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I wouldn’t bank on that. Some will go under and some will merge in order to survive. What a wild ride we have been on over the last thirty days. 75024. During his Democratic National Convention address last month, Biden said: “We cannot elect a man who belittles our closest allies while embracing dictators like Vladimir Putin.”. It does make for a salacious story, but the reality is quite different. Blaming China’s investments for Barbados ditching Queen is Sinophobia. Republican and Democrats alike are increasingly talking up militarism in foreign policy, and about which candidate will be stronger against “adversaries”, about who will show the world more American “power”. Like a wind-up doll constantly spewing whatever its makers programmed into it, Biden tweeted this week: “As Juan Guaidó speaks about the Venezuelan humanitarian crisis and the crimes against humanity perpetrated by Maduro, I reaffirm my commitment to stand with the Venezuelan people.

When it comes to foreign policy, Biden is little more than a Stepford wife who has simply repeated the talking points of the faction that truly runs Washington and American foreign policy. Trump uses populist language about “draining the swamp”. Well, actually, Joe, America could indeed feasibly re-elect Trump, in the same way that the Russian people have repeatedly chosen Putin over the main Communist Party opposition in Russia. And it’s not just America’s foes who bear the brunt of Biden’s policy self-centeredness.

It was the US that let down its allied partners in the deal – Britain, Germany, and France – all of which have been keen to see US sanctions dropped so they can finally normalize relations with Iran via increased commercial ties. What a wild ride we have been on over the last thirty days. Get short URL. Free handouts for the kids and we'll let them sit in the capsule …

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necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation. The headlines would have you believe the world has adapted newer technologies and our use of petroleum is about to end but it’s simply not true. It's been a couple weeks since the War Party Rides On team went to the SDBA Showdown in San Angelo, TX.

A ridiculous American conceit is seen from petty bipartisan quarreling seeking to portray foreign powers vying to influence the election outcome.

How about starting with championing democracy in Venezuela by allowing the Venezuelan people to choose their own opposition to President Nicolas Maduro? Washington’s Disgraceful Politicking Over Arms Control & Global Security, Russia’s Strategic Intervention in Syria Five Years On – An ‘Unpardonable Blow’ to U.S. The reality of the two parties of American imperialism is that they are but a rotating corporate dictatorship that is predicated on war, war and more war. Plot unknown. Powell, a former army general who notoriously helped launch the U.S. war on Iraq in 2003 with outrageous lies, told the Democratic national convention last week: “With Joe Biden in the White House, you will never doubt that he will stand with our friends and stand up to our adversaries… a president we will be proud to salute.”. Pompeo’s comedy routine consists of visiting foreign countries and meddling in their domestic affairs by telling them who they shouldn’t be doing business with  – all the while playing the victim of alleged foreign meddling in American affairs. This website uses cookies. Suite 600 Plano, TX. Because he’s stuck spewing neoconservative talking points and refuses to change his tune. Under the Trump administration (a nominal term mind you, given the deep state-controlled War Party), U.S. military aggression around the world has not stopped, as he vowed to do when he ran in the last election in 2016. If history is any indication, he risks blindly stumbling into yet another one. © Copyright 2020 - War Party Minerals Inc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_car_use_by_country, https://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/energy-economics/statistical-review-of-world-energy/renewable-energy.html, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petroleum_product. Is Australia’s Kim Jong Dan finally on the ropes? Never had a clue, was ostracized & happily dumped. In the heat of a presidential campaign, Pompeo spent last week smack-talking Cuban and Venezuelan leaders in Latin America in an attempt to drum up votes for Trump among the Venezuelan and Cuban diaspora in Florida. Partners, I hope this letter finds everyone in good health. Currently over 6,000 items are made from petroleum byproducts!

GRAND LAKE. Why? Our taxes are paid from the production and we receive the balance. necessarily represent those of the Strategic Culture Foundation. War Party Minerals 7/17/2020. Will electric cars replace the demand for the combustion engine? I can tell you there will most likely be a shuffling of the deck with some of the larger names in the E & P space. For the rest of the world knows already that neither “face” will make a difference to the core of American aggression. ... 2020 SDBA Schedule. In an op-ed earlier this month, Biden had the audacity to dictate how he’d offer Iran a “credible path back to diplomacy” – by unilaterally adding a series of pre-conditions for Iran to rejoin a multilateral agreement that was breached not by Tehran but by Washington. Should we be fear the dip in oil production has the ride ended? Empire, NATO Member Turkey Must Back Off Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict, United Nations 75 Years Old… Back to the Future, U.S. Weighs Into Mediterranean Tensions With Weapons and Hypocrisy.

Today I would like to update you on several new developments as well as answer some of the most commonly asked … The inescapable corollary of this fact is that every U.S. administration regardless of political stripe has been involved in overseas wars, subversions and proxy conflicts since at least the Second World War, if not before. First, we only purchase minerals. The answer is quite simply NO! See more ideas about Paint war party, Party, Paintball party. It’s hardly surprising, for example, that the wife of late Senator John McCain, who rarely if ever encountered a war that he didn’t support (despite being taken prisoner and tortured himself during the Vietnam War), said that she would back Biden. Minerals are real property. The views of individual contributors do not WOLF CREEK NATIONALS. Meet the Driver Owner and Crew. Left: President of Venezuela @NicolasMaduro addressing the United Nations General Assembly this evening.Right: One of Pompeo's tech support interns organizes a small zoom event so Guaido doesn't feel left out. Well for starters let’s look at a few facts. For his part, Trump claims that no-one is tougher on Russia or China than him.

Trump/Biden… Two Candidates Both Standing for War Party. There is only party standing in the forthcoming U.S. presidential election. A voting result that delegitimizes the worldview of Biden and fellow neoconservative global master planners isn’t a dictatorship. All rights reserved. Colin Powell, the former Secretary of State in the GW Bush administration, has joined other former Republicans in backing Biden. United States of Anarchy: Are Democratic leaders partnering with the rabble to dethrone Trump? Global renewable electricity generation (less hydro) is at 9.3% as of the best estimates for 2018. They know that the Democrats are more attuned to the current stylistic needs for revamping American power. Having been involved in the oil and gas industry for almost 20 years these ups and downs are part of a cyclical market that like other industries have points where there is a market correction. If … What about the byproducts of petroleum? A simple search of global market share for electric passenger cars show’s as of 2019 this average is only 2.5%.

Sometimes promises are made to the electorate about ending this or that war, but inevitably the promises are always broken.

Let me explain why we are leading our industry and why we are better positioned for these corrections in the energy market for the long term. The fact that Trump is peddling the notion that Biden is a Trojan horse for progressive leftists – who tend to be knee-jerk anti-war about as much as neoconservatives are for it – is laughable. By Rachel Marsden, columnist, political strategist and host of an independently produced French-language program that airs on Sputnik France.

Read RT Privacy policy to find out more. Her website can be found at rachelmarsden.com. This is idle conspiratorial thinking based on American paranoia and delusion. It was a grueling 3 weeks before the race. Victoria’s creeping totalitarianism is based on wild overreaction to Covid, and the rest of the world is going down the same path. But he is part of the oligarchic swamp and its deep-state manifestations, as are his Democratic petty rivals like Joe Biden. The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT. Described as an adventure film about Navy SEALS. Biden is trying to outdo Trump in talking about being “more tough” on Russia and China.

So now Guaido is resorting to doing online Zoom chats, in which he delivers a speech pretending to address the United Nations Assembly in parallel to President Maduro’s actual UN speech. At no time before have voters faced a clearer choice between two parties, two visions, two philosophies, or two agendas.”. Second, our company focuses on technology that evaluates multiple data sets with information that clues us in on the best areas of a basin to pursue and purchase. https://t.co/N2uhrYOBcx. I hope this update finds you all healthy and that that you are learning new ways to navigate our new post COVID reality as we are doing here at War Party Minerals. This last month we have seen something we have never seen in history… negative oil prices! With Tom Hardy. The team did amazing things (as usual) in that short time frame. By contrast, Biden outright supported wars in Syria, Libya, Serbia, and Iraq. Make no mistake. To be fair, Trump’s foreign policy has also left a lot to be desired. A minor difference is one of style. Perhaps someone could give Biden a sharp tap. Alongside this delusion is the expectation that he will eat Trump’s lunch during the upcoming election debates. Speakers for either party have as mandatory backdrop, the ubiquitous stars and stripes bristling with nationalism as props. This is more self-evident after the Republican national convention this week officially nominating Trump for the presidency which followed the Democratic convention last week putting forward Joe Biden as their candidate in the November election. We only pay taxes on the minerals extracted and pay nothing while it stays in the ground. Again, that is because war is an essential function of American corporate capitalism. The unspoken but nonetheless existing War Party is bipartisan. © 2010 - 2020 | Strategic Culture Foundation | There’s a trope emerging that credits Biden with being a bona fide foreign policy expert. Just as we start new Covid lockdown, marketeers flog concept of friluftsliv, the Scandi love of the great outdoors, ‘It didn’t work’: Much-hyped US-made Javelin missile FAILS during Ukrainian military drill attended by President Zelensky, Revealed: The real US election interferers who are paying off people to vote for Joe Biden, Hypocritical EU member states against migrant quotas should halt their military adventurism, Wong is Wrong - why Beijing is right to take action against the poster boy of the Hong Kong protest movement. The fact that Biden is a Democrat and McCain was a Republican is beside the point when their worldview is virtually identical. What stopped UK from developing its former colony? But in terms of foreign policy and international relations, both parties function as different brands of the de facto War Party. Literally.