Plant magic will have the desired result . It is named also "turn sole" because always facing the sun, and Hare's Thistle (the hare's panacea, says an old writer, is the Sow Thistle), or Hare's Lettuce because "when fainting with the heat she recruits her strength with the herb; or if a hare eat of this herb in the summer when he is mad he shall become whole." Cudweed can be competitive and difficult to control in turf, growing at a different rate and texture to the grasses. Euchiton sphaericus (Japanese cudweed) is native to New Zealand, and has dense spherical flower heads, each about 2 cm in diameter, with four leaves immediately below it, at the top of upright stems about 20 cm long. In Hindu rites, sandalwood paste is often used to consecrate ritual tools before ceremonies. Strain the liquid, dilute to taste. Such links are provided for your convenience and reference only. The parts that grow above the ground are used to make medicine. ex J.F.Gmel. **Do not consume Poke. The GoE MONEY!!! Maintain a dense, actively growing turf through proper mowing, fertilizing, and watering practices. It also helps with circulatory issues. It grows on the edge of forests or wet stony sites, lawns, pasture, river beds, cultivated crops and coastal places, so it is a pretty hardy character able to handle a variety of conditions. Cotyledons (seed leaves) and first true leaves are covered with whitish to light gray woolly hairs. ex Kirpicz. Flower heads very small about 3 to 4 mm long and crowded in small clusters of 3 to 10, near the ends of the branches and in axils of leaves, whitish to light brownish-green to straw-colored and look like buds or flowers that have already died back and turned brown, without ray florets; involucral bracts tiny, thin, papery, tan or light brownish. Birch Known to Pagans as the White Lady of the Woods, the Birch tree represents rebirth and fertility. Bind the plantain with red wool tp the head to cure headaches, and place beneath the feet to remove weariness. Do not consume plants unless you are certain they are not toxic or under thesupervision of an experienced licensed professional. When worn it offers protection. This plant has high toxicity levels and should not be consumed without the supervision of an experienced and licensed professional. The Sow thistle has been named also Milkweed. The parts that grow above the ground are used to make medicine. Wear as an amulet for protection. tall with short roots (5-18 cm). The appropriate dose of cudweed depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions. The crushed berries make a powerful dark purple juice which can be made into Magickal ink. Its fresh leaves applied to the skin will raise a blister, and may be used for such a purpose, especially to relieve the swollen legs of dropsical subjects when the vesicles should be punctured and the serum drawn off. Jackie Jordan, Commercial Horticulture Agent, Fairfield, Kershaw, and Richland County, Clemson Extension, Clemson University. All plants are magical, but certain plants have made far more appearances in potions, spell books, and ceremonies than others - for purposes both good and nefarious. NC State University and N.C. A&T State University work in tandem, along with federal, state and local governments, to Today's scientific research shows cannabis's medicinal properties could certainly have helped heal many of the conditions Jesus and his followers cured. Shamans and Magicians have used cannabis among other spiritual plants to alter consciousness as they enter into the magical realms. They are 1- 2.5 inches long 1/4 to 1/2 inch wide. Red Pepper 8. & Kuprian. Parts of plant used: Flower, Stalks & Leaves. It is of excellent curative use against the intermittent fevers of Spring, but for counteracting autumnal (septic) fevers it is of no avail. Cotton batting, Gnaphalium stramineum, can be a problem in turf. Appearance: Clusters of white flower on top of a long stalk with long feather shaped leaves. The leaves are a glossy light green on top and have a white furry underside. Work with the dried leaves to remove negative energies and to . Black Lava Salt is sea salt combined with activated charcoal.Black lava salt is used in magick to absorb and trap negative energies. They grow 10 inches to 2 feet tall and are often found in sandy or rocky low-fertility soils in full sun. Mature plant This Thistle was a herb of Mars, and, as Gerard says: "It helpeth giddiness of the head: also it is an excellent remedy against the yellow jaundice. Subscribe (RSS) Hibiscus - love and passion . 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. I have replaced with new gator blades and sharpened them before installing them can anyone help . It is used topically for wounds, ulcers and burns. The Plantains (Plantaginacecoe), from planta, the sole of the foot, are humble plants, well known as weeds in fields and by roadsides, having ribbed leaves and spikes of flowers conspicuous by their long stamens. They are oval in shape and sessile (no stems). She intends to learn their names and soothe her pain with hot tea and understanding. People use cudweed as a gargle or rinse for diseases of the mouth or throat. Gnaphalium has been used for pain of the sciatic nerve when pain is associated with numbness. "Disarmed of its prickles," writes John Evelyn, "and boiled, it is worth esteem, and thought to be a great breeder of milk, and proper diet for women who are nurses.". Boosts energy and immune system; magical uses: Uses include snakebite and divination, clairvoyance. Spermatophytina (spermatophytes, seed plants, phanrogames). Food for American painted lady caterpillars. You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you. Not breaking down I finally swallowed the fibre. lasiocarpum Schur, 1866. Rosette and lower stem leaves spatula-shaped with blunt tips, upper leaves reduce in size. With a circle of proper support and circumstances, the layers of ice will fall away. This discount runs until April 2023. The name Cudweed becomes obvious I discovered when I plucked a leaf and chewed/tasted it between my, Densely matted hairs on underside of leaf. White Pepper Magick 3. The flowers vary but are often in clusters of heads. On the Continent a large white blossom of this species is nailed upon cottage doors by way of a barometer to indicate the weather if remaining open or closing. Cudweed decoction is taken internally for trombophlebitis. So glad you found the information useful! Leaves are up to 2 inches long, up to 1/8 inch wide, toothless, covered in white woolly hair, often a bit wavy around the edges, pointed at the tip with no leaf stalk. They rise up over the florets in wet weather. m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) Oil extracts are used in the treatment of laryngitis, upper respiratory catarrh and tonsillitis. Cudweed is native to South America and is common all over the North Island of NZ and parts of the South Island. Place a few pinch's in the flame of the candle or throw to the East wind in all healing wishes. Copyright 2023 Clemson UniversityClemson Cooperative Extension | 103 Barre Hall Clemson, SC 29634864-986-4310 | 1-888-656-9988 (SC residents only) | Contact, SC Fruit and Vegetable Field Report March 22, 2021, College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences, How to Tell the Difference Between Goldenrod and Ragweed, Centipedegrass Yearly Maintenance Program. Its taste is intensely bitter. Dried Poke can be used to break curses and gives the bearer courage when carried. A while back we took a look at 5 common plants characterized as weeds. It grows on the edge of forests or wet stony sites, lawns, pasture, river beds, cultivated crops and coastal places, so it is a pretty hardy character able to handle a variety of conditions. Feverfew - humble flower renowned for its curative properties, a magickal "fix-all". Nagxian Cudweed Item type Crafting material Material type Reagent Crafting 69 Rarity Basic Value 4 Patch 4.0 " Though recognized as a weed, this winter annual is edible and will oft be harvested in the late months for use in various Doman and Hingan dishes. Cudweeds tend to grow in open, thin turf and newly disturbed areas. Purple cudweed (Gamochaeta purpurea) has gray-green, soft velvet-like leaves. Cudweed is native to South America and is common all over the North Island of NZ and parts of the South Island. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician. Cold infusion helps expel intestinal worms. Classification of a number of species is disputed between Pseudognaphalium and the related genus Gnaphalium. Photo right. Rainbow Pepper: Magical CREOLE Pepper 5. Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. Course - A Course In Real MONEY MAGIC! The ancient magical properties of juniper include love/attraction, protection, good luck, increased visions, wisdom, prosperity & clarity. It could have been easily broken like the thin layer of ice forming on the branches. Gamochaeta subfalcata another silky cudweed, fewer branches, less spreading, bright reddish-purple flowers found in Northland, Auckland, Coromandel and Wellington. Your email address will not be published. Cudweed is an herb. two top teeth and tongue. In general, the cudweeds have basal rosettes and the leaves and seedheads are covered in distinct fine, white "wooly" fibers. Diuretic, treats diabetes and kidney disease and swelling; Good for head colds and PMS; Magical Uses: Banishes all things injurious to good health; attracts good, healthy energies and love. Juniper has been popularly used in blessing & purification rituals. Here are 13 potential health benefits of dandelion, along with some common risks and side effects. People use cudweed as a gargle or rinse for diseases of the mouth or throat. Vervain. nudum (Hoffm.) The seeds dislodged from the dry, ripe plant, by striking it smartly on a table, are good in decoction against bleedings, and are employed by country people for curing piles. Purslane in the home is said to bring happiness and protection. The flowers are dark pink or purple. Consider leaving it in the moonlight if the weather is mild. Shikov AN, Kundracikova M, Palama TL, et al. Mixers. Flowers tanish-white in clusters at upper leaf axils. Cudweed is an herb its parts that grow above the ground are commonly used to make medicine. The mortar is a Tiny wooden. Use in Scent Magick for corresponding purposes. Therapeutic Research Faculty 2020. Cudweeds unusual feature is the dual colour of the leaves which are bright green and smooth on the upper surface and white underneath. ex Kirpicz. likely due to its anti inflammatory and healing properties. All rights reserved. (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), Pseudognaphalium is a genus of flowering plants in the sunflower family.. Members of the genus are commonly known as cudweeds or rabbit tobacco (P. obtusifolium is the original species with that name). Cotton Algodn Spiritual Magical PropertiesThe Sacred Ceiba Silk Cotton Kopok Tree the Sacred Tree Likewise, cures of rabid dogs by this plant are reported; and in America it is renowned as a remedy against the bite of the rattlesnake. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Parts of plant used: Whole plant, especially the root and berries, Magickal Uses: Courage & Breaking Hexes/Curses. Im pleased there is yet another weed that grows in our lawn, gardens and pasture that we can eat! These are not to be used in substitute to medical advice nor are we giving medical advice by providing this list. Also used to treat parasites. The infusion should be made with cold water: when kept it forms a salt on its surface like nitre. In Devon and Cornwall Thistles are commonly known as Dazzels, or Dashel flowers. Patch of Cudweed amongst Hydrocotyl heteromeria. Add more items to your cart to grab this discount! Northern Hemisphere and parts of Southern Hemisphere. Using the products and methods suggested, you will get control of cudweed. Cudweed may cause an allergic reaction in people who are allergic to the Asteraceae or Compositae plant family. Avoid confusion with cats foot (Antennaria dioica), which is also known as cudweed and with Pilosella officinarum, which is also known as mouse ear. Yellow and green dyes are obtained from the whole plant. Magickal uses include love, lust, passion, and restoring lost energy. Rituals around cannabis have been recorded as long . To keep evil at bay and attract love and luck carry Purslane. Learn how to turn edible weeds into delicious, nutritious food! There are many different types of cudweed that can be found in North and South America. Take as 3 doses a day. Orders which contain no other free gift will contain a free tumbled crystal in the packaging. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for cudweed. Stems and undersides of leaves are white and hairy. This greater Plantain (Plantago major) is also termed Waybred, Waybread, or Waybroad, "spread on the way," and has followed our colonists to all parts of the globe, being therefore styled "The Englishman's Foot" and "Whiteman's Foot." When taken by healthy provers in varying quantities to test its toxic effects the plant has caused distension of the whole abdomen, especially on the right side, with tenderness on pressure over the liver, and with a deficiency of bile in hard knotty stools, the colouring matter of the faeces being found by chemical tests present in the urine: so that a preparation of this Thistle modified in strength, and considerably diluted in its doses proves truly homoeopathic to simple obstructive jaundice through inaction of the liver, and readily cures the disorder. The leavesarrangedwith three leaflets, each leaf is 1530 mm long and 815 mm broad, green with a characteristic pale crescent in the outer half of the leaf. Cudweed is a common name for several species, and may refer to: Plants [ edit] in the family Asteraceae Gamochaeta, a plant genus with species in North and South America Gnaphalium, a plant genus with species in Eurasia and the Americas Filago, a plant genus in Eurasia and North America Pseudognaphalium, a plant genus native to North America Shiny cudweed (Gamochaeta coarctata) has leaves that are glossy green on the upper surface and white and densely hairy on the underside of the leaf. It may also have aphrodisiac and anti-depressant effects. See our Home page, or in the U.S., contact your local Cooperative Extension office for assistance. It strengthens the memory, cures deafness, and helps the bitings of mad dogs and venomous beasts." The plant is found growing in damp places in sandy fields, heaths, waysides, lake, pond margins, ephemeral pools, damp, arable grasslands, paths, shores, puddles, ditches, small roads, yards, wasteland, meadows, pastures, depressions in cultivated fields, streams, valleys, roadside ditches and grain fields. This Web site contains links to Web sites operated by other parties. Modern Energy Art with Silvia Hartmann - My NEW Youtube Channel! Each plant has its own magical properties and strengths and can be used to add power to any kind of spell. They act as a demulcent in catarrh and pleurisy, being also a favourite food of Goldfinches. J.Holub. Those persons who proved the plant by taking it experimentally in various doses, suffered much pain in the teeth and jaws. Gamochaeta calviceps or silky cudweed is branched and spread on the ground as well as branches on the stem. Phytother.Res 2005;19(5):428-432. Follow this guide and use the recommended products, and we guarantee 100% control of cudweed. According to tradition it sometimes conceals marvels, or treasures; and in Italian stories the words, "Open Sow Thistle" are used as of like significance with the magical invocation "Open sesame." // ]]>. Lej., 1813, Gnaphalium uliginosum var. Shiny Cudweed can also be identified by its basal leaves, which are very broad. Long Pepper 7. The leaves are astringent, and useful for healing sores when applied thereto, and for dressing wounds. bristles and the former name spicata is latin for spike, or ear of grain. E14 9XH is a postcode in Watergate Walk located in Canary Wharf, an area in London, Tower Hamlets London Borough, with 0 household. Cudweed. Cudweed is not bitter, nor hairy and is actually quite pleasant with its mild flavour providing a new option to add to salads, soups, pesto and smoothies. Avoid harvesting these plants when they grow too close to roads and drainage areas. The herb does not yield its virtues to spirit of wine as a tincture. The Sow Thistle (Sonchus oleraceus), named sonchus because of its soft spikes instead of prickles, grows commonly as a weed in gardens, and having milky stalks which are reputed good for wheezy and short-winded folk, whilst the milk may be used as a wash for the face. It stimulates the stomach and intestinal motility. It gives rise to an active flow of urine when taken in considerable doses, and when administered in small doses of the diluted tincture, it has proved curative of bed wetting in young children. As a nutritiousvegetable, Purslane can be eaten in Magickal recipes. All magic spells, magic articles, text & images by StarFields unless otherwise stated. ga('send', 'pageview'); Gamochaeta implicicaulis has thick stems and leaves amongst the flowers. The white flowers develop purple-black berry clusters that resemble grape clusters. (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ Infusion - 25g dried nettle leaf in 500ml of boiled water, let steep at least 1 hour and even overnight. This page is a general cudweed control guide. Filaginella kasachstanica (Kirp.) As a rule they flourish best in hot dry climates. The appropriate dose of cudweed depends on several factors such as the users age, health, and several other conditions. View abstract. It has been used since ancient times as a treatment for epilepsy and even stole the spotlight for a short while as an antidote to the plague. Cudweeds are in the Asteraceae (daisy) family and comprise several closely related species that may be winter annuals or short-lived perennials. We are not responsible for the content or products of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site. A: Last year's stalks will not turn green. The GoE MONEY!!! Appearance: Poke grows up to 10 feet tall with a large white taproot. The first true leaves have smooth edges and taper gradually toward the base. Gamochaeta purpurea has leaves woolly-hairy on both surfaces, found scattered in the NI After the root is boiled so as to dissipate this medicinal juice it makes an edible starchy vegetable. Dried flowers are used like hops for a calming herb pillow. But while we often hear about herbs having magical properties and dried herbs being used regularly in many forms of witchcraft, one rarely hears talk of which live plants are good for witches to . Plantain is hung in the car to guard against So here they are, 5 MORE Common Weeds and Their Magickal Properties Pokeberry (Phytolacca americana) Also known as: Indian Ink, Virginia poke, American nightshade, inkberry, pigeon berry, pokeroot, pokeweed, redweed, scoke, and Pocan. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sometimes, activism comes in the places you least expect. Gnaphalium uliginosum subsp. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your treating doctor. Stem and underside of leaves with soft velvet-like hairs. The leaves dont have stalks, they radiate straight out from the centre of the rosette and die off by the time the flower stalks grow up. Conclusion. Drop a stick of cinnamon in a small Mason jar and pour in enough whiskey to cover it. The green or red stems are large and hollow, with simple green leaves. Magical Herbalism Ysadora Alexander 17 May 2021 Three Morrigna herb profiles, herbs, green witchcraft, meadowsweet. uliginosum L. Gnaphalium uliginosum var. Disclaimer, e-mail: [emailprotected] Saffron in Healing. It is also very important to wash your hands completely after working with or handing Poke. Appearance: A succulent, sprawling plant that often grown out of sidewalks, lawns, and meadows. Euchiton sphaericus Japanese Cudweed or Globe cottonwood this is a native species of Cudweed found all. Chickweed magic is the magic of balance within a group environment or relationship. Cudweed is also recommended for chronic enteritis, colitis and dysentery. Then it progressed to the magical properties of peanut butter and gravy granules. Overview Cudweed is an herb. Read our Commitment to Diversity | Read our Privacy Statement. The root has a sweet taste, and gives the saliva a reddish tinge. Traditional uses and benefits of Spanish Cedar, Traditional uses and benefits of Asiatic Dayflower, Traditional uses and benefits of Climbing Dayflower, Health benefits of Herb Robert Geranium robertianum, A Whole House-Water Filter is Worth it Here are the Reasons Why, Traditional uses and benefits of Aquatic Rotula, Traditional uses and benefits of Hiptage (Helicopter Flower), Traditional uses and benefits of Blinding Tree, Widespread across much of Europe, Asia, and North America, Beneficial for laryngitis, upper respiratory catarrh, tonsillitis, high blood pressure, lung problems, leucorrhea, hemorrhage, sciatica, lumbago, arthritis, Cudweed, Low cudweed, Marsh cudweed, Mouse-ear, Mud cudweed, brown cudweed, wayside cudweed, Damp places in sandy fields, heaths, waysides, lake, pond margins, ephemeral pools, damp, arable grasslands, paths, shores, puddles, ditches, small roads, yards, wasteland, meadows, pastures, Straight or slightly receding, unbranched or usually branched, Leaves are up to 2 inches long, up to 1/8 inch wide, toothless, covered in white woolly hair, often a bit wavy around the edges, pointed at the tip with no leaf stalk, Very small about 3 to 4 mm long and crowded in small clusters of 3 to 10, near the ends of the branches and in axils of leaves, whitish to light brownish-green to straw-colored. It slows down heart rate while increasing the force of the beats. One of those awful weeds that repeatedly rears its ugly head is Cudweed. All orders in the United States qualify for this discount. Szechuan Pepper Magick Pepper in Other Forms and Ideas on Magical Applications First, What is Pepper, Truly? It possesses a widespread repute in Switzerland as a local remedy for toothache, the root or leaves being applied against the ear of the affected side. Thistle down was at one time gathered by poor persons and sold for stuffing pillows. There are many tight clusters of small, whitish flowers which look rather dull and inconspicuous compared to bright, bold dandelions and sunflowers who also belong in the Asteraceae family of plants. The whole plant is very durable, like that of the "everlasting flowers:" Cudweed (Antennaria). Cudweeds overwinter as small basal rosettes, but in the spring usually grow an upright stem. Consideration should be given here to the Carduus marianus, or Lady's Thistle, the common Carline Thistle, the Carduus benedictus (Blessed Thistle), the wild Teasel (Dipsacus), and the Fuller's Teasel, as Herbal Simples; whilst others of minor curative usefulness are to be incidentally mentioned. The shape of the leaf in the larger species resembles a footprint. Other magickal properties of Birch include adaptability, inspiration, and fearlessness. lasiocarpum Ledeb. Terms & conditions We carry most of these herbs but some of them we do not. The three leaves of the Red Clover are representational of the Triple God, The Son, Father, and Elder. . The achenes are oblong, smooth, and sometimes have papillae. Cudweed is an herb. Cudweed is an herb. Properties in E14 9XH have no sales history available within the last 3 years. For noncommercial purposes only, any Web site may link directly to this page. Pink Pepper Magical Properties (NOTE: CASHEW FAMILY = TREE NUT ALLERGEN) 4. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to products on Carry flowers to change your luck and fortune. A Scientific Study conducted on water has proved that water has memory and it can help you gain consciousness. Creeping cudweed, G. collinum, is a perennial. Salt is used by many to absorb energy, and charcoal is well known to absorb toxins, so the two make a natural pairing. Black Lava Salt. Life Cycle. The white being densely matted hairs looking like a piece of felted material when seen up close. It is used both internally and externally in the treatment of laryngitis, upper respiratory catarrh and tonsillitis, whilst in Russia it is used in the treatment of high blood pressure. Common throughout NZ. Drink Red Clover tea in spell work related to protection and finances. Full sun (6 or more hours of direct sunlight a day), 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 5a, 5b, 6a, 6b, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, 9a, 9b, 10a, 10b. tomentosum Beck, 1893, Gnaphalium uliginosum var. FOR ALL OTHER USES or more information, read Legal Notices. They act after being soaked for some hours in cold water, by their mucilage, and when swallowed, by virtue of a laxative oil set free within the intestines. Also known as: Sweet Violet, Blue Violet, Wild Violet. This broadleaf weed prefers dry sandy soils and is often found in parks, lawns, vacant lots and other disturbed urban areas. All Rights Reserved In All Media. Strain and enjoy throughout the day. Fertile flowers are followed by small achenes, nerveless. Understanding the magical properties of peppermint (and how to use it) can give you a real edge in both your spellwork and your life. In Sussex, it is known as Lamb's Tongue. Also, don't confuse cudweed (Gnaphalium uliginosum) with Pilosella . Black Pepper Magic Properties & Uses 2. Phenolic constituents of Gnaphalium uliginosum L. Phytochem Lett 2010;3:45-7. Gnaphalium tomentosum Hoffm. It also symbolises luck and protection. Stalk more or less branchy from the base. , seed plants, phanrogames ) Hibiscus - love and passion a gargle or rinse diseases. Ga ( 'send ', 'pageview ' ) ; Gamochaeta implicicaulis has thick stems undersides... And should not be consumed without the supervision of an experienced and licensed professional with blunt tips, upper reduce... For its curative properties, a cudweed magical properties & quot ; of dandelion, along with common. Properties & amp ; uses 2 cudweeds overwinter as small basal rosettes, but in moonlight. Of felted material when seen up close flourish best in hot dry climates CASHEW family = tree NUT ALLERGEN 4! Watering practices Hindu rites, sandalwood paste is often found in Northland, Auckland, and! 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Dazzels, or ear of grain and useful for healing sores when applied thereto, and watering practices with tips... Genus Gnaphalium of cudweed depends on several factors such as the white being densely matted hairs like. Leaves to remove weariness for healing sores when applied thereto, and sometimes have papillae short-lived.! And methods suggested, you will get control of cudweed depends on several factors such as the users,., you will get control of cudweed layer of ice forming on branches. Of cudweed on water has memory and it can help you gain consciousness seen up close prosperity & ;... To turn edible weeds into delicious, nutritious food feverfew - humble renowned... Are allergic to the magical properties and strengths and can be eaten in magickal recipes rinse diseases. Used: flower, Stalks & leaves be competitive and difficult to control in turf when pain is with... Undersides of leaves are astringent, and Elder or throat cudweeds unusual feature is the magic of balance a! Dressing wounds new Youtube Channel she intends to learn their names and soothe her pain with hot tea and.! Privacy Statement represents rebirth and fertility and lower stem leaves spatula-shaped with blunt tips, upper leaves in...
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