Finally, I put the parts in bleach, and they rusted COMPLETELY in less than 10 hours. `); var variant = 2; openWidget();
10000 : timeout_killswitch In my Frankenstrat guitar review, you'll find out all you need to know about this guitar, including some great alternatives worth buying. var css = document.createElement('style'); In fact, the guitar solo of the song Beat It by Michael Jackson was played with this guitar. For the final varnish Josro used a special polyurethane resin for guitars which hardens a lot and protects well from the knocks and wear and tear on stage. border: solid 2px; }; I mounted the Schaller tuners, after using compound, steel wool, and sandpaper to take the chrome shine off of them. The pickup of choice, direct from Guitar Fetish. if(woodstax === null && !isCategory) { Van Halen was able to purchase the . #2. Picture courtesy }; try { } I gave it 4-5 coats of antique white. provides tips and tricks for great results. If you like this look, you can skip the red coat altogether. Dan Erlewine shares the secret to guitar finishing using spray cans. Eddies first Frankenstrat came out of a combined frustration with his previous main guitars. display: flex; var stewmax_price = '$54.95'; function code() { // Code to Run text-decoration: underline; a strip of double-sided masking tape for holding picks, large screw eyes in lieu of strap buttons . Our article, How to Build a Partscasterwill give you a great step-by-step process for assembling your freshly finished metal machine. Next Ill do the relicing (which will be substantial), and then put a couple coats of clear on, and then sand AGAIN with steelwool. // let e = document.createElement('a'); }, /* The Frankenstrat was Van Halen's attempt to combine the sound of a classic Gibson guitar with the physical attributes and tremolo bar functionality of a Fender Stratocaster. Give the sealer an hour or so dry between coats. Once this was achieved, he then placed the bridge humbucker from his Gibson ES-335 (a PAF pickup which stands for Patent Applied For) into the body of the guitar. } Direct the first press on a cardboard or paper to check the pressure with which the paint comes out. What makes this guitar special, quite apart from the fact that Eddie Van Halen . justify-content: center; The fine tuners in particular looked too new, so we were able to fix that! Downloadable versions: English: Metric : Tap size standard: Fractional Screw size Metric Thread type: Coarse Fine. var b = document.body.scrollHeight; step 3. src: ( .cart-slideout .item .item-amount { Once it had dried, he used said masking tape in a patterned style on his guitar.
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I shall post more pictures and possibly a how-to as I go. // 10s observer killswitch !$('#js-pdp-image-container').data('is-stewmax'); If your StewMac product was not purchased from StewMac, this voids the warranty. Make sure you are in a well-ventilated area if spraying indoors. Three hundred replicas of the red-and-black-and-white-striped Frankenstrat were offered by Van Halen's EVH brand for $25,000 each. 'processing-label' : 'addtocart-label'; Theyre VERY rare, and if I could find one, it would be prohibitively expensive. Too heavy of a first coat is much more likely to lead to drips and runs. Take a look below, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions. "quantity": ((isWoodStaxProduct || iStewMaxProduct) ? The second Frankenstrat, appearing on the Van Halen II LP and tour, was a 1979 Charvel hybrid VH2 "Bumblebee" black-and-yellow striped guitar. #stewmax-learn-more .hdr { align-items: center; The black, white and red "Frankenstrat" famously created and used by Eddie Van Halen. if (y > last_scroll && !has_class && last_height == b && document.querySelector('.header-dropdown') === null) { align-items: center; var items = $(".pdp-product-variant").map(function() { } else if(woodstax) { Also based on Chris' research, the Frankenstrat initially had two control knobs, one of which was later removed. 3/4 Guitar vs Full Size: How to Choose the Right One? EVH Frankenstrat Replica. Javascript is used to collapse and expand the header by adding/removing a class depending on scroll direction. gap: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; return; name: ( The intent is to seal the thirsty wood and to help fill/level any small grain voids in the body. The neck is an . bottom: 0; } } else if(isCategory) { display: flex; Aerosol cans have a nice heavy load of lacquer, so care must be taken to avoid runs. ['click', 'touchstart'].forEach(function(s) { cork bar tape bicycle. This can be as simple as running warm (not hot) water into a sink and letting the can sit for a few minutes. See details > .cart-slideout .cart .dsc { price: $(this).find('.tmx-variant-pricing ').text().trim() }; He later replaced the white pickguard with a cut up black vinyl record, covered the back with aluminum foil, and replaced the Gibson humbucker pickup with one from the "Bumblebee" guitar. }, true, false, false, document.querySelector('.js-product-variants')); var cart; For this layer a combination of 1/8", 1/4", 1/2", and 3/4" widths tape works well, although the final widths are up to you. } It turned out pretty good. A razor blade scraper can be used to gently clean up any areas of red lacquer that bled past the masking tape and the slight ridge of paint that likely formed along each masked line can be gently knocked down with 800-grit abrasive paper. var limit_max = true; Whether you're starting from a bare wood body we just painted black or you're starting from a pre-finished partscaster body, the first step is to clean and degrease with naphtha. $(".tmx-cart h1:contains(Cart)").parent()[0] For a correct application we recommend to follow the following steps: Eddie Van Halen and the Frankenstrat guitar. Each coil is hand-wound a very specific number of turns with 43 gauge wire on non-magnetic German silver baseplates. You must provide proof of purchase at the time the product is returned. Feel free to relic/bash up the guitar, and give a. Powered . (function () { He had a limited knowledge of electronic circuitry, so there was no tone control. font-weight: 600;

Respirator, this should be an NIOSH-approved organic vapor filter, ColorTone Vinyl Sealeror Zinsser Aerosol Shellac, sealer coat if using a bare wood body, ColorTone White Vinyl Sealeror ColorTone Vintage White Aerosol Guitar Lacquer, 2 cans, ColorTone Tinted Aerosol Guitar Lacquer, Cherry Red, 2 cans, ColorTone Black Aerosol Guitar Lacquer, Black Gloss, 1 can, Aerosol Spray Nozzles, 6 Pack for quick replacement of dirty nozzles, or upgrade for standard white nozzles, Tape for Line Pattern, your choice of sizes, 3M Gold Fre-Cut Sandpaper, 220-grit, 320-grit, 600-grit, 800-grit, or Sandpaper/Finishing Paper Sampler, Micro-Mesh Foam Sanding Blockand Sanding Block for Self-adhesive Sandpaper, Freehand Holderfor extra control when spraying, 3M Scotch-Brite Padsfor aging the finish, Guitar Finishing Step-By-Step provides tips and tricks for great results. Just go for a nice, light, even coat and let it dry for an hour or so. Protect your lungs, protect your health, and please wear a well-fitting organic vapor respirator. .tmx-variant-image { There are many sites dedicated to the exact pattern that some might like to follow, but this is your guitar, find inspiration where you will, and discover a pattern that speaks to you. He initially painted the guitar black using Schwinn bicycle paint that he may have used on his paper route. I do custom painting projects, guitar painting, airbrushing, spray can painting, wood working, and a variety of. Then, I used 400 grit to make it look like spots where soft objects, like clothing would rub. . . css.innerHTML = 'Only '+avail+' i' : 'I')+'n stock, ready to ship! var isWoodStaxProduct = ! Get a pro quality finish on your next guitar! 1 comment.
if (cC == 'JPY') ) { First, the guitar will be dismantled and cleaned. Anyone have a suggestion on where I can find it? . var observer = new MutationObserver(checkAndRun); flex-direction: column; if (giftForm != undefined && giftForm.length > 0) { To achieve this, he bought a cheap body and mast on the Internet for 70 (about 60). */ Dont u hav to tape bck over the bIack stripes when tapig over the whit. wait_for_quantities(); return ( || canonical.startsWith('/parts-and-hardware/all-hardware-and-parts-by-instrument/archtop-guitar-parts/archtop-guitar-bridges-and-tailpieces/') Regarding the primer, Josro used a mixture prepared by a luthier (a guitar repairer) and sprayed, but we would also recommend the use of the Pintyplus universal spray primer. Back up off of the volume knob, and it cleans up immediately to a crisp 50s PAF sound. Also, I took the shine off of the neck plate and jack plate in the same fashion, although I didnt take pics. || canonical.startsWith('/parts-and-hardware/all-hardware-and-parts-by-instrument/acoustic-guitar-parts/acoustic-guitar-tuning-machine-heads/') ) setUpButton($('.js-add-to-cart-slideout'), false); document.head.insertAdjacentHTML(position, styleElement); ET I'm Brad, and I make how-to videos. if (isTesting) console.log(event);