They still had to find their way to Hogwarts. Im sure the novelty will wear off sooner or later.. They ate their fill, as the plate and cups kept refilling themselves, and then made their way up the nearly endless staircases until they made it to the portrait of the fat lady. secret, or mysterious; understood by few. "Alicia asked looking at the group. It really was hot. Then both boys started laughing, and had a hard time stopping. Ron, who would know far better than Harry just what a terrible idea that is, Percy added. Series. We provide harry potter everyone is protective of harry fan fiction books for you to PROMPT: Harry Potter by Rowling is fanfiction, and after the series was published the real Hogwarts had to do a lot of damage control. Harry Potter and the Fae Prince by Alpha-Knights-Fan reviews. It doesnt sound dark enough for you to be there yet. I wouldnt have minded the expansion charm. Dumbledore is reading Dumbledore Bashing books. Ron blushed. The boy is named Harry Potter and his twin sister is named Riona Potter. Wicked. Sirius whistled. Angelina-Alicia Everyone winced, even those who had already known. Dont question a good thing. Ron went ghostly pale at that. Which he probably should since the rest of the team were all really close, they were basically Harry's older brothers and sisters. 303 pages Completed December 9, 2021 MultiFandom Check. Several people scowled at how true that was. Ron shrugged. Knowing these books are about the past, the present and the future, we insist that none of the actions have consequences to any person included. They all got in and Mrs Weasley commented that muggles know more than they gave them credit for as youd never guess it was this room from the outside. Mum, it was just a tiny cut. If the wrong person recognised him he trailed off. Harry was eagerly awaiting their arrival at the school, where they would surely swoop down on the lawn to the cheering crowd of students and jealous faces of Fred and George. At least you could slip through the tiniest of gaps. By now everyone in the guild have noticed something wrong with Percy and Cana being the closest gets to Percy and tries to calm him down. Harry asked Ron why they couldnt get through, but he had no idea. I was fine, Ron assured her quickly. Imagine how the rest of us feel living there all the time, especially when theyre mad at you.. It was before the start of term, Ted wondered. Reading Harry's life some are the fem-harry and AU that is strong in abuse and other. Some teenagers from future had sent seven books named as the Potter twins. It couldnt reach us where the car dropped us.. A levitation charm is one thing, but to close the platform barrier? Complete. left kudos on this work! Sorceress | (n.) a woman who practices sorcery or witchcraft : witch. Hence why we even have these reading the books stories. They headed back to the car, and they got in. Are you saying you want your brother to be punished more heavily? Minerva asked him in amusement. Lost Harry potter Fanfiction. Harry nudged Ron, and both boys made quick work of escaping up to their dormitories. Protective Harry Potter; Abused Harry Potter; Implied/Referenced Child Abuse; Summary. Just as the wood slammed down on the hood once more, the car burst back into life. Why not simply get yourselves fully dressed, grab a quick breakfast and then make sure you have everything? Several people chuckled at that. He didnt want to think about the Dursleys reaction to Harry turning back up on their doorstep and being informed he would never be going back to Hogwarts. They regularly went back down to check on the trains progress, watching the world below become wilder every time as the city quickly evaporated into small towns, and eventually the scrubby outlands. House-elves are very powerful, and Dobby seemed pretty adamant that Harry shouldnt go back to school. Honestly, he wished he had a chance to study the car and the various enchantments on it and to see the effects of its personality. Either his mother hadnt known or had left it out of the story. Now that he knew it was unlikely Harry had done it for attention, the way he had previously assumed, he was curious to hear their reasoning, foolish as it likely was. "Dolores, what is this about?" That way theyd have seen what happened, Harry agreed. Dobby's Warning Then he kept going in as close to a happy voice as he could, stating that if they'd been in his house, they would have been expelled that moment. I was worried about how much trouble father would get into and I wanted to check they were ok for myself, Percy defended himself. You broke it at the start of the year? Molly demanded. Just as the twins were about to speak they heard the doors open. What were you doing anywhere near that tree?. After being freed, Astra wants to know all about the life of her old friend, Harry. A nearby guard yelled at them. Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. If wed have gotten that far, Ron muttered grumpily. Arthur sat up, wondering if he was going to find out what had happened to his car in the end. Upon activating it, Harry discovers that there was far more to his mother than he knew. Nothing is fixing that wand, Bill shook his head. Oh, not good. And they like you. Molly, we already knew this, and we no longer have the car. Jlmill9 - Reading the : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 COMPLETE. It should take longer than that for an object that large to grow a consciousness of its own. Uh George offered a sheepish grin. I respect your right to your views but this isn't a story that will reflect that particular viewpoint. 5. Crash! Before even discovering that her matter was the lost Black H Harry Potter, Sirius Black, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weas Anthea Cordelia Potter was the whole Wizarding worlds saviour but what no one know is that she has another family. Ah, apologies Severus, I wasnt thinking, Minerva winced. With this letter, there are seven books. Glancing over at his best friend, he saw Harry practically squirming in his seat and desperately avoiding eye contact with him. She only started up a fire in the empty earth. They both walked up to the staff table and sat down getting sent glares from the Professors. They were up at dawn the next morning but still seemed to have a great deal to do. Ron said it was no problem when Harry asked if he could fly it. I assume the car runs off of magic and needs a boost at the very least. How on earth did you get through your lessons? Along with several other charms that allowed them to pass through traffic easily. He told Harry not to mention it to Molly as he showed him the expanded trunk. And flying a car to Hogwarts is a lot safer than chasing after dark wizards, through traps that should have been a lot more dangerous than they ended up being, Fluffy aside.. Both boys winced. It was a good job she had decided to step down as Head of Gryffindor. Ron's knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel, pleading with the car now just a few feet more and gave the gas pedal one more push, then the car stuttered, and died. They went back below the clouds and spotted the scarlet engine, winding along below them like a giant snake. You could have had a concussion. It was getting quite hot in the tiny car, and there previous sweets had left their mouths dry. A Dramatic Reading by solo. Ron easily sidestepped this, saying it was only a scratch. They left and Harry barely had time to wonder when hed see it again before they were back as George had forgotten his fireworks. I hope it was impressed upon you two exactly how serious this was? Both boys nodded vigorously. That's when Dumbledore spoke up "Flitwick may you please charm the book that read itself out loud? And new friends, like Hermione Granger, and Professor McGonagall, and Professor Quirrell. Through the gloom they could make out that the trunk was nearly bent double as its limbs continued smashing every inch of the car it could reach. Theyd just be disappointed Harry didnt get himself killed, Sirius scowled. He managed to swing the car in a great arc away from the stone walls. People were still watching them, so Harry suggested they wait by the car. Dean-Ron An array of Slytherin characters (including Hermione) support Harry as he confronts Voldemort. At least this mess had already been dealt with, so there would be no further repercussions with the Ministry workers reading this information. The matter might have been dropped as it was difficult to prove it was his without the car, but Lucius Malfoy had pressed the matter, probably as revenge for the book shop. It was in the evening edition of the Prophet, someone will have seen it and spread the news around the school, Remus pointed out. That have almost killed you twice and youve barely made it to Hogwarts yet, where there is supposedly more danger waiting!. Im sure well manage, Minerva said, though her head pounded at the idea of how much work she would have once they were out of the time bubble. Assuming Mr. Weasley even knew how to fly the car, Filius reminded them. Harry wasnt sure how all eight of them, plus their luggage, was going to fit in the old Ford Anglia. Ron could have seriously hurt himself or a classmate working with that wand all year, they should have noticed and written to Mrs Weasley about it. The whole of the house was standing around, laughing and congratulating both boys on the stunt they'd pulled and how people would be talking for ages about this one! Thanks to Molly Weasley and Dumbledore, they had resorted to secret meetings just for a bit of time together. Where they have to read books about Harry's life starting with the Sorcerer's Stone. Mum favours a stinging hex when shes really mad, Ron stated. Its not like he would have listened, Harry pointed out with a shrug. On the last evening, Mrs Weasley made a feast that included all of Harrys favourite things, including treacle pudding. Hed never truly thought about it in those terms. He hadnt believed the two boys when they tried to explain themselves in his office, but now he knew they spoke the truth, he was curious. Actually, that doesnt. Hermione gave it, but tried to continue with her point anyways. Honestly, with the invisibility booster not working, they were lucky it was only six or seven, Ted muttered. Even then, Fred agreed. They thought being called liars and having det A WARLIKE WOMAN 22eMeralds, ALoverofAllWriting, thatderangedsimp, KatLas_1991, merip4361com, DQM, Ginger1534, SeerLunaSmartHarry, sneakylinksnape, stupendouspudding, ThatNerdWithOCD, WolfyPup, 090101vh, Slytherins_Princess, Its_ur_power, surmire, Madeline_mad, Slytherin2020, millabug27, Ariel_01, Weeb4lyfe_help, Aithusa13, felisassy, Kitsuki, PHOENIX_PERSON_123, EsmeraLupita6, BBKitty, simply_a_rat, libralionmjb, Isabella_Heartrose20, Bododragon, MissShannon, What_do_you_want, LauraBarns, Irelynd, Staffindeed, Kitsune511, Ace_of_Spades_23, Auntie_Nanny_Em, LSDacidtrip, Violette_7, IvochkaOwO, suiadeo, AWolfNamedAliac, Wundersmidget, Rixanium, Emmalynn, Jaggedheart, Messy_organs5, Elizzza14, and 292 more users Well, so far only one being has shown an interest in making sure Harry doesnt get to Hogwarts, Bill said slowly. But is he really? Hogwarts students and staff, Madame Maxime . The twins were looking at them and seemed to be mad at what they were seeing. Ron yelped and swung the steering wheel, hard. Harry looked in disdain at the grinning cartoon snake on the front of the diaper. And honestly, if they stopped to try and sort the issue out, there is a chance the car wouldnt start again and then they would be stuck with no idea where they were, Remus added. Several loud thunks suggested that their luggage was being ejected as well, as well as their pet's cages. Now would be a good time for the flip side of the famed Potter luck, Bill mumbled to himself. That was a useful addition that wouldnt get you in trouble with the law. Fudge picked up one of the books reading the title "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" 'hmm' he thought 'this could be useful', "Dolores go and get all the students and teachers and bring them to the great hall, I'm going to floo call Amelia", when she walked out of the room he walked over to the floo to make a call. So, they both decided to ignore the growing whine from the car. Ron pointed out that he was sure the teachers didn't want them showing off. 229 guests Classes will be cancelled while we read this book. It was only at the last second you even thought about getting past Fluffy, despite that being the only part you actually knew about, Remus added. Rating: M. The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle - Draco and Hermione wake up naked, hungover, and tattoo'd. Harry as he sits in his room at privet drive, wonders in what has happened to a friend that he had met in his first year at Hogwarts, Roxas. Ron laughed. The guard could have at least checked you were alright, Molly huffed. Lily Evans was heading to classes, trying to stop thinking about , when she received a letter from Professor Dumbledore. How do you know about airplanes, but cant use a telephone? Harry wanted to know. This hardly counts as a real emergency, Kingsley said dryly. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, also called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the first novel in the immensely popular Harry Potter series by British writer J.K. Rowling. So, you thought wed just go home and leave the car there until next summer? Arthur raised an eyebrow. As Harry watched a small boy made his way up to the hat and Professor McGonagall dropped the hat down on his head. All three adults remained silent for some time, and Ron was the first to speak up in a miserable tone as he said they'd go and get their stuff. Harry caught sight of a tree right in their path, and tried to go for the wheel himself, but too late. Well, other than some pranks by the twins, I wasnt in any danger at your house which was a plus, Harry pointed out with a grin. I always tell you to pack the night before, but do you listen? No wonder you guys had to jump onto the train while it was taking off, Charlie whistled. Where was this attitude when we went after the stone? Harry wanted to know. Or some times completely changi had never cared about what other people thought of her - and why would she ? It was so rare for their father to be truly angry that it was then worse than their mothers wrath which they faced on a regular basis. It really wouldnt have mattered if he did. Harry could feel a bump forming on his forehead from where he'd smacked against the dashboard. Harry grinned. Rating: M. The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle - Draco and Hermione wake up naked, hungover, and tattoo'd. Then came the Hogwarts letter, and a world of intriguing new possibilities to exploit. Yes, the adults are judgemental and biased. As for the school writing to the Dursleys, Harry was sure they'd only be disappointed to find out Harry hadn't been squashed under the tree. We thought the car, the magically enhanced car, had been stolen by muggles! Molly scolded her son. You actually got away with that? Fred whistled, recalling that Gryffindor hadnt started the year in negative points. To his side, Ron let out a groan. You were far enough away from the tree, right? Remus double checked. They broke the statute of secrecy! Charlie complained. Not to mention, it would likely have been forgotten in the aftermath of Ron and Harrys exploits. We really didnt need a lecture though after we got through with Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore, Ron pointed out. Fridge Logic. Where they have to read books about Harry's life starting with the Sorcerer's Stone. Were seeing seven, Ted wondered had resorted to secret meetings just for a bit of time.... Bill shook his head several other charms that allowed them to pass through traffic easily wood slammed on... The novelty will wear off sooner or later sight of a tree in... You could slip through the tiniest of gaps be no further repercussions with the Ministry workers reading this information abuse! 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