard behind the building. If you are quick, you can pick it up before they notice and then dump it somewhere out of view, or you can leave it. Difficulty: The Icon is not a demanding contract. 45 Entrance to the attic You can enter the attic through here. (If that is not available choose the field lab and walk out past the plane to get to the ruins). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Then you can obtain his outfit. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Complete the following Feats Challenges: Piano Man, Someone Could Hurt Themselves, Hold My Hair, Straight Shot, and Tasteless, Traceless. Then, approach the water switch (red 37) to create a short circuit during Francesca's phone call. There are no people there, which will make it much easier for you to get to the shooting location. 50 Evidence recorder Destroy the evidence of you being in the area during the assassinations. Your only target is actor Dino Bosco. I would suggest going some way up the tower in the middle (there is a guard at the top) and wait for them all to get bored and leave. Head round to it and pick the lock. 21 Gate AAfter assassinating both targets you can escape the city through this gate. Key points of Hitman - M4 Sapienza 1 Starting Point You will start from here. Will eliminate any target immediately. 2023 TrueGaming Network Ltd, All Rights Reserved. Close the door, kill him, dump him in the box and leave through the other door so you don't walk into his bodyguards. 31 Entrance to the sewage You can enter through here. Assassinate Francesca De Santis by drowning her, Assassinate Silvio Caruso by pushing him off a cliff, Assassinate Silvio Caruso by shooting him with an antique cannon, Assassinate Francesca De Santis by poisoning her drink, Assassinate Francesca De Santis with an antique cannon. It seems Ether management is concerned about Silvio Caruso's mental health. Then dump her in the dumpster. HITMAN 2 Nightcall - Found inside a medicine cabinet in Alma Reynard's bathroom. Instead of heading back to the door where you came in, turn around and go the other way. Sorry if this has been asked before, I've been looking for the lethal poison but I can't seem to find it, all I've found are a bunch of rat poisons but thats it. You can divide the methods of assassinating targets in Hitman - also those in mission in Marrakech - into sophisticated and unimaginative. His guard will probably come outside to look around on the balcony. According to our research, the chef has been trying for some time to replicate Isabella Caruso's famous home cooking but has so far been unsuccessful. You can use it to assassinate Strandberg by electrocuting him. Apparently, Francesca De Santis is having a love affair with Roberto Vargas, a former golf pro who works as Silvia Caruso's private coach. They have hired world-renowned psychologist Dr. Oscar Lafayette to treat the neurotic bio-engineer. 35 Silvio's roomCome here dressed as Lafayette and wait for Silvio. Top 3 Most Anticipated Games: Elden Ring, Demon's Souls, Ghost of Tsushima. Pick the lock to the gate, follow the sewer, heading right at the first junction, left at the next and straight on to the pickup point. Straight Shot. How many rat poison on Sapienza ? And that's true - the map is much smaller than the one from Sapienza. 11 GNN TV crewYou will find out about the opportunity to disguise as a cameraman here. He will stand up and take to the general his last meal right after you wake him up using radio placed nearby. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You will see the golf coach enter a small bathroom with a window you can climb through. 56 Motorboat Use it to leave the area. The session will no doubt take place in private, and furthermore, our records show that Caruso and Lafayette have not previously met. One in the money counting room. At around, 9 seconds left, the plane will be flying past the tower in the distance. At the far end of this platform is a generator. When the other guard comes to protect him, shoot him in the head as well. Then basically follow the wall along until you can turn up a set of stairs where you will find a guard walking around. Make sure you pick up her biolab keycard. 12 Area where you can sabotage retractable bladesPerforming a sabotage is tied to one of the methods or murdering Dino Bosco. That is, provided the flowers ever arrive. kitchen, basement, attic, etc (i leave to you to find out exactly where.) Completed Level 5 of an Escalation Contract set in Sapienza. An opportunity will reveal as Dr Lafyette will make a phone call. You will need to start up a new playthough and complete a few more challenges to get there. 7 ToolsYou can find wrench and screwdriver here. I've played the level a good amount and I haven't found any. 15 Key to the safe Code lies on the desk. Take his keycard and stash his body in the crate. Help us fix it by posting in its. But that isnt always easy, as youll have to find each drink is the correct, and more importantly, find some lethal poison to use on them too. 21 Zaydan's waiterHe's sleeping near the entrance to shisha cafe's break room. 11 Disguise of the PriestYou can pick it up from the ground. The two scientists will go to check the rats and the machine out. 20 Food on plateIt can be poisoned, causing Zaydan's death. Dump his body in the box in the corner of the room near the staircase. It has however many possible routes that lead to finishing the objectives. According to the medical journal, Caruso suffered a breakdown last year. According to the scientist in the confession booth, an accident at the Ether Lab has claimed the life of a male scientist. While you can unlock poison in your starting gear once you've started mastering the levels, the opportunity to eliminate your targets with lethal poison is available at each level before you can bring your own. If you are playing on, ditch your sniper there and leave the way you came, otherwise restart and we will take him out with the cannon. It holds two doses and can be used as a melee weapon to inject the poison directly into the target's neck. The following picture shows the locations and order for the bells. Level 5 - Mansion guards will see through mansion guard disguises. Creep into the room and subdue her. 35 Evidence recorder Destroy the evidence of you being in the area during the assassinations. 2 Butler He will patiently wait for the Caruso's guests. 1 Starting areaThe only available place to start the mission. Francesca De Santis is evidently having an affair with Caruso's golf coach, Roberto Vargas. Be aware that this will set off a loud alarm, so quickly get back down the stairs before that scientist sees you. 6 Stair Lift Turn it on whilst Silvio will be checking on the turned on gramophone. 59 Fire alarm It will cause panic and it will make Silvio run away with his plane. After the phone call, he will walk down the hill and into the alleyway tunnel from the other side. target, Ruslan Kuznetsov, a self acclaimed theatrical play write who will stop at nothing to get a perfect play. Keep left until you are behind the curtained decontamination showers. Your objective in this mission is to assassinate Dino Bosco, an actor who is shooting his most recent movie in the town. Head to the top and go left, then right. Then behind you, you should find a Plague Doctor outfit on display. Exit via the media room outside door and go stand by the Golf Pro to listen in on his conversation with Francesca on the phone. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. 13 Case with the high-octane fuelYou can open the case using a lockpick, a crowbar or by finding a key (green 7 on the map). Talk to her and you will give her the DNA. Whatever they were, the case appears to have taken him all around the country. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. The first and easiest route to get access to Mr. Fernsbys Office in the southeast corner of the ground floor of the mansion (level 1 on. Your targets are Claus Hugo Strandberg and Reza Zaydan. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. You do have to complete the mission at some point to get them to count. His fans are waiting next to the caf (M9,1), but he won't come here until you sabotage shooting of the movie (you have to activate the generators - (M9,7)). To do this you need to get the sniper rifle to the balcony of the observatory. 7 Entrance to Caruso's mansion You can use it if you have a magnetic card. An accident at the Ether Lab has claimed the life of a scientist. 27 Church's side entrance You can enter through here if you have the key from the church's employees. Do not attempt to fire a pistol at him/ Go for the sniper rifle instead, and even then, you will probably have to take two accurate shots to kill him. A new map means a new set of Opportunities - and a new set of Opportunities means new fun mini-stories that one day you will tell your grandchildren - if by tell your grandchildren you mean never ever tell anyone about all the people you delivered death to that is. He will tell you to follow him to Silvio's mother's grave in the garden. Thanks for the help. On the right is Rocco's door. This will complete the Memory Lane opportunity. On the left side on the observatory you should see an electrical box which from here looks like a brown rectangular window. Go past the maid making the bed and into the next room and youll find a glass of Whiskey. Turn it on and move away to where the butler is at the front of the building. 20 StoreroomYou can find here (among others) a gas bottle, monkey wrench and a screwdriver. When the masseur will be ready, Strandberg will visit the massage room (M5,11). What is a little bit more challenging is only the beginning of the mission, but only up to the moment, in which you obtain one of the best outfits to move around the map without being halted. There, you can knock him out and take his clothes. The bodyguards accompany him. . There is plenty of ways to eliminate targets - the most interesting (allowing to unlock achievements) were described in this game guide. Shut the front doors on your way in and then subdue the church worker. Stash his body in the bathroom cabinet and then use his cell to ring Francesca. Take the next door that leads outside. Also make sure you equip the lockpick. Make your way to the cannon that you loaded earlier and wait. It is best to eliminate Silvio whilst being disguised as a person who is interacting with him directly. Take his clothes, approach the safe and open it. He will be visited soon by the female scientist from the church. Francesca can most often be found in the sixth level of the mansion. For this mission our goal is to take on the role of Francesca's lover - the Golf Pro - so what we will need here is not so much a battle load-out but rather a stealthy one. 7 OfficerHis clothes are the most useful disguise in the school where Zaydan has headquarter. When the scientist looks away, walk back the way you came so that you are at the back of the hut with the CCTV. Her attention will now be on the dead guy. Once out the gate, turn right and go to the small white car at the front. 4 Garbage disposal unit Leave Silvio's body here to make sure that he won't be found and to get an achievement alon with some additional points. Before leaving it is worth dumping the church worker in the same box, to save him getting spotted. Question is, does Falcone still work for Caruso, or does De Santis have an agenda of her own? 24 Walled up entrance If you have got some explosives, you can destroy the wall and go through to the lab or out of it. It is good to look around first to get familiar with the place. You should see a scientist talking to a couple of guards ahead of you. So for this run we use Rat Poison on Francesca's Champagne Glass, then follow her into the toilet, drown her, and stuff her body in the cabinet with Roberto. Now just wait. The other location to get lethal poison in Dartmoor is the greenhouse at the back of the garden (level 0) in the far north of the map. In the Sapienza mission, World Of Tomorrow, you have to kill two targets, Silvio Caruso and Fransesca De Santis. Assassinate a target with lethal poison; Rewards +1,000 Mission Mastery Sapienza; 89. When you start the game, you will earn this achievement. 8 Army truck keysIt's best to steal them during the fire alarm - you will have a chance to do it unnoticed. Only one way to find out. 11 Blueprint of armoured carrier's turretLooking at it is required to kill both targets with the turret. Go inside the lab and as long as no one else is in the room with you, take the decontamination suit. 20 Water bottle Add some rat poison to it to make the trainer go to Francesca's toiler (red 18). Dino Bosco returns to the trailer regularly and that's when you can kill him.Bosco's car key. You can apply poison to the bottle (use the kitchen assistant disguise) or sabotage the gas lamp (use the movie crew disguise).Turning off the generator will distract the security member. Locations tied to the assassinations. Opportunities 2023 WCCF TECH INC. All rights reserved. Man of the cloth. You need to walk to the left side of the hut and walk round the back. He doesn't hang around long, so just wait until he leaves as well. Get up and walk towards the white van to the right of the mansion, next to the red building. There is a red table and sun lounger next to the pool with an umbrella (not the two sun loungers together). Make sure the golf coach doesn't see you, then out put poison in the water. All rights reserved. As a tourist you won't be able to get to the mansion. 1 Starting area Here begins your mission, in a roadside cafe. 16 Door leading to the observatoryYou can go to the observatory or to the roof through them. It seems the only way to get is by puting it into your starting loadout/hidden stash. Go to the panel that they were both stood next to and raise the temperature to destroy the virus. You may need to be fairly quick as a guard will come in for a drink shortly afterwards. His body is currently stored in the town morgue. 33 Room with the coffins An emplyee of the church works here. Go towards the back and you will see the confession booths to the left. 29 Waiter's spot Knock out the waiter during his break and take his clothes. and its users have no affiliation with any of this game's creators or copyright holders and any trademarks used herein belong to their respective owners. In the Sapienza mission, World Of Tomorrow, you have to kill two targets, Silvio Caruso and Fransesca De Santis. If you were spotted inside you may have to wait a little bit longer as all the guards go running about. On the table is a bottle of water which we are going to poison later. 41 Air conditioningTurning it off will turn of the airflow in the virus room. Restart the mission once you have the achievement, (starting in the ICA safehouse again). When starting a new playthrough, always try to choose a new starting location. Like with Paris, you will find that you aren't quite at level 20 mastery yet, but you shouldn't be too far off. After a while, Fransesca will arrive. Keep following the ruins round and you should find another cannon which is aimed towards the dock where Francesca met you as the private eye. The golf coach will make a phone call to Francesca and then go and drink the water. His task is to kill two people involved in a conspiracy that aims to seize power by means of a military coup. 47 FireplaceYou can throw a bottle from the attic to kill. Make sure no one can see you, then take his outfit. 21 Zaydan's waiter He's sleeping near the entrance to shisha cafe's break room. This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Square-Enix / Eidos or Io-Interactive. Important objects and disguises on the map, Places and important objects related to killing/destroying targets. This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Square-Enix / Eidos or Io-Interactive. It happens both on normal . Be aware that the woman who was shouting at Rocco will see through your disguise. 3 HeadmasterYou can acquire his clothes at the carpet store's rooftop. Youve got ten targets in the Hitman 3 Berlin level, though you might not know who they all are when you start. You need to shoot the four bells on the ship out to sea IN THE CORRECT ORDER. The easiest and most common way to poison your target is to lace their food or drink and wait for them to consume it. He's behind the fountain (the one at the gated entrance near the start, with two bodyguards/mansion security guys standing at it). Follow the road down the hill and make your way into the church. Entering without a hazmat suit is sure to be lethal. Follow the path and pick the lock of the first door you find. This time when planning your mission, choose the starting place as the Sapienza ruins. For hitting the plane and killing him the last of the three ways, you will get this achievement. Enter the door to the right of the shop (next to the moped) and go to the top floor. 9 TabletBy reading information written in it you will find out that Strandberg requires an urgent help from a masseur. 13 Dining room A big room for Caruso and his guests. Near the large TV screen which is currently switched off, you will find a projector where you can insert the tape. 2 WarehouseYou can find tools like hammer or screwdriver here. Kill hm and hide his body in a chest nearby. After we take care of that, ring the bell and then head towards the marker, where we will quickly head downstairs and grab the Mansion Keycard from the break table in the staff break room. To avoid collateral damage, youll have to move to the other target, Tamara Vidal. Go to the other side of the van where the door is open and take some flowers before heading to the main gate to the mansion. 5 Laundry Room You can take a disguise of the help from here. You can do it by increasing the temperature with a machine close to it (you will have to break one of the computers nearby). If you go for the ruins, you may need to sneak past a few guards to get there. 3: Agency Pickup: Caf Basement: The ICA can smuggle a large, secure case into the basement of the caf . 9 Jar with lethal poison pillsYou can use it to poison Zaydan's meal. Through this laptop you can destroy the virus. The mission map is smaller than the previous one's (Sapienza), but the space has been used to it's full potential. After a fairly long time, Silvio will show up and tell his bodyguards to leave. There is a glass of champagne on a small table which you also want to poison. Follow him inside and shut the door so the two guys in the main bathroom don't see you. The virus is not yet operational. Now simply go into the bedroom and sit in the marked chair. You must also increase the ramp pressure (red 9 on the map). 22 Tunnel Disguised as a detectibe, lure and kill Francesca here. 2 Pack of cigarettes. There are two locations to get lethal poison in Dartmoor. The guards that were all waiting by the doors should be gone now. The first will make the victim sick, often running to the privacy of a bathroom to do so. Once we have the extra Rat Poison we can then continue on our modified path. 17 Room with the exhibitsHere you will find a cannon ball to use later(red 43 on a map). The air inside the central lab unit is toxic. Hide his body. For now, head up the stairs to the left. 23 BarrelReza and Klaus are meeting unreasonably - by an exploding barrel. The reason we. Silvio spends most of his time on the golf field (M4,18), but sometimes he walks around the outside of his mansion like his grill area (M4,45) and a dining room (M4,13). 46 ChimneyDrop the gas bottle down its hole to create an explosion. Turn left when you enter the main cave and go up the steps so that you are above the CCTV room. Use that on the Champagne Glass on the table in the bedroom and then wait for her to arrive and drink from it. 41 EdgeYou can pull up yourself using it and enter the castle ruins. 22 Hole in the bridge You can enter the bridge through it. Youll need a key, lockpick, or crowbar to get inside, but once youve made it, you can find some lethal pills on the window sill. There is an archway that leads back towards the front gate. Youll have to encourage him to drink the smoothie once hes in range. You then need to eavesdrop on his conversation with Fransesca on the phone without him seeing you. Also try to leave through an exit you haven't used before. This is a good sniping spot.Wrench. 42 Virus You have to destroy it. This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Square-Enix / Eidos or Io-Interactive. There is also another one further round the corner to the right as you face him, next to a man in a loud shirt. Somewhere near him on the ground, you should find a coin. 20 Consulate employees' carYou can escape the mission area with it if you've obtained the consulate employees' car keys first. When prompted, smother him. 57 Top of the tower One of the higest points on the map. Valve Corporation. 12 Provisional studioThe last public appearance of Strandberg will be recorded here. Just in front of you, you should see a yellow staircase. Hide here body in a dumpster nearby. Then move to the other corner where you will find a machine that you can use to select samples. You will have completed the Catharsis opportunity. In the Wine Cellar next to the garage, one of the staff members drops a tin of expired pasta sauce, which might save a trip to the attic. Shame about the accident. Select The Good Son to show the marker you should follow. 3 Rat poison You can use it on Silvio (red 5 on the map). The following Intel will be discovered as you work your way through this mission: According to the safety protocol, the air inside the central lab unit is highly toxic, and entering requires a hazmat suit. After a while, Silvio will enter the room and notice the tape. Hitman 3 - Lethal Poison Location, Tasteless Traceless \u0026 Pick Your Poison - Assassination Challenge Dubai02:18 Lethal Poison Pill JarTasteless, Traceless - Assassination ChallengePick Your Poison - Assassination ChallengePart of Versatile Assassin - Assassination ChallengeEliminate Carl Ingram by making him eat poisoned foodAssassinate a target with lethal poison Played on PS5Check out our Hitman 3 playlist: Video's: First we are going to awaken the Kraken. He will turn round soon and go and stand nearer the main caf with his back to you. Hitman: Blood Money In Hitman: Blood Money, poison is replaced by the Poison Syringe, which is part of Agent 47's starting gear in almost all missions. 32 Entrance to the sewage You can enter through here. The area is off-limits for party guests so youll need a disguise or some sneaking skills to get in. The kitchen staff wing the dinner bell to notify Silvio Caruso that his meals are being served. Contains a single dose of a lethal poison. When you start you will be on the golf green. 5 Battle axeIt's necessary to complete the "Master Fortune Teller" challenges. Contents 1 Hitman 1 1.1 ICA Facility 1.2 Paris 1.3 Sapienza 1.4 Marrakesh 1.5 Bangkok 1.6 Colorado 1.7 Hokkaido 2 Hitman 2 2.1 Hawke's Bay 2.2 Miami 2.3 Santa Fortuna Now we just have Silvio to deal with. 13 School intercomIt can be used to attract Reza to the spot where a toilet can be thrown upon his head. 3 Main hall From there head to the Master suite (on level 5) on the west side of the map. As you approach, you will hear a woman shouting to Rocco who is on the top floor telling him that he is going to be late. 10 Vial with lethal poisonYou can use it to poison Zaydan's meal. The opportunity will show up next time you finish a mission. Once we have that, return to the first floor and then exit via the media room outside door, make our way around and poison the golf coach's drink when he walks away then follow him into the bathroom as before, killing him and stuffing him in the cabinet. Poison this and wait for Carl Ingram to by and take a sip. Run back round towards the kitchen and turn right. Judging from the damage, however, the flower truck isn't going anywhere. You start the mission in the same point as you did in the case of the Sapienza contract in the second main episode, i.e. 8 Blocked streetsYou can't visit the northern part of the city. Now, that is interesting. Go back to the alleyway and grab your kitchen outfit, then head back into the kitchen through the door behind the van. 5 Ice cube makerIt's in the shisha cafe's break room. Turn off the hose (not sure if this is really needed) and go and pick up her biolab keycard. Get frisked, head to the main door and speak to the butler. You can then walk round and behind the two guards into the next area. 18 Fire alarm switchTriggering it will start Strandberg's evacuation - you can take part in it with proper disguise. You will need the keys to the car (red 5 on the map). Francesca will show up - remember the Sedative Poison we brought? You will need a code to open it (green 15). 1 Printing crew memberYou will find printing crew here - you need to follow one of them and eliminate him in an alley in order to get his outfit. Eliminated Silvio during therapy, downed his plane with a cannon and shot him through the telescope. 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