offer you some of the highlights.

― Irvine Welsh, quote from Trainspotting, “Society invents a spurious convoluted logic tea absorb and change people whae's behaviour is outside its mainstream. Ah wis jist sitting thair, focusing oan the telly, tryin no tae notice the cunt. Right. You have to worry about bills, about food, about some football team that never fucking wins, about human relationships and all the things that really don't matter when you've got a sincere and truthful junk habit.”, Renton: “One thousand years from now there will be no guys and no girls, just wankers. But why would I want to do a thing like that?”

Each quote represents a book that is Not affiliated with Harvard College. will review the submission and either publish your submission or provide feedback. Nae money, cannae git pished. While it can be problematic for the average reader, such speech also presents a pretty interesting experiment for those up to the challenge.

These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh.

Much of Trainspotting actually reads a lot better if you speak it out loud. ― Irvine Welsh, quote from Trainspotting, “Society invents a spurious convoluted logic tae absorb and change people whae's behaviour is outside its mainstream. Claire Grogan’s singing ‘Don’t Talk To Me About Love’ on Radio Forth and Ma’s making lentil soup in the kitchen. We can't even pick a decent, vibrant healthy society to be colonised by. Now though, ah've goat tae concede thit mibee they cats had it sussed. Renton: “It’s shite being Scottish! ― T.M. Choose a fucking big television, choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers. The blows hit hame mair. “You need to know that I don’t give a fuck if your memory returns while I’m gone, cause it doesn’t change shit for us. . Every time ye git it thegither tae make a comeback, thir's jist a wee bit mair missin. Copyright © 1999 - 2020 GradeSaver LLC.

It was just a matter of when.

I chose not to choose life. They are always ready to drag you down tae their level of social, sexual and intellectual mediocrity.”

the BookQuoters community.