However her disappearance doesn't form the nerve centre of the story.
AMAZON GET WEEKLY BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS: ... Tweet. Quiet and intimate, the narrative engages readers early with the immediacy of the missing person tragedy, and holds attention with ordinary people who are compelling because they are familiar. SUSPENSE, by The meat came in ready-jointed, and he was just there to hand it over.”) The dairyman is increasingly pressed and depressed by the low price of milk. There were questions that weren't being asked. A newcomer presumed to be a widower turns out to be divorced, causing the gossip mill to feel “cheated.” Businesses open and close. Becky touched everyone with her absence, even those who moved to the village well after her disappearance.

The outside world creeps in as rarely as mentions of modern technology.

She is never found.

The villagers fan out across the moors as the police set up roadblocks and a crowd of news reporters descends on what is usually a place of peace. We come to realize the novel’s primary concern was always these characters and the endurance of the village as a character in its own right. Een nieuw jaar begint, en zo kruipt de tijd voorbij. Het verhaal is niet groots, maar subtiel opgezet.

The first all-clear sounded, and the birds returned noisily to the treetops. © Copyright 2020 Kirkus Media LLC. Powers received the 2013 Nona Balakian Citation for Excellence in Reviewing from the National Book Critics Circle. A missing girl - what could be more frightening? A Review of Reservoir 13 by Jon McGregor January 29, 2018.
She is not as pretentious as she sounds. We move through the years as they moved through the moors and reservoirs and abandoned sheds the first night of Becky’s disappearance. Een boek dat kan verrassen als het voor een tweede keer gelezen wordt, maar vooral grootse concentratie vraagt wanneer het voor het eerst gelezen wordt. Recensie: Reservoir 13 – Jon McGregor. In the village, windows and doors were pulled shut. Reservoir 13 is daarmee een boek dat niet voor iedere lezer is weggelegd: aandacht kan verloren gaan door het kabbelende tempo van het verhaal. The villagers eventually return to their own traditional round of activities: the New Year’s celebration, the Spring Dance, “well-dressing,” Mischief Night, Bonfire Night, sheep tupping, lambing, and so on. Reservoir 13 book. Sentences and words are rhythmically repeated. At this point it is only right to say that if you are expecting a missing-girl thriller: don’t. |

Het is midden in de winter. She drifted away from her other two children, Hanna and Jake, and eventually she and her husband, Paul, divorced. In the dead of winter, in a rural English village, a young teenage girl goes missing. All the chapters after the first begin the same way, “At midnight when the year turned,” like refrains in the stanzas of a prose poem. The adolescents who had known Rebecca form and reform into couples; they grow up, go away, come back. She's disarmed by Floyd’s charm, but when she meets his young daughter, Poppy, Laurel is startled by her resemblance to Ellie.

Een plaatsje waar toevallig een meisje is verdwenen. “They’d lost a ewe while he’d been gone. ‧ Magazine Subscribers (How to Find Your Reader Number). De herinneringen aan de verdwijning worden met de jaren minder, maar de gedachten aan haar keert toch telkens een fractie terug. Hoewel Jon McGregor een prachtig beeld geeft van de manier waarop de mens sociaal contact maakt en het leven in een samenleving, mist het gevoel dat dit verhaal ergens heengaat. ‧ Children grow up and leave, people who left come back.

Het meisje is verdwenen, maar het verhaal gaat niet primair over de … She has published the blog “Contemporary Contempt” since 2011 and explores the lives of inanimate objects at Het meisje is verdwenen, maar het verhaal gaat niet primair over de zoektocht naar haar of het onderzoek naar de dader.

THIS ISN'T THE SORT OF THING THAT HAPPENS TO SOMEONE LIKE YOU. Longlisted for the Man Booker Prize and a winner of the Costa Novel Award, both in 2017, Reservoir 13 (now in paperback) numbered among many Book of the Year lists. Nothing. En eigenlijk ook weer niet. As it does, even in extraordinary circumstances, life continues, people go on. A teenage girl has gone missing. The entire village assembles to look for her. The church was full. The police held a press conference in the function room at the Gladstone…” The ordinary constantly abuts the unexpected. Meáin Náisiúnta Seirbhíse Poiblí na hÉireann. Readers are drawn in, but held at a remove, given just enough detail to capture empathy and inspire voyeurism.